
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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199 Chs

Special Christmas Chapter

A/N Merry Christmas to you all. If you are traveling do be safe. I have decided sense Christmas is this weekend, I would go on ahead and post this chapter early.

Drake was 5 years old and he wanted a Clue board for Christmas. It was a little more than what his mother could afford.

"Hey momma I want this for Christmas." Drake pointed to the Clue board game.

"Why don't you write it to Santa?" His mom asked.

"I would rather it be from you." Drake was smiling when he said this.

"My sweet child." Drake's mother hugged him.

The first two weeks of December Drake's mother did work overtime to get the money to pay for the Clue board game.

On December 15th Drake got a little money from his friend's parents to find something for his mom.

"I have 100 yen. I wonder what I could get for mom." Drake was talking to himself and to his friend at the same time.

They started shopping. Drake could not find anything until they went into female clothing shop.

There was a woman standing in the front. She did not want the kids to be unattended.

"Hey where are your parents?" The woman asked.

"My mom is working overtime to help pay for me to get Clue board game." Drake told the woman.

"My parents told me to walk with him to find something for his mom." His friend said right after Drake finished.

This made the woman glad.

"Well, why don't I help you?" The woman had a genuine smile.

"What do you think would be good?" Drake asked.

The woman went to the counter and told her boss something. The woman behind the counter looked towards the entrance and saw Drake and his friend.

She smiled and waved for the woman to go.

The woman led Drake and his friend over to a normal clothing shop.

Drake and his friend did their best to explain how Drake's mom looked. She went over and found a dress. She showed it to Drake.

"How much is it?" Drake did not want to spend too much.

"Do you want to give it to your mother?" The woman smiled.

"I would like to but I only have 100 yen." Drake was getting a little upset.

"This is my gift to you." She smiled at Drake.

Drake was happy. He did not know what to think.

Drake, his friend, and the woman went through the register. Drake saw the dress costed 458 yen.

Drake's mouth dropped because it was so much more expensive.

The woman grabbed the bag and the trio exited.

"Now dear. I know this was expensive but I'm glad you like it." The woman smiled and walked back to her store.

Drake and his friend did not catch her name but decided to follow her back slowly.

By the time they reached the store, they saw the woman had been stabbed to death by a man.

They did not want to get anymore involved but knew they would.

Once the police arrived, they found Drake and his friend both crying on each other's shoulder.

The police went over to them and asked, "What is wrong kids?"

"She," Snif, "helped," Snif, "Christmas," Drake could not finish what he was saying but the police officer got the jest of it.

"Do not worry kid." The officer smiled.

Drake was not worrying about anything. He was just extremely sad.

"We need to inform the mafia of her death." The officer looking at her body whispered to the officer talking to Drake and his friend.

So the kids got a ride back to home with the police officer.

The officer walked them back to the friend's house. The officer knocked.

The kids went to the bedroom while the police explained everything to the parents.

The officer got told where Drake's mother was working and headed that way.

Drake showed the dress to his friend's mom. She was surprised how much that woman spent on that dress.

It was not very long but it looked very nice.

She wrapped it up for Drake. Drake headed back to his house.

He hid it behind his bookcase. His dad had made it for him. While they were still together.

Christmas morning came and Drake got the present out for his mom.

He waited patiently for his mom to wake up. Once his mom came in.

"Merry Christmas." The both of them said in unison.

Drake handed his mom her present.

She opened it and found the dress. She did not ask how Drake got the money for it but hugged him.

Drake got handed his present and he opened to find the Clue board game he wanted.

He hugged his mother. Drake then went to find what Santa had brought him.

Drake had gotten some snacks, candy, a figure of a well known fighter that likes the number 4 golden ball and Sorry board game.

Drake was happy with his Christmas.

BAM BAM BAM on the door.

Drake's mother opened the door.

"We hear someone around here was the last to see this woman alive." The man showed a picture of the woman.

Drake went over and saw the picture.

Drake was scared. The man and his mother both saw how scared Drake was.

"What is wrong dear?" His mother already knew.

"She was the one to buy your gift." Drake was almost crying.

The man looked down and bent down and looked Drake in the eyes.

"Boy. Did she seem nice?" The man wanted to know.

"She was extremely nice to me and my friend." Drake wanting to tell the truth.

"Boy. I am happy you saw her good side." The man smiled and offeres to take them out to eat the next day.

The following day, it started to snow.

They entered a fast food restaurant. The man ordered the meal.

"Boy. The woman who you saw was my sister. I am glad you are the one who my sister interacted with last." The man wanted them to know.

Once the meal was over they went back their separate ways. Drake asked his mom to take him to her grave.

Drake went and bowed and talked with her like a normal person.

"Miss. I met your brother today. Yesterday he came over to meet me and my mother. My mom was happy with the dress." Drake finished.

While they walked to the grave, and Drake talked the snow stopped. Once he was done talking the snow started up again.