
The Dragon's Princess: The Path of Becoming The God

Rebel lives in an atrocious universe, where the younger child of a king devotes her life to and protects the eldest for the rest of their lives. As a lastborn, Rebel’s destiny was resolved. But what happens when the gorgeous dragon king comes into action? Unfortunately, he is the fiance of Rebel’s sister... But something astonishing takes place since now the dragon king is admiring playful Rebel wrapped in his bedsheets, moaning out his name: “Axel!” Axel raises his eyebrows at the unforeseen but so desirable scene in front of him. The wicked man licks his lips before discarding his dress shirt and striding towards the little thing who is thrashing and crying out in a mellifluous voice. The dragon's heart is beating rapidly, and his whole being is ruined as he has no other intentions than to obey his tempting wife’s yearning. The adventurous princess and the most powerful king have a long way to go before they sigh in relief. The enemies are all about demolishing and shattering them to pieces. Will Axel overcome his past and achieve his goal to become the god even when his little princess gets in his way? Will Rebel free herself from her evil destiny? What if they, their secrets, and ulterior motives are their biggest enemies? Follow Axel and Rebel in a world full of magic, alchemists, evil priestesses, gruesome beasts, traitors, clans, realms, drama, love, betrayal, and much more. *** My eyebrows twitched non-stop as I couldn't cover up my distaste and antagonism towards their obscure ways. Did my happiness last that long? "You will take pills to refill your energy and would require only three hours of sleep. Got it?" Abigor explained as every word he uttered fell on my deaf ears. "Your clone will remain by the side of your beloved husband, while the real you will party with us every night as the clock hits two." "Now, now. Let's congratulate our queen, shall we?" Luke suggested as Helio licked his delicate lips. *** [MATURE CONTENT] I don't own the art.

Rayden_Rei · Fantasie
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41 Chs

The Start of a Great Event

"Rise and shine!" A deep, dramatic voice snapped me out of my sleep. What the fuck?

"Dear Rebel! Up we go!"

"Ah!" I jolted up in my bed as the bedsheets abandoned my trembling body. I shivered and batted my eyelashes slothfully. The buttery sunbeams peeked through the balcony and thin transparent curtains as the light breeze blew them. The fat sun warmed everything it caressed with its rays.

How did I end up here? Oh, Axel… I wanted to bury myself deep in the ground at the recall of the previous night. That pervert jerk!

"Honey," a powerful voice sang in the room as its' owner shoved the dark curtains open. "Up! Up!"

There was a woman with poofy gown dancing and hopping across the room and imitating waltz. Then she noticed my stunned state and rushed to me. I placed my hands to either side of me and eyed the weird woman from head to toe.

"Rebel! What an exquisite name! Who named you, sweet cheeks?" She chirped as she fell into my bed with a giggle.

Gosh, I had a feeling that the throng was churning and buzzing around, swirling my mind in murmurs regarding every matter in their hand.

"Why call me those stupid nicknames when you know my real one. That always intrigued me."

"Oh, you just have adorable cheeks!"

She said as she extended her arm to pinch my cheeks, but I briskly slapped it away, avoiding the irritating gesture.

Her dark skin was glowing with smoothness. I guess the term 'normal' was unknown to this palace.

"Everyone has gathered to meet the fiancee of the great dragon king! We must prepare you, honey."


What everyone? Who was everyone? Meet me? Wait, no!

"Yes, sweety," she set her hand on mine in a consoling manner, but it did nothing to relax my tensed muscles. "There will be a huge event with cheerful balls, astonishing clashes, and competitions that are crucial for your wedding. The lords of our kingdom have crowded the hall. And believe me, they are much more powerful than the ones in the River kingdom."

"But I wasn't warned that there would be a grand gathering."

"Ah, Axel! You little rascal! He liked teasing you, but when it comes to the significant matters he-"

"Teasing me? What do you mean?"

Those cheeks that were her victims seconds ago now were Axel's ones as they warmed up. What did this lady mean by 'teasing me'? Who else witnessed or eavesdropped on my encounter with that jerk?

"Don't worry. Nobody is allowed to disturb my lord in his chamber. He carried you here, sweety. I just supposed Axel annoyed you so that you blacked out. Grey and I were worried about you, to be honest."

The upper corner of my lip was twitching as I fisted my fists. That jerk! Did the whole palace had to see how he carried me across the castle dancing, jogging, and JUMPING ON THE WALLS?!

"Dear, calm down. He just laid you in your bed, and I undressed you, or else you were drenched in sweat."

No, shit!

"Which reminds me of, you have to bathe, dear. I'll prepare it for you," she exclaimed as she shot me a warm gaze.

"How may I call you?"

"Olivia." Olivia beamed at me before disappearing into the bathroom. I guess I had to adapt to the idea that she would become my first female friend in this lonely palace.

I didn't have friends back there, ya know?


Two hours. Olivia and her maids required two freaking hours to doll me up. But the thing was…I had to admit it was partly my fault. I didn't make their job any easy as I grumbled and shun away from them. I hated gowns other than the fit ones for the fighting. My mother was the most feminine woman I had ever met, and this very thing made me despise feminity.

Everyone bent and twisted me into the form they fancied while they yanked freedom from me like a limb. It hurt. The king, queen, and sister all anticipated that I would become a great warrior for Alice, and they fought tooth and nail to train me. Then they rebuked me for the scars and bruises on my body claiming it wasn't a pleasant sight on a woman.

The queen, Sophie, always scorned me because of my harsh movements while she scowled me for the incompetent sentry I had become.

"Rebel, you are ready, dear, and you look gorgeous!"

I swam up from my flooding memories and faced Olivia as she simpered down at me. Her two maids were savoring the product of their sweating. They had braided my hair in a ponytail as it curled down to my backside and twisted the thinner ones on either of my arms.

I wore a golden, massive dress with blue dragons embellishing the silky cloth, which was only a façade of a poofy skirt.

"What a drag!" I muttered under my breath as I stood up from my seat.

An event, huh? It was a fucking apocalypse!

As I neared the staircase, I heard the guests erupted in the brouhaha.

I gawked, awe-struck at the sun-kissed ballroom illuminated with golden glows. Once, the dark hall now was shining and blinding me. Axel's magic was getting awfully stronger in my eyes every passing day.

The chatters and murmurs rang in my ears, along with the clashes of glasses. People dressed in luxurious suits and gowns giggled, floated their drinks in the air, or showed off other skills. I couldn't help but linger my gaze on a bunch of dazzling young men gathered around an outstanding one. King Axel. That jerk!

This bunch wore loose white-blueish glowy dress shirts and could be easily distinguished from others. Their heavenly looks were prevailing others, and I assumed they were from the dragon clan. The silky cloth on them was airy and suggested their lean abdomen. But the men's faces were the most adorning detail in the hall.

Also, plenty of sentries was mobilized at every corner of the vast hall, unfazed and unmoved. They were armed to the teeth and ready to pounce at anything their king hinted at.

"My lady,"

I gazed down at the source of the voice. Grey was beaming at me with his arm extended for me. I smiled and linked my arm with his as we walked down the stairs, arm in arm.

"You look enchanting," he complimented me with light in his eyes and soft sea waves in his voice. I almost smelled the salty humid air lingering. He was using illusions for some obscure reason.

"You are more presentable, Grey, and what are you doing with my mind?"

A gentle smile spread on his face before his eyes widened.

"Oh, you caught on it?"

I just quirked an eyebrow at him, and he chuckled breathily. Pft, bish, could he see a freaking ocean somewhere nearby?!

"Axel ordered me to make you feel comfortable, and we knew you loved the sea."

"I do," my face contorted in a fake smile as I tried my hardest to shrug off my mother's memories. I didn't love the sea. She did.

Why did this place evoke her pictures in my mind?

"My lady, first we will meet Axel's closest mates. They all are from the dragon clan."

Gosh, I had to adjust my panties. How delightful!
