
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasie
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199 Chs

Chapter 124 Drake battles

The Goblin King knowing that the Goblin Knight is the weakest of the trio used magic to slightly buff the Knight.

Seeing the Knight getting buffed got Drake a little more serious.

"This should be fun!" Drake's thoughts and his actions were two separate things.

The Goblin Knight took a stance and blocked Drake's punch. Drake got pushed back and Drake did not understand why.

"That was stupid." Drake thought and caught Ariel before she fell to the ground.

Seeing Drake catch her, Ariel had all kinds of thoughts going through her mind.

So many that the former god of Balance made a book called, "Crazy Girl gets caught and these are her thoughts".

The book became somewhat popular that Ariel had to completely erase all copies before another volume came out. The only copy left was the one Medusa gave to Drake as their final wedding anniversary.

After calming her mind, Drake let her take her time.

Whenever one of the trio decided to attack Drake. He would kick them or kick the air and send the attack back to them. Eventually, they understood that he was on the defensive while holding Ariel. So two of them tried and still lost.

They gave up and all three tried. They lost even more miserably. One, if not two magic attacks would be shot by the Goblin King. Whoever got in the lead got kicked by Drake to the one behind. Whoever was behind got sent into the magic attack or attacks.

Two attacks of all three is all it took for them to give up on trying to be forceful with Drake being in defense mode.

They waited patiently for Drake to lay Ariel down before going in to attack. After so long of waiting, the trio slept until Drake yelled for them to wake up and start the next round.

Drake felt something off about him. He could not tell what it was but he knew the first punch he gave to the Goblin Knight was not strong at all.

"If this is because of my god powers then everything about them does not make sense. If I try to lower my power, I wonder what will happen?" Drake started to lower his normal attack.

Upon doing so, he felt something inside of him trigger, that made him feel even more powerful than using his normal strength.

"Is it because of my god powers or something else?" Drake sent the punch into the Goblin Knight.

The Goblin Knight completely disappeared.

Seeing this the Goblin King and Goblin General both felt fear. They could not just run because Drake had the exit behind him.

They then decided to try to flee. It became a disaster, the Goblin King tried moving one way while the Goblin General the other. They both got sent back into the wall by Drake.

Drake had used what he felt. The power inside of him sent both the Goblin King and Goblin General into the wall.

"This is exciting!" Drake felt happy.

Ariel sees what Drake did, she felt like the power he used was a god power but something about it did not seem right.

"I will have to talk to dad about this!" Ariel had an excited look on her face.

After getting sent into the wall, both goblins decided it was best to accept their defeat and just rush Drake.

Drake seeing them rush him decided to just end it with a single punch. Drake slowly gets into a punching stance. The air around Drake becomes hot. The bricks that Drake was standing on melted. No other bricks were melted or even hot.

Ariel saw this and knew that power was a Draconic power.

"Maybe what he is using is the Dragon god powers?" Ariel could tell the air around Drake was draconic.

Then before the goblins got within punching reach. Drake sent it out and it instantly killed them. Ariel could tell the punch had the power of death inside of it.

"Maybe Drake is a descendant of the Death god and Draconic god?" Ariel remembered the part of the attack that Drake made.

Watching Drake closer, Ariel would take mental note of everything see needed to write down. It just happened on the next floor, someone died and left a scroll and pen. Ariel would use the scroll to write down everything that she needed to talk to her father about.

Once the goblins were dead, the members that ran away woke up. They were scared seeing Drake.

"It must be weird seeing me again huh?" Drake told them.

Seeing the fear in their eyes, Ariel told Drake to open the wall. They were going to be needing an exit.

Upon opening the wall, the adventurers were more calm seeing Ariel than Drake.

Ariel asked, "Why were you scared of my husband?"

"He looks like a Reaper!" The naked priest lady tried to keep it down.

"A Reaper?" Ariel remembered something about them but did not know what they were.

"Yes." All three of them agreed.

"Explain it to me while we go down. Also lady you need to keep your freaking clothes on!" Ariel was fuming with the last sentence.

"Sorry, I thought it was a Reaper when I first saw him. So I did what I was taught." The priest said.

"You were taught to undress and run away?" Ariel was even more confused.

"Simply because a Reaper will most likely find another victim if you show them your naked body. If they find it pleasant to look at, they go away. If they don't, they will have pleasure before taking one away." The priest said.

"This seems very unlikely." Ariel could not keep straight about this subject.

The wall opened and another metallic snake appeared. It looked at Drake and Drake just punched it into oblivion.

Seeing the snake go away again, the adventurers all said, "See that is the power of a Reaper!"

"This will be a very bad talk." Ariel said and not caring if the adventurers heard her.

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