
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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Chapter 65 Getting used to the World View

Drake then tried to move his gaze to the Pope. He wanted to know who he was. Drake never could see him clearly.

"It seems the Pope is me?" Drake said but he could not say for 100 percent certainty.

"You are correct."

"Damn it seems like I need to get stronger." Drake knew having part of his strength sealed was not good for this fight.

"You can beat him like this."

"Really?" Drake did not think he was strong enough.

"He currently is 20 percent weaker than you. If you allow him to train he will regain that 20 percent and probably gain another 5 percent higher stats."

"Well Fuck." It was Drake could think to say.

"Do you feel weak or anything?"

"Actually I feel like I'm slowly getting stronger." Drake could not tell why but he did think he was getting stronger.

"That is the wrong answer. However you are the current Hero and god of Balance. So it seems like you gained more power using this. Did you get it from the people inside of you?"

"People inside of me?" Drake did not know who these people were.

"Yes. Your Dragon, the person controlling the seals, and the first half blooded Dragon."

"Person controlling seals?" Drake was going to ask about each one individually.

"Yes that person controls all of the seals in the world."

"Okay. How do I meet him?"

"Use the World's View to see inside of yourself."

"Anything special I have to do to use it on myself?"

"Of course. Get used to using the World's View."

Drake continued to use the World's View. He could watch everyone and everything. He truly felt horrible for the way he used the World's View. He watched Chusi and wanting to change what has happened to her.

"Do you wish to change what happened to her?"

"How do I do that?" Drake was really wanting to change what happened to her.

"Use the time feature and when you exit here. You can go to whatever time you chose."

"Where will I appear?"Drake wanted to know so he can get her back.

"You can choose where you want to exit."

"Wait for me Chusi." Drake was getting excited to be able to meet her again.

Drake continued to watch everything he was truly happy seeing everyone he cared about. Even though Chusi was being treated like trash, he could save her. This time nothing was going to stop him.

Slowly Drake's eyes became draconic and he could even hear what people were saying.

"His mastery is even greater than his personal spirit."

Drake was doing nothing but watch and he heard someone calling him from within.

"Who is this?" Drake went inside his mind.

"I am the one who made the gods have their power. Because of that I have become a Half Blooded Dragon." The man showed himself.

Drake thought he was Death for a minute before seeing his draconic eyes.

"If I could use my draconic power with Death's power could I become like him in the Pope Battle." Drake was thinking hard.

"Of course my power is being absorbed by you every second. Not just because you have a Dragon inside of you but because who are the symbol of neverending strength." The man showed a great smile. Vampiric teeth were upfront and draconic teeth were behind.

"Can you read my mind?" Drake did not like his mind being probed so much.

"I can sense it like this but if you are out. I will know everything." The man showed a glimpse of what was behind him.

"A Dragon Skull Throne?" Drake was surprised.

"Not only that." The man snapped his fingers.

Suddenly several women came out. From what Drake saw one looked like Medusa, another was Ariel and the final one looked like Chusi. They were upfront.

Behind them one that looked like Nightingale, behind her looked her sisters, one that looked like June was beside Nightingale and behind her was one that looked like May. Beside June was one that looked like Aura and behind her was one that looked like Tara. The final one looked like the female Elder Dragon she was beside Aura. Behind them all was a maid that looked like the woman who looked like Chusi.

"Why do they look like the women I care about?" Drake was upset.

"Because you have my blood inside of you." The man ripped off his left index finger.

Drake was dumbfounded. He did not think anyone would just rip off a finger.

"Focus on my finger."

Drake did and he saw everything from a different point of view then his own. Like he was watching a movie of his life from a bird.

Drake did not want to continue but he did so anyways. Suddenly a dark shadow covered the planet and demanded that Drake fight. When the fight happened he felt like he had lost power.

Then the man slapped Drake back into reality.

"Damn he saw much more than what I wanted." The man did not care if Drake heard him or not.

"What was that shadow?" Drake was breathing heavily and could not get a breath even trying to slow down.

"Did he truly witness that shit?" The man thought.

Drake looked over to the World and said, "All curses that affect me. BE GONE NOW."

Once Drake said it several black spots appeared on the planet.

Drake could feel his power leaving him but Drake still stood there not wanting to give into anything.

Drake stood there nearly three days before the dark spots disappeared. Once they disappeared, Drake passed out on his feet.

"He is truly someone worth getting my entire bloodline." The man slowly become a single blood cell and entered Drake's mouth.

Drake's power increased a little but no where near enough for Hero Unknown not to catch up.

Drake did not know how much time passed but that he just woke up for whatever reason.

"Master. You have now gotten the World's View Mastery over the entire world. You can change anything and everything. It cannot affect you personally though."

"What about my family?"

"It can because it does not affect yourself."

Drake decided to rewind time to when he met the people meeting Chusi. He was going to have them resurrect Chusi for him.

He then exited. Returning to when he just opened the door and met the people.

"Please enter." Drake told them first.

They wanted to talk first but Drake grabbed them and threw them on the bed.

"This man." The woman thought.

Drake got in front of them and said, "Chusi has died. I need you two to resurrect her."

That surprised them. They did not think he would be so demanding.

"What if we refuse?" The man asked.

"Then I will rewind time and met you again. Using one of you to remember the other one's death." Drake was going to get her back no matter what.

"We can use a forbidden technique to resurrect her. However we need to know what race she is?" The woman knew less then ten people knew what she was.

"Half Dragon Half Phoenix." Drake said with a smile.

They immediately looked at Drake like something was wrong.

"How did you know?" The woman was furious.

"I already told you. I can rewind time at almost a moments notice." Drake was going to try and send her there and make her watch what happened to Chusi.

"Damn Punk." The man grabbed Drake's throat and started to choke Drake.

Drake let out his Royal Dragon Roar. This startled the man enough that Drake was able to knock him out.

The Elders all heard Drake's roar and ran to the house.

The woman stood there not knowing what to do with a Royal Dragon standing in front of her.

"Bring her back now." Drake was getting upset and very demanding.

"Of course. Royal Dragon. What is your name?" The woman needed to know his name.

"Drake. You will also stay by my side."

She did not try to fight it. Angering a Royal Dragon was something on her not to-do list. She reached into her cloak and grabbed a little case. She opened the case and a large egg appeared.

"Chusi will be revived in that egg." Drake was anxious for her to be revived.

"Yes and no. Yes she will grow in the egg but once she reaches a certain point, she will exit into another space." The female explained.

"Enter another space?" Drake could not imagine her doing that.

"Yes it is to see if she will retain her memories or not." The female again explained.

"Could I use the World View to keep her memories?" Drake was trying to ask the man he met.

"Master, if you want her to retain her memories it is has easy has telling her to retain her memories."


Drake walked over to the egg and said, "Chusi it is me, Drake, I promise to protect and love you. So please retain your memories." Drake then kissed the egg.

He knew he could not tell where she would be but at least he knew where she would come from.

Drake then closed his eyes waiting for Chusi to return. Once he did he entered the World View's area inside his mind.

"Can I now get to it by just closing my eyes?" Drake was curious.

"Master has become too powerful in using this. You can enter here just walking with no intention."

"Damn. Well I guess I have to be careful now." Drake did not want to be able to just enter here without a reason.

"You can set rules up for yourself."

"Really how?"

"You just say what you want."

Drake was surprised how easy it was for him to make rules.

"Rule 1 I cannot enter without specific words to enter here" Drake did not want to always be able to enter and not want to

"Rule 1 Drake cannot enter here without confirmation"

"Rule 2 Help me whenever I need it" Drake did not know how much help he would get.

"Error Rule 2 cannot be activated this place always has to help Master"

Drake did not care about setting any other rules for now he got what he wanted.

Drake opened his eyes and returned to his house. He saw Chusi there. He was happy.

Chusi looked at Drake and was surprised to see him happy. She did not know what had happened. She could remember horrible things happening to her.

Drake rushed to her and hugged her tightly. Chusi was not ready for a hug that tight.

"What do you remember Chusi?" Drake was going to erase part of her memories so she did not have to think about it.

"I remember feeling horrible. Someone close hurt me and sent me to the Ritocian Royal Family." She could not try to remember anything else because she would instantly remember the pain.

He grabbed Chusi and the woman. They exited the house.

"World View" Drake whispered.

Drake reentered the World View area. Beside of him was Chusi and the woman. Drake turned his attention to the woman.

"Woman you are now my maid." Drake told her. She gladly accepted the role.

Drake then turned his attention to Chusi.

"Chusi I am going to erase the horrible part of your memories okay?" Drake did not want her to remember.

"Let me see who betrayed me first." She did not want to be overbearing.

"Help me check her memories to see who betrayed her." Drake remembered it was the guy but he was going to let her see it for herself.

They watched has the man betrayed the small tribe of Half Blooded Dragons. Chusi fought against the Slave Traders but lost due to his interference.

"Let me remember to kill him please." Chusi wanted to kill that man.

"Alright and all your bad memories will be banished alright?" Drake smiled.

"Of course."

They returned to the house in the Dragon Clan.

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