
The dragon king’s journey

Writing mostly for myself. Don’t like it? Don’t read it! Simple as that. English is not my first language. This is a crackfic with a degenerate bisexual MC! Chapters are released when they are finnished.

MrTacoCat · Bücher und Literatur
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11 Chs

Ch 3

Lilly Potter was panicking. She had been sitting at the dining table, wrapping the final gifts for Harrys birthday before going to bed, alone once again, because James was out on another mission for the order after their last argument, leaving her and Harry alone for Harrys first birthday. She was wrapping the last gift, when the house suddenly shook and she almost got knocked out of her chair by a wave of magic.

Lilly immediately drew her wand and ran upstairs. When she got to the top of the stairs, she ignored the door embedded in the wall opposite to Harrys room. She ran in, wand at the ready and spell on her lips, only to be shocked by what she saw.

The room was a mess, but she ignored that. Her focus was on one thing only, her son. Harry was floating above the broken crib, radiating so much magical power she could see it surging around him.

After Lillys initial shock, she noticed the changes to his body. The unruly black hair Harry got from James was gone, in its place was silky smooth, snow white hair. His bruises from trying to walk were all gone, leaving smooth blemish free skin. Then she saw his eyes, the emerald green eyes he got from Lilly were gone, replaced by beautiful, enchanting amethyst eyes, glowing with power.

She was about to run up to him when she was startled by a voice.

"Please don't, he is perfectly fine."

Looking around for the one that had spoken, but finding no one, she cast a silent 'homunem revelio'.

"That won't work on me." The voice spoke again with an eerie calmness.

"How did you get in here?!" Lilly demanded.

"A mere fidelius charm can't stop me." The voice responded.

'What?!' Lilly thought. "Who are you and why are you here?" She asked nervously.

"Who I am is of no concern to you. As for why I'm here, it is to stop you from interfering in my Masters evolution and awakening." The voice responded with disinterest.

"Your Master? Who?" Lilly asked, already suspecting the answer.

Lilly felt herself being locked on to by an intense gaze for a moment before the reply came. "Let me tell you a story. Listen closely, for I will not repeat myself." The voice stated gaining her attention. "It all started when a curse was placed on the bloodline of…"

And so time flew by as Lilly listened in shock and wonder as the voice told its story.

"Why are you telling me this?" Lilly asked when the story was finnished.

"Look and see for yourself." The voice replied, before sending images to her head.

Lilly fell to her knees in utter horror at what she saw. "That, Lilly Potter, is one of many possible futures, depending on the choices of you and my Master." She heard the voice say.

"I.. I understand. I know what I must do." She whispered with tears streaming from her eyes.

"We will see. Take care of my Master. He will be done in a minute. Don't speak of this to anyone but my Master." The voice ordered before vanishing without a trace.

Lilly nodded before rising to her feet, prepearing to catch Harry should he fall.


(AN: I will try to write longer chapters as I progress with the story. Writing is harder than I thought.)