
Chapter 8 Out To Explore

When Armstrong stepped out of the cultivation chamber and felt the refreshing and unimaginable fragrance of the outside, he felt like he just rose from dead .

"Haaa." He exhaled happily.

"I didn't know that the world is so beautiful and refreshing like this." Armstrong couldn't control himself as he begun to run around.

"You haven't even seen how big and enticing this kingdom is but yet you are behaving like the world is yours." Lucas said as he shook his head.

"How do you expect me to behave after being in that cultivation chamber for 13 years without having any contact with the outside world? Armstrong asked.

Lucas smiled and said "just close your eyes and feel the peaceful and refreshing air here and see if you will get an enlightenment."

Armstrong did what his father told him by closing his eyes and breathing peacefully. He felt like there were a lot of things that he needed to know and that created an empty space in his heart which he needed to fill.

After some minutes, he opened his eyes and said to his father " how I wished I could go out of this place for an exploration on my own."

"Don't you want to familiarize yourself  in the palace and also get to know the other royal members in the palace? Asked Lucas.

"It's not I don't wanna get to know them or I don't wanna see how the place looks like but it's just that I want to explore this kingdom and get to know how things work here and also I have an empty space in my heart which I need to fill." He said

"Hmmm." Lucas sighed.

He didn't understand what he son said regarding the empty space in his heart but he didn't ask about it.

"I know that you are curious about how the kingdom looks like and what it's culture is due to the 13 years you've spent in the cultivation chamber but you should first think about your safety." Lucas tried to convince his son.

" I know that there are a lot of things out there that I have no idea about or I haven't even come across before but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't be able to survive out. You know that as a cultivator, adventure is one of the things that helps the cultivator to grow." Armstrong said

Looking at things, Lucas knew that his son had already made up his mind and there was nothing he could to change his mind.

"It seems you are more determined than I thought." Lucas said and sighed.

"Rest assure father for I'm going to be okay."

Lucas knew that for his son to grow and have experience in cultivation, he needed to be independent and not rely on anyone or his status as a prince.

"You know that it's only left with 3 years for the Ancestral Tomb to open and I want you to come back to the palace before the 3 years is due." Said Lucas helplessly.

"I know dad and I promise that I will be back to the palace by the end of next year." Armstrong said excitedly after his dad agreed to allow him to go out.

"First of all we need to put on a mask." Lucas said.

"Why do we need to put on a mask?" Armstrong asked.

"Although not many people have people have seen me before but the are still handful of them that have seen me so we need to hide our identity." He explained.

"Oh I see. By the way why are you going with me?"

"I'm taking you to someone who I can trust so that I wouldn't need to worry about your safety." Lucas answered him.

After saying that, Lucas took two black masks from his pouch and gave Armstrong one. The mask covered his mouth and nose leaving his eyes.

Both of them left the core area of the palace through a tunnel that was built as an emergency exit.

After about 30 minutes later, Armstrong saw himself in the mist of hundreds of people. He wasn't even able to open his eyes to clear view of his surrounding when he was traveling with his father due to his father's agility. But the teacher the city square, he could observe his surrounding.

"I'm I dreaming or what?"

Actually it was his first time seeing so many people like this and also it was his first of seeing women.

"So why are women so different from men with their smooth and delicate skin, their long and colorful hair, their body stature and their way of dressing?" Armstrong asked while looking at a beautiful lady who was passing in front of them.

Lucas gave Armstrong a light knock on his head and said to him "you shouldn't be thinking about beautiful girls at your age."

"So ain't I'm supposed to give complements or ask questions when I see something interesting?"

Lucas didn't answer him as he urged him to quickly follow him.

They exited the Capital city and headed towards the mountain range neared the city. After walking for several miles, the entered the mountain range where Armstrong nearly collapsed due the beautiful environment he was in.

"We need to hurry up because I need to get back to the palace before sunset."

After saying that, Lucas held Armstrong's hand and begun to run fast again.

Few minutes later, Armstrong saw a majestic sect built upon a mountain. He couldn't believe his eyes.

When they reached the entrance of the sect, Lucas took the necklace that was around his neck and placed it around Armstrong's neck and said to him

"I'm leaving you here so and if they come for you, show her the necklace and she will not kill you."

Armstrong was confused because he didn't understand why his father was saying that.

"What do you mean she will not kill me when I show her the necklace?" Armstrong asked.

"You will know when the come out for you."

After saying that, Lucas left Armstrong with an astonishing speed that will make one think that he vanished.

"I never thought that I was going to be lonely so soon."

Few minutes after Lucas left, the gates of the sect's entrance opened and two beautiful young girls came out with a frown on their faces. Both of them were Peak Mist Refinement Realm cultivators.

"May I know what a lowly mortal kid like you is on the land of the Holy Maidens Sect?" One of the girls asked with an irritated voice.

"First of all, what is the Holy Maidens Sect and also I'm not a mortal boy rather I'm a proud cultivator." Armstrong's said.

"Hahaha. How can you be a cultivator?" The other girl asked Armstrong as if she was mocking him.

"And for the stepping in the forbidden land of men, it is only death that awaits you." One of the girls said.

"What do you mean by the forbidden land of men? Armstrong couldn't help but to ask.

"Don't you know that men aren't supposed to step on the land of the Holy Maidens Sect?" She asked.

"Actually it was my dad who brought me here and he said if you guys come for me, I should show this necklace to her and she would not kill me." Armstrong explained and showed them the necklace.

"You think you can fool us with this necklace?

Just like all evil men who came here were captured and punished, you will also suffer the same faith." After the girl finished saying that, she darted towards Armstrong with a clenched fists.

"Momentum Fist!!!"


She thought Armstrong would be sent flying by he fist attack but to her surprise, Armstrong was still standing in his original position without even moving a inch and one thing she also couldn't believe was that, even with Qi flowing through her vein and making her muscles strong, she still felt pain in her fist after hitting Armstrong.

"Are you a monster or what? The girl who attacked Armstrong asked.

"I didn't know ladies could be that aggressive."

Armstrong said with a grin on his face.

"You think just countering my attack with your body makes you omnipotent?

With both I and my martial sister, we can kill you easily." Said the girl furiously.

"Can you please stop wasting time and take me inside for me to see who my father wants me to meet?" Armstrong asked seemingly annoyed.

"In your dreams." Said the other girl angrily as she punched Armstrong on his chest. Her fellow martial sister also joined her to fight against Armstrong.

After exchanging blows for about 10 minutes, the girls couldn't keep up with Armstrong because they were tired and their refined Qi were depleting as well as their stamina.

"I guess we need to go and call our senior sisters to come and deal with this demon." One of the girls said.

"No need to do that, you just bring him inside." Said a sweet yet a mysterious boi that could travel miles.

The girls were confused because ever since the Holy Maidens Sect was established, no man had had the opportunity and privilege to enter but today, their Matriarch asked them to bring an unknown guy into the sect.