
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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199 Chs

Chapter 167 Haru takes Drake

The two of them finally decided to head downstairs. Haru's face was still reddened from her crying. Drake was there to help her.

Arriving on the couch, Drake's parents, Medusa, Death, June, Ariel, Nightingale and her sisters, and the table is full of food. Everyone began to dig in.

Haru and Drake began to eat a lot more. Eventually, the entire table just belonged to them. No one even complained. They were more worried about why everything happened with Ariel and Drake leaving.

Finishing up all of the food. Drake could feel his body getting an increase in god energy. Drake did not even know how or why.

"System" Drake inwardly called.

"Congratulations for earning the title of Dragon Mate"

"Congratulations for earning the title of Safety in strength"

"Congratulations on defeating the monstrous Deathworm"

"Congratulations for finding the ancient Tablet wall"

"Congratulations for walking on Crocopede"

"Congratulations for not making an enemy out of Crocopede"

"Crocopede accepted your kindness and wants to fight"

"Crocopede wants to become your exclusive pet"

The notifications stopped.

"Exclusive pet?" Drake felt like that was something unheard of.

Drake lost in thought and did not realize he was getting scolded. Feeling a ton down, Drake decided to try and summon his Arch Temple.

"Arch Temple" Drake called and entered.

Everyone then understood he was lost in his thoughts and did not even pay attention to what they were saying.

"Every time!" Medusa gritted her teeth.

"Amazing!" Ariel thought.

"Dumb Brother!" June thought.

"Our master is an expert at making everyone mad and happy at the same time." Nightingale and her sisters thought.

"Why do we even bother?" Drake's parents thought.

Haru laughed. Everyone focused on her.

"Mio is extremely fun at that." Haru spoke.

"You mean good?" Drake's father announced.

"No fun." Haru spoke up.

No word was said.

"Mio has the ability to completely ignore everything that does not bother him. Especially when he is on a one mind track." Haru's face lightened up.

Inside the Arch Temple

"I have a question." Drake announced sitting on his throne.

The Angel and Demon armies both arrived first.

"What is an exclusive pet?" Drake asked.

Both armies could not answer. Then Sera arrives and gets asked the same question. No answer could be given again. Then Nihil appears and an answer was half given.

"Would an exclusive pet just belong to you? No one would be able to steal or hurt it without you." Nihil answered.

Drake thanked her for the answer.

Katsumi was the first one to arrive of the big trio. Katsumi's reply is, "We are already your exclusive friends or pets. Only you can summon and control us."

Drake thanked Katsumi for his reply. Ulmus arrived and his reply was, "I am your exclusive pet."

Drake thanked Ulmus. Finally Drago arrived half asleep. Drake asked him the question.

Drago started crying. Drake did not know why Drago was crying. Drake walked over and wrapped his arm around him and let him cry.

Once Drago was calm, Drago's answer was, "I always thought of us as a master and servant. I thought you were trying to abandon me."

That shocked Drake because even though he already knew the answer. He wanted to learn what each person's thinking on the matter was.

"Seems like I know." Drake smiled with his thoughts.

Getting back in the throne. Drake summoned everyone. Once everyone regathered Drake made an announcement.

"We will prepare for war against Ancient Demons. I truly do not know how strong the army will be. In preparation, I will need to make something that can teleport all of you deep into a Labyrinth. I plan to travel around with my wives. In doing so, we will also be getting the stuff for the teleportation device and test them out."

The angel army hymned. The demon army released their aura. Nihil started the battle cry. Sera began the blessings. Drago gave a roar. Katsumi let rain fall. Ulmus changed the entire planet's environment.

Drake's household all feeling what was going on. Knew that Drake had decided something big and that big would cause massive changes.

Haru felt this and had a different opinion. "This feels like an ancient gathering." Haru's eyes changed to draconic.

Then she could truly tell what was going on. Seeing Drake sitting on a throne and having multiple races beside him. Haru knew that Drake was more like Mio than she could imagine.

"I must get him to the Royal Dragon School Library." Haru decided to drag him if must.

Thinking about everyone around Drake. Haru decided to let them know.

"I plan to take Mio to the Royal Dragon School Library. There he find powerful magic and draconic attacks." Haru spoke up.

"It is not Mio." May spoke up.

"Mio is Mio." Haru spoke.

Before May could speak, Drake's father kissed her. Feeling a good sense of shock. May wondered why he did that.

"Ancient Dragon Haru. It seems your language skills still affect you to this day." Drake's father bowed while speaking.

"Glad you newborn babes still know me." Haru puffed her chest out.

With just a moment of silence Drake's father asked, "It is recorded in the Library that Mio was an ancient dragon that betrayed the royals. Why do you care about him?"

Haru released so much killing intent. Plants were dying left and right. The sea into the rivers started to back off. Even monsters in Labyrinths were not lucky to be saved.

"Mio BETRAYED!" Haru yelled continuing once getting calmed down, "Katsuki betrayed the clan."

Feeling despair running through her Haru could not help but to cry her heart out.

Finally Drake exited the Arch Temple and found Haru crying.

"What happened?" Drake rushed over to help her to the couch.

"Mio," Haru saw Drake and kissed him, "We must clear your name immediately."

The two of them disappeared from the living room. Leaving everyone in a state of shock.

"Why?" May asked.

"He is your son." June answered.

"We need to prepare for a great adventure!" Ariel cheered.

Hearing the cheer everyone wanted to shut Ariel's mouth but knew she was going to be right.

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