
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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199 Chs

Chapter 82 Drake vs Pope starts

The morning of the finale of the tournament

In the Pope's office

"Are you worried Pope?" The fourth guardian asked.

"I am only worried about not doing enough to attract the attention of the crowd." The Pope replied mono-tone.

"You need to relax more and be more cheerful." The fourth guardian said and left.

"Well, it is time to head out to the colosseum." The Pope said to himself and got up.

He and the four guardians all headed to the colosseum.

In the inn

"Drake honey." Aura was already up.

"Hmm." Drake was barely awake.

"Today is the start of your big tournament." Aura is trying to wake him up.

"Five..." Drake got an arm across his mouth.

Aura stared a hole in Amelia. Who just covered Drake's mouth.

"Why is it always like this?" Aura thought.

Thinking back a few times when Drake needed to get up he was always a little late getting up.

Knock, Knock

"Who is it?" Drake said still half asleep.

"Number three I was curious if you knew the fight starts in twenty minutes Drake?"

"Damnit!!" Drake's voice was a little loud.

Drake jumped up and ran out the door.

Number three was surprised that Drake was dressed.

"We need to hurry." Drake grabbed her arm.

"Wa..." Number three could not finish before Drake started running.

Even though Drake was holding back he really wanted to run around. Number three still felt like the entire world spun at great speeds.

Just two seconds later, the duo was standing in front of the colosseum.

Drake's smile was predatory. Drake was not only excited but also a little afraid.

"I know fighting the Pope will not be easy but if it is who I think it is then I'm fucked." Drake figured that the Pope was Hero Unknown. If his reasoning was right then he did not know how strong he is at this moment in time.

Number three was there trying to recover before Drake gave her a princess carry to the room where she needed to finish getting ready for her reveal.

Meanwhile in the inn

"Even though our husband is already at the colosseum. We need to hurry over there Amelia." Aura was upset that Amelia was not waking.

"Do not worry we will wake her up. Just go to the colosseum." Nightingale had entered when Drake ran out.

Aura left. She was upset but she still wanted to be there for Drake.

Giving Aura a minute to leave and go downstairs. Nightingale slapped Amelia.

"Whap happed?" Amelia rubbed her cheek.

"Drake's match starts in a minute." Nightingale told her.

Amelia immediately woke up and slapped Nightingale. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

Amelia was upset.

"Aura tried 'Sleeping Queen'." Nightingale replied.

The title of Sleeping Queen was given while Amelia was in the process of gathering the other mermaid cities and would sleep through nearly everything.

"Damn she didn't try hard enough." Amelia was upset.

Amelia ran to the closet and stripped. Grabbing her Royal Mermaid clothing. She used a little mana to get the clothes on.

Once she had her clothes on, she made a bubble around her head and washed up. No one could tell that she had just woken up.

"Let's go." Amelia was in Royalty mode now.

"Why can't you always be like this?" Nightingale whispered.

"What is wrong?" Amelia asked walking down the hallway.

"Nothing." Nightingale replied and hurried to walk with Amelia.

To the Pope

The Pope was walking down and people bowed giving respect. However no one was wanting to talk to the Pope.

A little boy came up, his clothes completely ragged and he was dirty. Some people would say the boy was working and came up. Others would say he was homeless. The Pope stopped.

"Sir Pope. My mother is ill. Is there something you can do to help here?" The boy was on the verge of tears.

"Guardians go get this boy's mother and bring her to the colosseum." The Pope commanded.

"Yes Sir." All the guardians replied.

"Boy, I cannot make any promises. Me and my opponent will do our best." The Pope rubbed the boy's head.

"I thank you." The boy bowed and led the guardians to where his mother is.

"I hope one of us can help your mother." The Pope thought.

Even though it was still about an hour before the tournament started. The Pope thought that Drake would be there earlier than what he got there.

Once the Pope got to the medical room in the colosseum. It was nearly ten minutes before the guardians and the boy got there. It was nearly thirty minutes before Drake showed up.

The Pope tried and actually helped the woman look a little better but the Pope knew it was not enough. The guardians went next so the Pope did not use all of his mana trying to heal her.

No one could do much until Drake arrived.

Once it was twenty minutes until the start. The guardians and the Pope all could tell Drake had been holding back by how much force came through the colosseum.

"Damn how strong is he?" The first guardian thought.

"I hope the Pope is stronger." The second guardian thought

'It will be an interesting match to say the least." The third guardian thought.

"Hero Unknown vs himself. It makes for an interesting match I think." The fourth guardian thought with a smile.

The Pope went and got Drake.

Right inside the colosseum

Drake was giving a princess carry. Drake was heading to the healing room. He wanted to make sure that number three was looking good.

"Drake." Drake heard his name and looked up towards the end of the hallway.

Seeing the Pope come, Drake stopped and waited for the Pope to come to him.

Hearing what happened from the Pope, Drake decided to help them out.

Drake and the Pope made it to the healing room.

Drake laid number three next to the mother.

Drake then used Heal on both the women.

The boy was excited. He went up to each person and thanked them from the bottom of his heart.

Once the mother got up she hugged her son.

She stood up and turned around, "What is the cost of healing me?"

The mother knew nothing was free and that she would most likely have to pay with her body. She was willing to do so because her son had actually gotten her help.

The Pope turned to her and said, "Make sure to cheer in the arena for both of us alright." The Pope said and he left with the guardians.

After they left. She turned towards Drake.

Number three spoke up for Drake, "Suck him before the match starts."

The woman was shocked that the woman spoke up for Drake.

"What do you mean?" Drake grabbed number three's head.

"It is alright." The woman replied.

She took off her ragged pants, her panties were dirty but one could tell that they were blue. She then removed her shirt and showed boobs they were almost B- cups. She was not wearing any bra.

Then she got on her knees and took off Drake's pants and underwear. Started to lick him.

Once Drake was hard, the woman tried to take in everything but could not. She started to cry because of it.

Drake released number three's head and focused on the woman sucking him. He could tell she was trying her best.

Number three went around to the boy.

"How old are you?" Number three asked.

"Almost fifteen." The boy replied.

"So his growth has been stunned." Number three thought.

"Make sure to watch your mother okay." Number three commanded.

"Why?" The boy asked.

"Sometimes help is not free. When it is you will be thankful when it is not. Stuff like this will happen." Number three wanted to teach the boy.

"Thank you so much." The boy bowed.

He got right beside his mother. Watching her he felt something weird with his body.

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