
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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199 Chs

Chapter 56 Drake makes a promise

In the store

"I made a promise not to look at other people's status without their consent. I truly want people to be on equal ground." Drake was talking to himself. No one else was in the shop and he had closed it early.

Drake decided to cool down. He wanted nothing more than to understand that he will get his stuff done.

So Drake started looking at the papers in the office. He found some interesting deals that number three made.

"So this first deal is about getting ore from the sea. The ore is called aquacore. This ore is special to the southern part near the edge of the continent." Drake found this interesting. Drake wanting to see and hear what he is reading.

"So the second deal is about traveling expensive of the ore. It cost roughly 1,000 gold. The carts are extremely tough to keep up." Drake did not understand why the carts would not be able to keep up.

"This third deal is the other ore quartz. So this ore is mainly used to keep the carts from getting crushed by carrying the ore." Drake did not know why it was like this.

Seeing these deals, Drake decided to go to the workshop where the carts are maintenanced. After talking to a few people, he found out that the workshop is near the sea.

Drake did not know what to do. So he made the decision to talk and see what happens.

Number one and three were the first to arrive. Number twenty-two was trying to be secret in following them. He did not like that Number one was always within eye sight of number three.

Number twenty-two finally decided to get some information. He wanted to know why they were so close.

Unknowingly, Drake was constantly using Wind Magic to follow number twenty-two. Number twenty-two entered a bar and ordered a special beer. He called Cool Day Beer. No one was in the bar, so he went straight into the back. Once there, he slid a book on the second shelf fifth from the right.

Entering in a magic alarm went off. Number twenty-two was killed there.

Drake did not know why he knew that something was wrong.

Drake explained everything to the two of them. He wanted them to know why he was trying to figure out stuff.

Drake also had a gut feeling that number twenty-two did not die. Drake remembers the red-eyed guy from the colosseum.

Drake went into the bar. He ordered the same has number twenty-two. He entered the room. The alarm went back off but Drake killed the guys that killed number twenty-two.

Drake went deep inside and found a small office. Once Drake entered, number twenty-two was sitting on a chair doing paperwork.

Drake smiled because he now knew who was behind most of the paperwork from the shop.

Number twenty-two got upset that Drake did not say anything. Number twenty-two got up and turned around and knew he had fucked up.


"I am here to claim a promise."

"A promise?"

"Yes. Your death." Drake was smiling evilly. He knew death would be the last thing on his mind.

Number twenty-two tried to escape but got his arms and legs blown off by Drake's punch.

Drake used 'Walking Temple' to keep number twenty-two barely alive so he could get info.

"Who is your ruler?" Drake knew a little but wanted to get more information.

Number twenty-two spit in Drake's face.

"How many balls do you have?" Drake wanted to crush them to make him squeal.

"Huh?" Number twenty-two did not know why he would get asked such a question.

Drake kicked number twenty-two in the balls and crushed both of them.

Number twenty-two yelled, "YOU FUCKING DICK SHIT. JUST WAIT UNTIL MY," Number twenty-two got shut off by Drake crushing his metallic dick.

"FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. YOU ARE A FUCKING PIECE OF DICK SHIT." Number twenty-two now wanted to die. He had never in his life been so humiliated.

"Do not worry. Your balls and maybe dick will grow back." Just has Drake was talking number twenty-two looked down and could feel his dick and balls growing back.

Drake saw number twenty-two looking down and Drake used his foot to feel. He felt them grow back too. He thought this was going to be an interesting.

Number twenty-two tried to do anything so Drake would have to work harder. Drake just put his left foot on number twenty-two's chest.

"This is what is going to happen. I am going to keep you in so much pain that once it is over. You will not even accept life anymore." Drake gave him his pinkie finger up for the promise.

Drake started the real torture. Number twenty-two lasted nearly three days before he gave up. Drake was surprised but in the end. No new information was given and Drake just erased his existence.

Drake heads back to the store.

In the store

"Why has the boy been missing?" Number one asked.

"I do not know. If he does not show up today, what will we do?"

"We will figure it out."

The two waited. They had operated the store and Drake and number twenty-two had been missing for three days. They were anxious not knowing what to do.

Suddenly Drake enters the shop, the two bow to Drake. They welcomed him has they would any customer the couple of customers also saw Drake enter. The customers decided to leave.

Seeing the customers leave. Drake walks over to the couple and starts to explain what he did.

The couple was now terrified of Drake. Thinking he could easily do that. They wanted nothing to do with Drake.

Drake holds out his pinky and says, "Where I come from there is a way to make a promise. It is called a pinkie promise. I promise to completely wipe out your group. However, I need you to survive number one." Drake decided to give him a chance and used his right arm.

"I promise to protect you. What I need from you is to watch the store and write down anyone who tries to bring trouble in here." Drake used his left arm for this deal with number three.

Making the promise he keeps his Wind Magic circling around so he knows if anything happens. He wants to trust them but he doesn't know if he truly can. After thinking a while, he decides to look at their status.

Name Number One

Race Ritocian

Status Boss of former god of Balance's group/ friend to Drake/ Number Three's best friend

Str 50,543

Mana 55,278

Mana Control 76,412

Speed 30,000

Defense 65,100

Favorite Weapons: None

Skills: None without former god of Balance approval

Name Number Three

Race Ritocian

Status member of former god of Balance's group/ Concubine to Drake/ Best Friend to Number One/

Str 12,000

Int Increases when Spider is not horny, decreases when Spider is horny, Increases during sexual activity, decreases when Spider exits or enters the body

Mana 1,234

Mana Control 15,000

Speed 3,009

Defense 13,766

Favorite Weapons: Number One, Drake

Skills: None without approval from former god of Balance

Seeing their status makes Drake feel better but he knows he needs to tell them. So he decided before he left to talk a little more and explain some powers he has to them. The last being able to see their status. They were okay with it. Drake had made a promise to the both of them and seeing how strong they are helps him.

Drake needed to understand the Spider. So he asked," Number Three what is the Spider inside of you?"

She hid behind number one and he did all the explaining, "That Spider is something that the 'Ruler' gave me. It was a once only deal because I hated everyone who he made me get into the group. The Spider makes sure she is not trying to hurt me or another member physically."

Drake understood a little about the Spider and asked, "Where does it normally stay at?"

Number three and number one did not want to talk about it but seeing no one in the shop. Number three dropped her pants and panties to reveal where the Spider stayed.

Drake was extremely upset at where that Spider stayed. He wanted nothing more then to destroy there. He got stopped by number one.

"If it gets damaged before the group is destroyed. She will die." Number one knew this was the only way to protect number three.

"Are you being truthful?" Drake instincts told him a lie was being said.

"It is what the 'Ruler' told me." Number one knew he was lying but he truly did not know what would happen otherwise.

"I hope it will be because she might die otherwise." Drake's instincts were telling him to destroy the Spider. He was willing to listen to someone who thinks of him has a friend.

Drake left leaving the two alone and number three started crying.

Drake left his Wind Magic up. He was going to protect them like he promised.

Back inside the store the two were talking.

"Number three please do not worry." Number one wanted her to be okay.

"The only way to get rid of this is for your death. I do not want to lose you." Number Three took her time saying this in between her tears.

"I will find another way, I promise." Number one held his pinkie finger up. It was his left one, he wanted the promise to be kept apart like Drake did.

Number three held up her right one. She saw number one trying to keep the promises separate and she liked that idea too.

Drake had heard everything because he used his Holy Fairy. He could use it for eyes and ears.

Drake was upset. He decided to keep the both of them alive and completely destroy their 'Ruler'.

Drake walks out of the village and once out and away from everyone.

Drake speaks out, "I, Drake, future god of Balance promise to completely destroy whoever is their boss."

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