
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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199 Chs

Chapter 176 The crowning pt 3

Sitting down on his new throne, the darkness disappeared and every dragon raised their heads to see their new king on his throne.

Seeing a gigantic dragon skull, everyone looked at the skull very closely. The whiteness of the skull seemed like it had been washed in a solution to remove everything from the skull. The eye sockets seemed like voids that would suck anything up if looked at for too long.

The way the jaw was open seemed to invite any creature into death. The teeth looked like they were sharpened to induce a painful death. The tongue was raised up and used as the throne.

The darkness surrounding Drake makes it seem like he would be the one to cause the skull to come out of nowhere and start slaughtering if you disobeyed his command.

This put fear into every dragon. They were scared of their new king. They did not know if he had the power to make what he wanted to come true or not. One thing they did know was that nothing about Drake was simple.

For Drake's family they seemed to sense a familiar feeling with the skull.

Drake's father looked at it very closely. He knew he had once seen a picture of the skull. Even though he had seen pictures of it, it also seemed more dangerous than what the pictures showed.

Drake's mother, May, seemed to be in love with the skull. It showed how protective it was to sit inside its mouth. She knew that her son had gotten a very special throne.

Ariel seemed to get a loving feeling from it. She could tell how much Drake loved her. It was showing the deepest part of his soul and only she could have access to it.

Medusa looked at it and felt a sense of security. Even though the two had not gotten married yet, she knew that inside of there was the wedding room that they would use.

The female Elder Dragon had her heart melt because she felt like her old self was eaten away and her new self was the one that Drake needed. She silently vowed to go wherever Drake went from now on. Even if it meant sacrificing her child. She had gained a new confidence and she would not allow anyone to take it away.

June felt like her older brother welcomed her to a new world. Inside the new world, there was darkness but the darkness was small compared to the vast light that was shining. She wanted Drake to also see the light like she was seeing.

Nightingale saw the skull and felt like nothing else mattered but her master's safety. Even though Drake had announced that the two of them would get married. She wanted to be of use to her master, even if that meant her death.

Tara looked at the skull and felt her mother's safety. She knew her mother would always be safe. Even though she too wanted to feel safe. She knew her mother had already taken the steps for her safety.

Death looked at the skull and found a feeling of seniority. He knew no matter how many years he would rein. The skull that Drake sat on had many more years than what he had.

Dracula looked at the throne and knew that one day she would be the one to inherit Death's throne. She could not tell how but she did and wanted everything to run smoothly when she would get the throne.

The voice was silent while everyone admired and feared the throne that Drake sat on. Even the figure that killed the previous two kings felt like his existence would vanish if he tried to do anything to Drake.

Then the two holding the crown slowly made their way up to Drake. They did not know if anything bad would happen to them. They immediately began to feel more fear each step closer they went. Once they hit the stairs, the fear turned into despair. The closer they got the more despair they felt.

Reaching the very top was a chore for the two dragons. A symbol of strength was the crown and that was the only thing that helped them reach the top.

Upon reaching the top, everything seemed to disappear. The fear they felt, the despair they wanted to get rid of. Overlooking everyone before giving the crown to Drake made them feel a great sense of accomplishment.

From that point on, they wanted to speak but they were forced to keep their mouths shut. This made them mad, they wanted everyone to know what they felt. How much of a chore it was to reach the top.

Drake felt that they wanted to speak and gave them the order, "Speak before the crown is put on my head."

The two felt a refreshing sense go over them. They knew this was their only chance to talk.

"Hear this, we have crowned the previous two kings. We did not have anything to fear. Before crowning the new king. We felt fear and despair, each step we took the fear and despair increased greatly. Now that we have arrived at the top, a new refreshing feeling has overcome us. That us all give the warmest welcome to our King."

Stomping is all that was done from this point on until the crown touched Drake's head.

The two dragons then turned and bowed towards Drake.

Drake then saw a scene of the crown being put on his head and knew what he needed to say beforehand.

"Come forth and place the crown on my head."

The two stood back up and quietly walked to Drake. Each one on either side of Drake, and the pillow that the crown was on laid on Drake's lap. Each one used both hands to carry the crown from his lap and put it in his head.

"All hail our new Dragon King!"

These words hailed throughout the entire Dragon Clan. Everyone in the entire world knew that Drake had been crowned the new Dragon King.

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