
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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Chapter 47 Heading back to the Elves

The following day Amelia told Drake that they needed to head to the Elven Community. She wanted to talk to Aura. She did not tell that to Drake.

Drake told everyone to prepare to leave the following day. Drake wanted everyone to have time to look around before they headed out.

Nightingale was the first to leave she wanted to figure out what they ate. First place was to a little restaurant. In there all they had was cut up fish wrapped around seaweed.

Some of the mermaids had also taken some pots and would go to the surface to cook some fish. It would not be for long. After cooking they would use their Water Magic to seal the pot. So it would keep the fish slowly cooking. Once they would return, it would be finished. They would do this mainly for special events.

Nightingale wanted to learn a little more and stayed there.

Next was Kawai, she wanted to explore the sea with Drago. The two went and swam out looking for anything that caught their attention.

On the way out, Kawai found a clam. She punched it and found a huge pearl in the inside. The two continued, Kawai found a bunch of pearls. Drago had found gold ingots. Going deeper they found an undersea volcano.

By the volcano, there was a couple of diamonds. Drago and Kawai each picked one up. Drago's was a little bit bigger but Kawai's was shiner. The two set down and talked.

"What are you doing to do with the gold ingots and diamond brother?" Kawai did not know what Drago was thinking.

"Something special. What are you going to do?" Drago wanted to make a gold necklace in the center would be the diamond and it would be surrounded with gold spheres.

"I am going to make a pearl necklace and have the center be the diamond. I am going to give it to my husband." Kawai did not think of wearing anything fancy but seeing how Drake would be doing stuff in the future she wanted him to look his best.

"You are funny Kawai." Drago was laughing the entire time not being able to maintain any composure.

"What is funny brother?" Kawai was getting upset with Drago.

"Nothing. You are truly a wonderful woman Kawai." Drago did not want to tell Kawai that men usually do not like to wear necklaces like that.

The two started to return.

Grace was the next. She went and found absolutely nothing to do. She remembers always trying to go to someone's territory. In their territory find something she likes and she never would.

In this territory she tried and tried to find something but nothing. She found a place to overlook the city.

Overlooking the city, a couple came up and looked over it to find their home.

"Look honey, their is our house."

"It is truly beautiful from this view dear."

The couple then kissed and went away.

Grace unconscious looked over to the place where they had been staying. She looked and found it. She truly found something to do. She went down and grabbed a guard. She wanted to find all the special places in the city.

The guard told her in the direction to find the places. She first looked at the castle. It truly made the town shine. Next was the restaurant that Nightingale went to. Looking in that direction, Grace found Nightingale learning how to make some dishes.

From their the guard did not know of any other special place. However Grace had finally found something worth doing in places.

Has Grace was about to leave Raven showed up. The two continued to overlook the city.

The Ritocian girl did not want to do anything so she and Drake talked. She told Drake that where she met Medusa was a slip of paper with her name.

Drake asked about her deal.

She replied that if she ever recovers her true name the deal will be broken and that she would be tortured for all eternity.

Drake was upset and did not care about giving her a name for finding.

The two continued to talk about other stuff until everyone else came back.

Amelia was in the throne room waiting for Drake to come tell her everything was ready. However it was Katsumi that came and explained everything.

Amelia thought it was funny giving how all these women used to kill people for the sake of killing. Found someone to not only keep them in check but found a place of sweet embrace.

During midday everyone returned. Even though they did not have much. They needed to make sure everything was packed up. Amelia came near supper.

Amelia slept with Drake that night she wanted to feel what it was like sleeping by a man who was suppose to be her man.

She felt completely different than sleeping with Katsumi she felt at ease and would gladly do it if both wanted to. However with Drake she felt like she was guarded and no one would harm her.

She wondered if this feeling is something that others feel or if it was just her.

The following morning came they left. Amelia told them not to do anything rash. Her father would be the closest thing to the King for right now. He could not declare anything but he would help make decisions that needed to be made.

Once they exited the sea. Everyone was wondering where the next part of the journey would take them. Amelia knew she needed to return to the city but started to wonder if they could continue to make more treaties.

Drake was fine with that they needed a way to inform the citizens of that decision after making the Treaty with Elves.

They did not journey long because Drake called back Drago and Katsumi. He wanted to enjoy time with everyone.

Drake wanted to go in the Elven Community the back way through the Vast Plains. He wanted to see how much stronger he needed to be to take down certain monsters.

They barely entered and Drake once again made a small house and told the girls to sleep. He would stay up and make sure nothing happened.

Amelia told Drake, "Drake, we all need to sleep. Have Drago or Katsumi watch outside."

Drake was upset he wanted to think about something but Amelia would not allow him.

Drake summoned Ulmus. He had him watch for the night.

Ulmus telepathically told Drake during the night that someone was approaching and didn't want to hurt them without his permission.

Drake tried to move but found Amelia hugging him tightly.

Amelia woke up due to Drake's movement. She asked why he woke up.

Drake did not spare any information. Amelia then realized she was tightly hugging Drake and released him.

Drake got up and left. Amelia remembered that was something Katsumi did with her when they were young.

Drake went outside and found some adventurers. They were newly formed group. They did not have a name but were all good friends from childhood.

The group was with 3 boys and 2 girls. They were all next door neighbors they would all play adventurers has kids.

Drake really liked this people. Somehow, Drake's instincts were telling him different. Drake decided to follow them.

Drake brought in the girls. Drake knew that bringing them in would probably be the mistake. However the guys would not be able to deal with Ulmus.

The guys outside were getting very anxious. They wanted to break into the house and kill the guy to have this house. Ulmus did stop them.

Drake reforged the house and had the girls sleep together. However unknowingly to them Drake made it where only his magic could open the door.

The girls wanted out and could not open the door. They started beating on the door trying to open it. They did not achieve anything but exhaustion.

Ulmus had already told Drake what the guys were thinking. This made Drake's instincts be right for once.

Amelia found him and dragged him back to bed. Nightingale had watched everything and Amelia knew and did not care.

Nightingale wished that Drake would spend more time with her. Kawai had already known what was going to happen. She felt it in the air. She had little bit of Wind Magic, but the sense of being a dragon was that they could tell if something bad was coming their way. They could avoid it or simply burn it.

Nothing else happened that night but once the morning came it was completely different scene.

Ulmus who had been holding the men, started to see the skin shed on them.

Ulmus called for Drake. Drake woke up and went outside. He had to wake up Amelia again who had been hugging him even tighter then the first time.

Drake walked outside to see the men had shed their skin leaving only the metallic bodies. Drake was now getting more and more upset with what all is going on.

Drake told Ulmus to throw them a good bit away. Ulmus did not want to. Then Drake commanded him making him truly upset.

Once Ulmus threw them Drake punched them directly into the ground. Drake used Nature Magic to make sure they could not move.

This was truly exciting for Drake. Someone else is helping 'That' man. Drake was willing to bet it would not take long to meet up.

Everyone was ready to go. When they were, Drake visited the girls to make sure they too were not apart of it. Once he reached down, he saw they had died to escape.

They were completely naked and charred so much it was truly heartbreaking. Drake forged the house to be a tomb for the girls. After paying respect everyone continued the journey.

They would face some monsters and Drake watched them work together. Watching them he was wondering how he would be able to work with other people. In the end, Drake figured it would be best not to worry about other people.

That night they arrived at the Elven Community. Everyone greeted Drake. Aura was worried because they had not been gone long and returned.

Drake told Aura how much had happened over the few days they were gone. Aura was happy that Drake didn't leave any details out.

Aura wanted to spend some time alone with Drake. So they decided to wait to hold the treaty talks until later.

That night Drake was worried about how much progress the new guy had made. He did not want anyone else to die. The process would be unimaginable if the person was alive.

Near an abandoned village

There was a shadow of someone dragging a little girl. She was probably not older than 15 years old.

She was crying begging for the man stop.

The man released the girl and turned around lowering his pants.

The girl tried to get away but to no avail. Once the man caught up. He rips off her clothes and sticks his metallic dick inside of the girl.

After one thrust the girl dies. The man's metal expanded and started to cut everything inside. From her holes her organs were slowly brought out piece by piece. The man had a sinister smile has he enjoyed killing the girl.

"Why did you kill her?" The mysterious voice asked.

"She would have told where our business is." The man replied.

"Who said she would tell."

"I am sorry."

"Next time your head will be laying there."

The man then buried the girl and went back out.

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