
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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199 Chs

Chapter 153 Declaring war against Drake pt 1

In the depths of the Labyrinth. There was a demon sitting on a pile of bones like it was his throne. With his left hand against his left cheek, he looked like he was in deep thought. However to one's conclusion he was not. The demon was just staring into the tablet that was the system for Ritoco.

"To think that his stone tablet is what allows bullshit to happen in the outside world." The demon spoke.

Another demon walked out, it was the demon that stopped Drake from going to the other side in the fork.

"I have found an interesting soul." The demon's words sounded like an echo.

The demon sitting down asked, "What kind of soul?"

The other demon replied, "A Dragon King."

The demon sitting down had a dangerous glint in his eyes. Hearing that Drake was a Dragon King meant they could possibly escape from this Labyrinth.

"When will he be able to come down?" The sitting demon's eyes had more killing intent in them.

"Hopefully soon. However something is wrong with the Labyrinth." The demon said.

"Yes I know. I made it where the Labyrinth would not be in order. I needed to get more souls down here to enjoy breakfast." The demon sitting down said.

"Breakfast?" The other demon had a glimpse of unimaginable wrath in his eyes.

"Yeah. We cannot have the tablet doing whatever now can we? If that Dragon King just happens to awaken any mana or strength in the Labyrinth he will get an explosive rise and not even the both of us combined could stop him." The demon had such a dark expression that it seemed to stop all souls and non-souls down there.

"I need extra strength." The demon that saw Drake thought.

The demons both stayed silent for a moment. Then a demon looked like a butler showed up.

"His majesty wishes to see the two of you." The butler bowed.

"Damn King." The demon sitting cursed.

"I hope you honor your word and curse him inside his castle again." The butler bowed again.

"If he pisses me off. I cannot guarantee that." The demon sitting down stood up.

"Thank you, Prince Darkness." The butler led the way.

"Diablo. Make sure nothing happens while we are in that fucker's castle." Prince Darkness shouted.

"Everything will be fine, Darkness." Diablo replied back.

"I will make sure to threaten the King to kill you." A simmer of gladness flashed through Diablo's eyes.

Arriving at a majestic castle that seemed to never end. The door opened up and several demons lined up in front. Butlers and maids on both sides and paintings of all kinds of battles were shown. One in particular was one with an asura and Drake.

That painting was on top of the throne. On the throne was a demon who seemed weak. He was the reason why the butlers and maids all lined up.

"Greetings King." Diablo bowed.

"Diablo." The king replied.

Prince Darkness did not greet the king.

"Darkness do you wish to stay in exile with that worthless piece of meat." The king spoke.

"I do." Prince Darkness turned around and headed towards the door.


"Your Majesty before we leave. I have a question." Diablo spoke.

Prince Darkness stopped so Diablo could ask his question.

"Hurry with it." The King declared.

"The man fighting King Asura in the painting. I have seen him in the Labyrinth. Prince Darkness and I have decided to declare war against him. Will you grant us the honor of doing so?" Diablo spoke.

"That honor does not belong to EITHER ONE OF YOU. THAT SOLELY BELONGS TO ME! NOW LEAVE!" The King's butlers and maids kicked out Prince Darkness and Diablo.

Slam! Clunk! Clunk! Clunk!

"Wonderful let's leave." Diablo spat.

"Diablo, I know this is not what you want but those butlers and maids are even stronger than King Asura in his prime." Prince Darkness spoke.

Diablo stopped hearing what Darkness said. Knowing that there are more stronger enemies in front before meeting Drake is something he did not want to hear.

"We will be the ones to declare war and kill my sisters and brothers. They are stronger than you but I hope to get the advantage soon. I know meeting up with my father was not the easiest thing to do. I know now, he only cares about the throne. This will make killing them easier." A maniac laugh sounded.

Diablo listened closely. He did not think that Darkness would have such a plan.

"I know you are the weakest of the 50 siblings but you are the smartest of them also." Diablo thought.

"My father will have to die by the painting man. I do not care about fighting him head on but a strategy does not fail until the King does." Darkness spoke.

"What are the triggers we need?" Diablo spoke.

"I already got them started." Another maniac laugh sounded.

"How?" Diablo did not know anything.

"Just by entering the castle." Darkness spoke.

Diablo did not know but he knew that he should be able to get stronger by following Darkness. He would not betray until he knew he could win against Drake.

Inside the castle

"How dare the former Prince?" Several maids spoke.

"DAMN BROTHER!" A woman's voice sounded.

"DAMN BROTHER!" A man's voice sounded.

A maid and butler both went to check and found two siblings dead.

The siblings that screamed both were found dead.

"It seems like his visit was something he had already planned." The butler had the most dangerous glint between the glints.

"I will tell his Majesty." The maid said.

The butler found the inside of the sibling's heads had been utterly blown up.

Looking around the butler found an insect and the insect tried to kill the butler but instead the butler took the hit.

"So insects?" The butler smiled.

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