
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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199 Chs

Chapter 30 The Decision that Shocks the group

After a few minutes of all the girls playing with Drake. They realized he passed out.

"My he has gotten better." Sera declared.

"Better has in how?" Medusa was worried about Drake.

"Simple. He has more courage he even invited the both of us over. Something he would never do in the past." Sera smiling from being happy in her heart replied.

"Husband never did something this courageous?" Ariel replied a confused look.

"Yes. The most he ever did was take her first time in front of all the angels because he was furious." Nihil replied.

"YOU PROMISED." Sera was upset at Nihil.

"Master did not hear. I do not see the problem." Nihil said with a straight face.

Sera gave a big sigh.

"I never knew. I am sorry for asking." Ariel was upset at them fighting.

"Do not worry Ariel. There are problems in the past. We cannot allow them to affect our future." Medusa told Ariel.

Hearing Medusa, Sera looked at Nihil and said, "Please do not say anymore. I truly do not want Drake to learn." She was saddened about the fact Nihil was the one to talk.

"I will promise not to talk to Master. Since they know, I will tell what I can but you need to explain everything beforehand." Nihil was now sad.

"One problem has been fixed. I should have never let that FUCKER get in a position." The Elven Queen started. She took a deep breath to calm herself.

"I always liked Drake from the moment I met him 5,000 years ago. He truly makes things happen when his mind is up to it." The Elven Queen finished.

All the girls wanted to talk more but saw Drake moving and decided to wait. They all got dressed for breakfast with the Elven King. Sera, Nihil, and the Elven Queen went back to their summon area.

Drake not knowing what happened asked. The girls just said he was pushed to his limit.

Hearing this he was upset and tried getting up but needed help. June got his back, Ariel his right side, Medusa his left, and Tara helped dressed him.

Seeing this scene made Drake blush but he could not move at this time. After getting dressed the girls helped him to the Elven King's dining room.

Once the five of them arrived. Breakfast was served. Seeing all kinds of fruits and vegetables this made Drake happy and sad at the same time.

"So elves truly only eat fruits and veggies." Drake thought to himself before chowing down.

Seeing him chow down before the Elven King said anything made the other elves upset.

One of them went over to Drake and asked, "Sir. The Elven King has not said anything before eating. I request that you stop before others get upset."

Drake looked and seeing everyone stare at him decided to say, "Itadakimasu." Then he continued eating.

The Elven King was dumbfounded when he heard Drake and replied what he said before starting his meal. Everyone was shocked at what Drake had done.

So the girls each decided to copy what Drake said.

"Itadakimasu." Ariel had said it correctly.

"Itafadimasu." Medusa remembered she could never pronounce it correctly.

June did not even try and just said thanks before eating.

Tara also tried several times and never could get it right. In the end she just copied what June did.

After the girls finished eating they looked over the table to see Drake. They realized he was on his sixth plate. This actually surprised the girls.

"I never thought our food was that good." Tara made sure to keep that thought to herself.

"The food was okay but not near enough for that many plates." Medusa thought to herself also making sure it did not leak out.

"Husband eats a lot right?" Ariel said with a big grin.

Medusa and Tara quickly stare at Ariel. Ariel feeling unpleasant decides to stay quiet.

June not knowing anything about elves asks, "Where is the main course?"

That shocked the other elves, if she was not with Tara they would have kicked her out on the spot.

Drake looked up and said, "In the Elven Community they do not eat meat they eat fruits and vegetables. June if you are still hungry eat all you want."

Hearing what Drake said the elves all stared at Drake wondering what to do.

Inside the summon zone. The Elven Queen smacks her head against the wall.

"Why are you upset?" Nihil asked.

"How can I not be with those two!!!!!" The Elven Queen replied.

"I think it is quite funny." Nihil replied with a smirk.

The Elven Queen brushed her off.

Sera then proclaimed, "Next time we need to join in and start talking like that." She said with a happy mood.

This truly upset the Elven Queen.

After everyone had their fill. Drake got help to stand and he asked, "Elven King. Is there any place to train here in the World Tree?"

Tara was shocked that such a question ever came up because no one ever thought about training inside.

Medusa looked over to June to make sure she could hold him. Medusa then stood in front of Drake and asked, "Why do you need to train Drake?"

"I need to be able to fight better than I ever have Medusa." Drake said trying to keep from falling over.

"Everyone but Tara, Queen Medusa, Ariel, June, and of course Hero Unknown. Leave." The Elven King said.

All elves in and around the dining room immediately left. There was no one but the six of them within fifty meters.

Seeing everyone left the Elven King answered Drake's question. "Hero Unknown. There is a place that was hidden by the first Pope. It was a colosseum that was used 5,000 years ago."

Drake got happy that he could find a place to train.

"However, to start that up. We would need the person who you killed to start the lights that run down to the colosseum."

Drake was now upset.

"I sense you can fix that problem with your Lightning Fairy can you not?" The Elven King finished.

Hearing this Drake made a sudden decision, "Elven King. If I start the lights up then everyone will be able to watch me train and see the difference in how I train."

Drake sudden decision startled the girls.

"Furthermore, I will be going to school in 16 months. First I need to become stronger and learn a little about my former self before I go."

Hearing this final part also shocked Medusa. She did not know he would be willing to go to school.

Drake was then helped back to his room.

The Elven King was happy to know the current Hero Unknown. He does not if he was completely different then what he heard. However he believes some of what he was told were lies and had to spread those lies all over about this person.

Upon returning to the room and laying Drake down. Medusa asked, "Drake do you believe you can get stronger without your True Awakening now?"

Drake simply nods yes.

Medusa did not want to argue with Drake. She simply laid there next to him wondering how he would get stronger.

June asked, "Brother how can I get stronger?"

Drake replied, "I will be going to the Underground Labyrinth of the Beastkin. Once there you girls can train there while I storm down figuring where I can train at with purpose."

Medusa was then terrified that Drake mentioned that place. She asked, "Who told you about that place?"

"A voice said I can get stronger in there." Drake needed to fix a few words to make sure they understood.

This sudden revelation made Medusa wonder, "What is at the bottom there and at the top of the Battle Tower of the new school?"

Drake just stopped there and rested.

A few hours later it was lunch time and the portions they brought out was extremely large for both Drake and June.

"Itadakimasu." Drake said before chowing down.

Hearing this the Elven King also replied and started chowing down.

The girls all wanting to be the same just simply clapped their hands together and said thanks before eating.

A little after eating lunch Drake's body recovered and he was moving slowly but surely.

The Elven King lead him and the girls to the stairs. After starting down they kept going down until the lights no longer lit up. There Drake used his Lightning Elemental power to start the lights up.

After going down what seemed forever. They approached the colosseum.

Upon seeing the colosseum, the girls nearly fainted at just how horrid it smelled.

Drake decided to call his Nature and Wind Fairies. He used the Nature Fairy to make a hole leading outside twice on one side and one on the other. He used his Wind Fairy to blow air in from the o

two hole side so the circulation would blow out the other side.

After waiting for about an hour the air inside was still not pleasant but it was better.

Drake and the Elven King went inside. They saw absolute death at its finest. All kinds of bodies that were decomposing. The first thing Drake did was take off the clothes covering them.

He did this to make sure they were all former Popes. When he did and realized all of them were, he purified the place with fire.

He stood there looking into the fire and saw a pair of red eyes looking back at him. He did not think much about it. However that was because he did bring fire to Popes' bodies.

They spent the rest of the day cleaning up the place. They even forgot about supper. Before long they returned up.

After climbing up a guardsman asked the Elven King, "Your Majesty why did you miss supper?"

The Elven King thought about how long they were down there. He replied, "I am sorry. I did not realize we were down in the hole for so long. Please ask if there is still food available."

The guardsman frowned, "Your Majesty please take a bath and we will get supper ready once again."

The Elven King knew that the baths were not common in the Elven Community. So he knew he actually stinked because of the hole.

"Tara please give Drake the nicest bath you can offer." The Elven King commanded.

Upon hearing this Tara takes Drake to her personal bath.

Hearing Tara was supposed to give Drake a bath made Ariel upset. June's instincts told her to follow. Medusa was trying to calm Ariel down and did not realize June left.

After calling for June. Medusa looks over and sees she disappeared Medusa got jealous.

"See we are not worthy of their time." Ariel was upset.

"Ariel we are worthy of their time but we are at a big disadvantage." Medusa replied.

After following Tara and Drake. June also followed them into the bath.

Seeing June was here made Tara nervous but she was commanded and she did need to see this through.

Drake dropped down into the bath and it was steaming hot. "Just like I remember from Earth. Hot steamy baths are the best." Drake thought closing his eyes and enjoying the bath by.

Shortly after he then felt hands on his body and decided not to look. He knew girls either did not want to been seen like this or would need permission. Right now he did not care he was going to enjoy himself.

After washing his body and seeing Drake did not watch but enjoyed himself. Tara and June were extremely happy. There was only two places they did not touch.

His back and his private area. Needing to wash his back Tara and June both asked for him to lean forward but he denied.

He wanted to enjoy the hot water for now.

Hearing this they knew they would have to work together.

Drake immediately pushed them back and stood up showing everything to the girls and they did not continue.

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