
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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199 Chs

Chapter 98 The letter by Drake

They both returned to the house. Drake went upstairs to write the letter.

"What happened?" June asked.

"We went swimming." Nightingale said.

"Why swimming?" May asked.

"Drake made a weird piece of clothing that covered the entire body. He needed it for swimming." Nightingale replied.

"The river he dug should not be that deep." Drake's father said.

"Drake made it deeper." Nightingale said with a worried look.

"Why would Drake make the river deeper?" May asked.

"I do not know. He received a letter from Medusa and has been trying to get everything done." Nightingale guessed at his attention.

"I will go see." May said. She got up and went upstairs.

Getting to his room she saw him writing a letter.

"My boy is writing a letter back to Medusa?" May thought.

She did not disturb Drake and waited for him to finish.

Drake's pov

Drake got upstairs and laid down on his bed after grabbing a quill, some ink, paper, and a hardback book.

"Dear Amelia,

How are you doing? I know this is sudden but with the Dukes coming down. I need to increase my population to 600. I cannot do it myself. The river in the back connects to the sea. So I was wondering if I could get 300 merfolk to move down. I will happily build houses for them if that is what it takes. I was also wondering if I could also make a copy of your castle. I need to make an attraction and I thought about that and the merfolk moving down. That would be a great deal for me. I know you may not be willing to do that. I need to try because I only have a month before the Dukes come down. If you agree to do it, we will hold a festival in your name for the agreement between our communities. I really won't know what to say if you agree to it but thank you.

I love you my sweet thing,


Drake had the letter written. He folded it down so Kawaii could put in her pocket to give to Amelia.

Drake got up and turned around and saw his mother standing in the doorway.

"MOOOOOOM!" Drake was scared.

"Are you okay honey?" May asked.

"I'm sorry you just scared me." Drake said.

"What did Medusa tell you?" May was curious.

"We need to become Nobility and the Dukes are coming in a month." Drake told her.

"We have a month to prepare?" May was stunned.

"I am sorry but I do need to see Kawaii. I will explain everything a little bit later." Drake said and ran to Kawaii.

Getting to Kawaii, Drake explained the letter and why it was important.

"I will deliver it with the most careful and highest speed." Kawaii said.

"Thank you." Drake replied.

Kawaii left. She went as fast as she could and was still careful to deliver this to Amelia in the World Tree.

"Amelia." Kawaii asked.

"She went back to her Castle." Aura said.

"Why now?" Kawaii was upset.

"What is wrong?" Aura asked.

"I have to deliver this letter to her." Kawaii said.

"I see." Aura replied.

Aura called for the high council and got on the call with Amelia.

"Drake sent you a letter and I know it has to do with Medusa making him a Duke." Aura said.

"Guards leave." Amelia said.

When no one was in the room with Amelia.

"Alright. There is no one here." Amelia said.

"High council this letter that will be read is highly classified and if anyone spreads this around it will be your death." Aura said.

Aura opened the letter and began to read the letter out loud.

"Dear Amelia,

How are you doing? I know this is sudden but with the Dukes coming down. I need to increase my population to 600. I cannot do it myself. The river in the back connects to the sea. So I was wondering if I could get 300 merfolk to move down. I will happily build houses for them if that is what it takes. I was also wondering if I could also make a copy of your castle. I need to make an attraction and I thought about that and the merfolk moving down. That would be a great deal for me. I know you may not be willing to do that. I need to try because I only have a month before the Dukes come down. If you agree to do it, we will hold a festival in your name for the agreement between our communities. I really won't know what to say if you agree to it but thank you.

I love you my sweet thing,

Drake." Aura ended.

"Now that I have read this letter what are your intentions Amelia?" Aura asked.

"Of course. For Drake everything is an absolute yes." Amelia responded.

"How many merfolk will you get to move down?" Aura asked.

"400." Amelia replied.

"How many could fit inside your castle if need be?" Aura asked.

"Roughly 200." Amelia responded.

"We will send help to Drake's village for the arrival of the merfolk." Aura said.

"I have but one question. How much are we going to be helping Drake?" A high council elf asked.

"We will give him everything he absolutely needs or absolutely wants." Aura said.

"Of course Queen Aura." The high council elf set back down.

"Also prepare 100 Elves to move down as well. I will not allow one sided breach to infect what we have built over the last few thousand years." Aura said.

"Where will the elves we send live?" Another High council elf asked.

"There is a mountain and we can modify trees to live there." Aura said.

"Very well." The High council Elf replied.

The council went to get 100 elves. Only Aura and Amelia were left.

"I am proud of Drake asking you Amelia but why not ask all of us?" Aura was saddened.

"Probably because I could get it done the fastest and changing the landscape is easy for Drake." Amelia said.

"You are right but I wish he would have asked for more help though." Aura said.

"Maybe he was going to." Amelia said.

"Well, that plan went down the drain now." Aura chuckled.

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