
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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199 Chs

Chapter 53 Meeting 'That' Man

A week after Number one met up with Drake. There is a person walking down a road. The person has a huge cloak and heading towards a big building.

Nearing the entrance, there was a few guards.

"Excuse me, who are you?" One of the guards tried talking to the person.

The person did not respond. He simply handed a piece of paper to the guard.

The paper read, "Lead me to the Pope".

The guard then said, "Excuse me for a minute. I will have to ask one of the guardians to lead you."

The person got upset but did not want to stop the guard. The person really wanted to meet the Pope.

The person waited there for almost thirty minutes. The person's patience was almost gone when a guardian came out.

"Who are you? No one is allowed to meet with the Pope until after the Pope Battle." The guardian said.

The guardian stood about 2 meters tall. Had very broad shoulders and think arms. His chest looked like a barrel, with his legs each being complete muscle. His face had several scars. The most noticable one was across the eyes. His brown eyes staring back like an eagle.

"I am 'That' man." The person responded.

The guardian had heard a little from the Pope about him. What little he did hear it was mainly, "Do not try and stop that person".

The guardian told the man, "I presume you will not misbehave in this place right?" The guardian was glaring.

"I only need to talk to the Pope. Will you lead me or not?" The man's patience was completely gone and was willing to kill everyone around.

"If you try anything funny. The Pope will throw you out. So let me ask again, You will not misbehave right?" The guardian getting a vocal confirmation to make sure he can tell the Pope. This guardian likes to hear people make their promises.

"I will not do anything if I get to talk to the Pope." The man now did not have any reason to talk back. He truly wanted to talk to the Pope.

"Good. Remember your promise." The guardian made sure the man followed him to the T. He had to make sure this building and the Pope were protected.

They went down several stairs into a very protected floor. Even if the Pope went on a rampage this building would be protected.

They entered a room and went to the window. Looking down they could see the Pope training. It looked like he was training his mana powers. He wanted to prepare for anything coming up in the Pope Battle.

The man was interested in the Pope's training. He wanted to go down and talk. The guardian told the man to wait here. He was going to tell the Pope he was there.

The man did not want to wait any longer. This was something he could not fight against. He would be able to easily destroy this place. He values his words, he makes sure everything goes out to a T.

A few minutes later, the guardian entered into the training room. He told the Pope he was there and pointed to the room. The Pope did not want to talk. Since he had to wait already and knew his patience was gone. He had no choice.

The Pope and the guardian left. The man was excited to talk to the Pope. He needed to make some things happen.

The guardian entered the room and told the man, "The Pope is getting a shower. He would rather not meet you in sweat. He said he would meet you upstairs in the office."

"He better not be lying." The man's response was because of his patience.

The guardian led the man back up four floors. On the top floor was a single room. It was completely furnished, from a bedroom to a complete office.

The guardian led the man to the left. They was the desk the Pope used for his office.

The man waited for about ten minutes when the Pope entered the room. When he did everything in the room began to shine brighter, some flowers that died came back to life, the candles all lit up, and the office part of the room began to use Life and Destruction Energy.

The man was surprised when the Pope entered the room and it began to do this. He could also do this but it would take a little longer than just entering a room.

"Alright former god of Balance. What brings you here?" The Pope was not happy he was there.

"My Voices tell me that you have a brother, Hero Unknown." The man responded with a weird look in his eyes.

"First, I do not have any siblings. Second, I am the Pope not Hero Unknown." The Pope made sure the man understood.

"I am sorry Pope. You know that I hate to call you that. So why not just lose the reveal your face. I want to talk more in person than over the masquerade." The former god hated to talk to people with anything covering them.

The Pope took his hood off. Revealing that he was Hero Unknown. The former god was happy that he could talk sense into the man.

"I will say this once and once only. If you believe that I will help you. I will fight, if you think of me. I will not be neutral. Do we have an understanding?" The Pope was extremely upset.

"By all means." The former god knew if he tried to say anything else he would be enemies with him. He did not want to become enemies with Hero Unknown.

"Now that is out of the way. What else do you want to talk about?" Hero Unknown had no time or patience to talk to the former god.

"Have you felt anything weird lately?" The former god wanted to know if maybe someone else had become the god of Balance.

"I remember someone using Balance powers but that is all." Hero Unknown remembering how much he wanted to go the Elven Community.

"Maybe this person who calls himself your brother. Is actually you from a different point in the future." The former god gave Hero Unknown a chance to learn who might be calling himself his brother.

"You saying he is stronger than me?" Hero Unknown knew how strong he was and that he did not have any reason to come back here.

"I do not know. Just be careful." The former god left.

"If you talk to the Elven Community. Do not cause any disruption. You and I cannot afford any problems. If this person is actually me, I do not know where he stands." Hero Unknown giving the former god some advice.

The former god waves. He exits the building and decides to go to shop to erase his power.

The former god decides to go through the fields and come near the shop. He wanted to just get close.

Has he was nearing the fields, the former god looks and he sees someone who looks like Hero Unknown.

"It cannot be." The former god knew he could not be Hero Unknown. His height, clothes, and even what little of his mana he could sense.

Drake turned around and saw the person in a cloak. He did not think much about it but he wanted so much to beat the person down. He did not know why his gut told him to. He did not want to seem like a vigilante.

"Sir you seem like a person I know. Can you tell me your name please?" The former god trying to get what little information he could out of Drake.

"I am Hero Unknown's brother." Drake giving him very little information.

"This is the person claiming to be Hero Unknown's brother." The former god starting thinking. He also asked Drake to do a simple magic spell. The former god knew the Hero Unknown did not use any magic just mana.

Drake did Nature's Vine. This surprised the former god, somehow this person is using magic. No one but the former god knew that Hero Unknown just uses Fairy Magic. Using the Fairy Magic, he utilizes mana to the extreme.

Drake then left. He had to go back to the shop. The former god followed him. He wanted to learn more about him. The former god saw Drake enter the shop.

"Damn. If I lift the protection now. That punk will feel it." The former god then decided to leave the protection until after the Pope Battle. He went back to Hero Unknown to tell him the secrets.

Inside the shop

"I am glad that person decided not to enter." Drake whispered. He could not tell how strong the person wearing the cloak was. He knew he was dangerous.

"Who are you glad did not enter?" Number three read Drake's lips.

"Some person wearing a big, brown cloak. The person also had his or her head covered. The person was extremely dangerous." Drake told all he could to Number three.

"That could have been our ruler." Number three was now depressed that her ruler was already nearing the store.

Number one overheard the conversation. He then turned to number twenty-two. Twenty-two was tied up to a chair with magical chains. His face beaten, legs bruised, his metallic dick and balls showing, his shirt was barely hanging on. His chest looked almost like shredded. Blood covered the pants that was covering the chair.

"Why did you ask to be Number three's friend?" Number one had been told this. He too found it pretty strange.

"I have never had a family until now. I thought maybe I could also have a friend. Seeing this is how families are, I do not want anymore families or friends." Twenty-two explained what everyone felt like to him.

"Families are not like this. Family is something one is given not something you find." Number one knew what growing up in the orphanage was and how they were all family.

"What do you mean?" Number twenty-two never experienced growing up close to anyone.

Number one released the chains. "If you stand up, that means you are willing to drop 'That' man has your ruler. We will find the true meaning of family together." Number one wanted number three to experience a brand new life.

Number twenty-two did not know how to respond. He wanted a family but he did not know what would happen by betraying his ruler.

"Three days. Can you promise me that?" Number twenty-two wanted a few days to learn more about families.

"If you do not have your answer within one week. We will have to kill you. Do you understand?" Number one was willing to give a little more time for him to learn.

"I am willing." Number twenty-two knew he had one week to kill number three. He had hoped for better timing but he could not afford much more.

Drake figured out what was going to happen by sensing everyone's movement. He knew one of them was going to die. He wanted to be the person to do it. He saw one and three were close. He did not know about twenty-two.

In Pope office

"Why did you return so soon?" Hero Unknown was now mad at the former god.

"Your so called 'Brother' can use basic magic." The former god told Hero Unknown.

"Your bluffing." Hero Unknown knew he could not use any magic.

"Try using Nature's Vine." The former god knew what the spell Drake used.

Hero Unknown tried and failed. The former god then explained everything that happened.

"So you are telling me that one of your people hires my 'Brother' and he uses magic. How strong is he?" Hero Unknown had no idea how strong Drake was.

"In terms of mana, you are stronger. Everything else is up in the air." The former god did not try to test Drake more.

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