
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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199 Chs

Chapter 179 How Drake ended Katsuki's life

While Katsuki was ripping apart Diablo. Drake had to make a verbal decree while most of the dragons were in the castle.

"I hereby decree that anyone who thinks that Katsuki is a good Dragon shall be sentenced to the prison deep inside the Temple."

Drake's decree was one that Haru agreed with. Even though she did not like Drake's throne, she would help him out much to her power.

Drake's father was one of the few dragons who knew Katsuki's true nature. He was proud of his son making that decree.

Drake's mother had been taught that Katsuki was a good dragon. Once her husband took her away, he taught her some of the Dragon Clan's darkest secrets. Even though he lost his name, he would not forget the teachings of his proud clan. Hearing her son's decree she had mixed feelings.

The female Elder Dragon was another one who had learned about Katsuki's true nature. Even though she did not like what would happen to the other dragons. She still stood by Drake's decision and made sure that nothing would come back and hurt him.

Death did not know much about Katsuki. He did not care about what happened to the dragons under Drake's rule.

Dracula had learned a little about Katsuki and she always heard that he was a good dragon. She wanted to learn more about the dragon named Katsuki.

Ariel, Tara, and June did not know anything about Katsuki and wanted it to remain like that. They would support Drake however they needed to.

Several dragons wanted to overthrow Drake because of his decree. They were always taught that Katsuki was a good dragon. Now that their new king demanded that they forget their teachings. They wanted Drake to forever leave their clan.

"We disagree with your decree." The dragons stood up.

Most of them were young dragons not much older than 1000 years old. Seeing that Drake wanted to make a statement but the two dragons who carried Drake's crown intervened.

"You younglings, sometimes a new king or queen help restore the Dragon Clan's honor and dignity. Please make sure that you truly want this." The two spoke.

The young dragons all had upset faces. Drake knew that this was going to happen all over the Dragon Clan. He wanted to make sure that history would not repeat itself.

"I am not asking for everyone to accept my decree right away. I know everyone will have to relearn history. However, if you still believe that Katsuki is a good dragon afterwards. Then you will be thrown into prison." Drake made his statement echo throughout the room.

Every dragon in there, all made a mental note of what Drake said. They did this because reteaching every dragon would take years if not hundreds of years. Knowing that their new king was granting them a peace state while learning made their yearn for what Drake would do next.

The news spread quickly throughout the Dragon Clan. Within minutes, all the dragons knew what Drake had decreed. This made them wonder how they would be taught.

Knowing what was laid out in front of them, the former queens had to quickly organize learning sessions. They needed to make sure that all dragons knew Katsuki's true nature.

The former current queen made sure that the schooling of the dragons was something that every dragon took part in. Every dragon had a personal learning session. Whenever the dragon would accept the teaching. She would give them a check mark.

When there are dragons that accept it, they are those that do not. This is where the previous queen came in. She would throw them into the deepest part of the prison. Drake had made sure that for the dragons that just disagreed with his decree. They were forced to hear the screams of the true prisoners.

Eventually, the dragons who disagreed with Drake's decree turned face. They found that accepting that teaching was not bad. They would forever remember the screams of the true prisoners. Even if they were only in prison for just a couple of months. The screams were continuously going on day and night.

Teaching each and every dragon took 100 years. During that time, Drake did not make another decree that affected the dragons like that one.

While every dragon was being taught that Katsuki slowly lost his power over time. Eventually to the point that he could not even fight a simple slime.

90 years into the teaching of the dragons

"Why did he ever become the Dragon King?" Katsuki asked Haru.

"You have always been like this." Haru spoke normally.

Katsuki just laughed at how Haru spoke. He always wanted her to speak normally and after ninety years. She was finally speaking normally.

"How are you able to speak normally?" Katsuki was laying on his back.

"Your power has almost completely vanished. Your power is what forced me to speak slowly. Now you have lost everything. In the years that you lost everything, I gained what I lost." Haru just about dismissed herself.

Seeing Haru turn her back on Katsuki. Katsuki felt a small burn in his chest. He could not do anything to her.

"Wait. You need to witness his death." Drake spoke.

"Do whatever you want to kill him." Haru's immediate reply shocked Katsuki.

Drake walked up with a scroll in his hands. "Katsuki, your death shall be the end of you and your bloodline that causes death and destruction to the Dragon Clan. Any final words?"

Katsuki just smiled. He had a lot he wanted to say. Nothing he thought sounded right. Finally he thought of a single thought.

"See you in depths of Hell, Dragon King." Katsuki smiled.

Drake gave a single punch and it burned Katsuki's soul.

Haru watched as the people who she cared for gave one final push to each other. She was displeased with how the final ending was. She wanted a more dramatic ending but that is another thought she did not want to admit.

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