“I feel ridiculous,” Elric grumbled, his thoughts tangled with embarrassment and frustration.
“It is the only way to keep her from slipping off. It is a long journey and I have a feeling that she would not appreciate dangling from your talons like a field mouse snatched up by an owl,” Æðelfrið said with a grin. Elric grumbled again but held still as Æðelfrið tightened the straps.
“It should feel the same as riding a horse except you won’t have to kick this one…as much,” Æðelfrið said with a wicked grin to Saffron who smirked.
“I shall keep my spurring to a minimum,” she consoled Elric as she hoisted herself onto the saddle. Æðelfrið had crafted the saddle himself to fit the proportions of Elric’s body. He also added longer stirrups so she could climb more easily onto the seat.