
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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199 Chs

Chapter 18 Waking up in a new place, VERY DANGEROUS pt 1

Drake was healing June and feeling everything around go black and he saw something in the distance.

"Who are you?" Drake tried shouting but it never came out right several times.

"I am June."

Drake was instantly surprised that this was June's awakening. Looking closer, he saw a little girl sitting in the corner crying. There was another girl trying to comfort the crying girl but could not.

"I am June, this is also June. We can and cannot stay together. You gave us a True Awakening Name. We will always be grateful. We cannot remember our True Name because of the B*tch controlling us." Drake was surprised but the two girls were harmonious when talking.

"I see you are the Ritocian side trying to cheer up the Vampire side. I am correct?"

They nodded yes.

"How can the two of you be saved? I have plenty of power, I will do anything to protect the both of you this time." Drake said going over to the two girls and hugged them.

"You have to get the blessing of the Vampire King and the strongest Pope. If they can get to an understanding. We both can be saved, however June may not want that. Is this your wish or hers?" One of the girls explained and Drake could not tell which.

"She knows she wronged her awakening. She wants to fix it, I did not know Halflings had two awakenings. So it is a mixture of both of our feelings." Drake said looking down on the two girls loving.

"June will never be true Vampire or true Ritocian, however do not think she will get another chance because the boy she likes has power." The girl who was trying to comfort the other was saying very angrily.

"So what makes power and chance happen?" Drake asked very confusingly.

"Power is strength, the strength to make anything happen. Chance is luck if one is lucky enough they can become a King." The two girls said each explained one thing.

"If chance is what makes a King strong. How come there are not more people trying to become King?" Drake asked again confusingly.

"Chance can make one King, if one is willing." The crying girl explained.

"Then I shall become King and fix this between the two of you. I do not think chances are what makes a King." Drake explained very straight forward.

The girls looked at each other and asked, "If a single chance is what you have to fix this. Why are you wasting your time and energy like this? Force us to heal, make us your servant. Tell us to do lewd things to you every night."

"Simply because I want the two of you," Drake paused to feel something in his body. "I truly could do it. I can now feel it. Like I was saying before, I want the two of you to naturally accept me."

The girls looked at each other and finally realized how precious Drake was to them.

"Alright, the healing will start. You have to do three things understand."

Drake nodded at them.

"First, force June to do something that she would not like. It can be anything and everything. Second, find the Vampire King and the highest Ranking Pope and fight both of them. Third, get an angel to accept this awakening recovery. Do you accept all three conditions?" The girls looked very curious when they asked these conditions.

Drake smiled lightly and asked, "I really do not want to force June though. How about I get the second two and if an angel does accept this. You two make her do something that she does not want or like to do. Would this be alright?"

The girls looked at each other and then looked back. They nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, Drake tried waking up but was too tried and continued to sleep.

Drake then suddenly stretched trying to wake himself up. Feeling a very comfortable bed, the blanket on top was cool, the pillow was extremely soft and the color of the room was completely out of wack.


Seeing his bed covers were completely Purple, the walls were Pink, and any decorations that were in the room was gold.

"Wait. I do not feel my connection to Grizzly hugger and Beowolf's. What happened to me?" Drake thought in the back of his mind.

Drake came up to a single conclusion. He had been kidnapped by either force or someone a bigger threat. He then tried to get out of bed to look around and could not even budge the blanket.

"What kind of blanket is this that it makes me unable to move?" Drake thought again.

Drake was getting very angry. The angrier he got the more his mana shook in his body.

He even tried to use his Life energy to sense Life around him. He could not because of a stupid blanket.

"I woke up in a VERY DANGEROUS place. I will have to use about 75,000 mana to completely destroy everything around me." Drake thought very short on because of his anger.

Drake did not know was that the blanket was a simple mana blanket. Many nobles and Royal Families used around the world. It was not the room blocking his sense, he did not think before acting.

He suddenly used 75,000 mana to break himself free and destroy everything around him. Once he started. He used the fire element, Dark Magic and Destruction. Once he did only two building left untouched.

"WHAT kind of power was just unleased?" A elf asked someone near a large globe like structure.

"Fire element, Dark Magic, and something else we cannot register High Elf." The elf near the globe explained.

"How much mana was used in this wake?" The High Elf from the meetings was asking.

"Sir, High Elf Sir. I do not want to say out loud. I am truly sorry sir." The elf said near the globe.

This made the High Elf frown he had known this elf ever sense he was born. He never regretted anything until today. The High Elf used his mana to control a small flight to the globe from his position in the World Tree. When he saw how much mana had been used he fainted instantly.

"Did I wipe out a city?" Drake thought to himself looking at just a church and a building with a church front.

"WHO DARES DESTROY THE CAPITAL OF THE RITOCIAN EMPIRE?!?!" Shouts came from the inside the church and it sounded hoarse.

"Well, I did not expect that I was in the capital of Ritoco," Drake cried in his heart.


Suddenly a huge Golden Temple filled a small portion of the town and sky. Its brightness was mediocre at best. The mana used for it however was 1899 Holy Magic and 10,342 mana. This is the second most powerful Archbishop's power.

A man who stood two meters tall and weighed roughly 275 kilograms. His arms were very muscular, and his legs looked like tree stumps crushing everything beneath them. His dress was a little less pronounced then a Pope but was still very good.

The Archbishop flew to where Drake was currently landing at. Once the two faced each other. A huge brawl started. The punches were flying to hit and block, kicks causing craters to everywhere. Headbutts just to slow the opponent. Finally after five minutes.

"Boy, I was using Close Combat Near Expert skill and you still withstood that. I am very pleased. I am Archbishop Trinity. May I know your name child?" Trinity looked with Drake.

"I shall only tell you my name if you tell me what the skill you used was for the temple?" Drake was actually curious about that skill.

"Temple of Holding. If you have any summons or people you have subjected. You can use mana to summon them through this. I can help you but only if you battle me with what you have in your temple. Do you agree?" Trinity knew this would be the only way to defeat Drake.

Drake would at most be able to have 1 or 2 B class tier beasts. Archbishop had several A tier and high tier B class beasts. Meaning his victory was going to be absolute.

"Okay. I hope I do not have to let my summons die. That is just too cruel." Drake said out loud.

"Do not worry young one. There is no death in a summoning unless the tamer or summoner dies in battle. If it is natural or hired death, they continue living. Unless they were summoned at or before that person's death. They will continue to live." Trinity explained.

Drake was very pleased and accepted the offer.

In the distance, Medusa, Death, Dracula, Ariel, May, June, and Drake's father all stood in the vast emptiness of what used to be the capital.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CITY!!!" Medusa cried out loud.

"Do we need to explain the sanity of the Hero to you Medusa?" Dracula asked in a very depressed voice.

"Sanity of the Hero?" Drake's family said in all different kind of voices.

"Yes, your son and brother, is the current Hero. He is extremely powerful has well." Ariel explained.

"Medusa and Death I need you to take care of a person for me." The High Elf talked to Medusa and Death Telepathically.

"What is it? We need to calm the Hero down, High Elf." Death replied very upset.

"We have used the Mana Globe and it sensed a power of 75,000 mana with fire element, Dark Magic, and an unknown source of energy. That was used a few minutes ago." The High Elf was trying to shout at Medusa and Death but couldn't because he was talking Telepathically.

Medusa and Death were stunned silly. If the Hero really used that much Destructive Energy then it should have wiped out the planet.

"Did someone put a Mana blanket on him?" Death asked out loud to everyone and telepathically to the High Elf.

"Most blankets are Mana blankets in the capital." Dracula said out loud.

He was just upset that he could not get out of bed because of a Mana blanket. Everyone came to the same conclusion. Even telling the High Elf why the capital got destroyed.

After about ten minutes of talking a huge Temple of Holding came out of nowhere. Its size fit could fit all of Asia inside it of and have some wiggle room. Its height could fit six Mt. Everest on top of each other and have a little room for growth. Its light shone through all holes and cracks nothing in the world of Ritoco could even sleep with it. Even the Ancient Elder Dragon of the Dragon King's family woke up from slumber. 7500 feet under the Dragon Clan's area with the only entrance being at the mouth of the Dragon King's cave. With a single door that lead to a series of stairs that went 2500 feet down before it reached the bottom of the Dragon Clan's area. Where a get stone pillar stood and turned to allow people to enter.

"Master." Two women's voice said at the same time. The first voice was sweet and innocent. The other was nasty and sinful voice.

Drake turned to his right to see two different women. The first was an angel with pure white wings and golden clothing. Her eyes shone all light no darkness and the silver hair meant she was under someone. The second was a Demon Queen her pure black wings and she wore a dark blue revealing dress. Her eyes had no lightness only darkness. Her metallic hair meant she was under someone.

Finally the women explained everything to Drake. What took a long time for Drake to understand was only a few seconds outside.