
The Double-Edged Curse

When twin royals are born through the use of dark magic and shedding of innocent blood, a dark curse is placed upon them, threatening the kingdom's future. Desperate to save the crown prince, the royal family makes a fateful decision to transfer the curse to the princess, and kill her together with it. But fate seemed to have other plans, and the princess was saved and hidden where no one would find her. **** Alexander’s eyes slowly fluttered open as he felt a sharp pain on his head. He tried to move, but then he realized he had been bound to a tree with a rope. He immediately began to panic and tried wiggling from the grasp of the rope. “It wouldn’t budge, I made sure to tie it really hard.” He heard the voice of a lady, and then looked up in surprise. Standing before him was a lady who was covering her face with a veil. “Who… who are you? Are you the ghost everyone has been talking about?” The lady didn’t respond, and slowly removed the veil that was obstructing her face. Alexander subconsciously let out a gasp, and without thinking, he said, “What is a beauty like you doing in the middle of the forest?” **** Tags: Magic, Romance, Revenge, Mystery, Royalfamily, Fakeidentity, Comedy, and so much more. Prepare for a mind blowing journey with the characters. It promises to be fun and intuiting, making you wonder what’s going to happen next. Thank you for reading!

Diamond_sunshine · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Strange Dreams

[WARNING: This chapter contains content that may, or may not be perceived as bodyshaming, but that isn't what is intended in this chapter. I'm big on body positivity, and I believe everyone is beautiful the way they are]

Eldrid Castle

Two figures, each carrying a heavy looking box, could be seen walking sneakily towards the female servants' quarters. One of them was wearing a long-sleeved dress, and an apron, while the other wore a simple blouse with a modest neckline, together with a long pleated skirt. They also had hoods over their heads, which they lowered so their faces wouldn't be seen.

Two guards passed by, and didn't pay any attention to them, thinking they were part of the servants of the castle. If only they had stopped them, or tried to get close to them, they would have noticed that those two were actually men. Alexander and Griswold, to be exact.

They got to a double-door serving as a mini gate to the female servants' quarters, and Griswold knocked. "A jade marbles rolls on a marble tray, roll, roll, roll." He said in a ridiculous feminine voice.

The doors then opened slowly, revealing a young woman on the other side. She nodded at them, and signaled for them to follow after her.

The three of them then entered the the courtyard, and went along the pathway that led to the servants' quarters.


A while later, a group of servants had gathered together with Alexander and Griswold who had both gotten rid of their hoods.

"I mean, how could he just pass me by without giving me a second glance? With a face like mine that men would kill for." Said one of the servants. She may have sounded cocky, but it was true, she was indeed very beautiful.

Alexander who was looking like he had been forced to be there, looked at the servant, and said, "Let me take a closer look." Then he moved closer to the lady, looking intently at her face as if studying it.

"The proportions of your face are indeed great." He commented, causing the lady to smile with confidence. "You have great eyes, and you have a high bridged nose." Then as if on cue, he and Griswold then showed her a thumbs up.

"Then what do you think is the reason then?" The lady asked.

Alexander looked at Griswold, and they both laughed awkwardly, before he then faced her again. "I don't think it would be appropriate for me to say this, my lady." He said, and then continued, "Next!"

All the other ladies that were awaiting their turn, then pushed each other for who was going to be next, but the beautiful lady yelled. "My session is not over yet!" Then she looked at Alexander with a gentle smile, "What is it exactly? It's okay, you can tell me."

Alexander sighed, and asked, "Are you mentally prepared to hear this?"

The lady nodded without hesitation, and Alexander then said, "The problem is that you are too… innocent."

The lady smiled, thinking of it as a compliment, but her smile vanished when Alexander said his next words.

Alexander placed both of his hands on his chest, and said with slight hesitation, "This… this spot is not quite up to par. Sadly, some men are more interested in women's… this, than they are in their beauty."

Griswold then opened one of the boxes they had brought along with them, and brought out a bottle containing some liquid content and gave it to Alexander.

Alexander collected it, and raised it in the air. "And the final solution, is this!" He said, and the women looked at the bottle with fascination in their eyes.

"If you drink this, your chest will just… wow!" He exclaimed dramatically, and the ladies seemed to be moved by it.

"Here! You all get to have a free taste." Griswold said as he brought a tray of already filled up cups to the ladies, and they all grabbed one each.

The lady who had brought Alexander and Griswold in, was the first person to drink hers, and she gave the rest of the ladies, a thumbs up, telling them that it was fine.

The other ladies then drank theirs as well, and Alexander said, "There's is a buy two, get one free offer for anyone who is interested in buying."

The ladies didn't let him finish, as they began to bombard Griswold who was holding the box of filled up bottles. They grabbed the amount they wanted to buy, and dropped their money into the box as they did so.


Alexander and Griswold had finished selling all the bottles they had brought with them, and they had snuck out of the servants' quarters. They were on their way to the castle gates, when Alexander stumbled upon something shiny on the ground.

He bent down and picked it up, and it happened to be a purple gemstone. He was still examining it when they heard someone shout. "There they are! Catch them!"

They looked behind them and saw that there were a few guards running towards their way, and they immediately exchanged looks and ran in separate ways. The guards also split, but majority of them chased after Alexander.

Alexander ran as fast as his legs could carry him, while still holding on to the empty box. When he saw that the guards were out of sight, he then entered a corridor and hid there.

He moved backwards without turning to see what was behind him, and he happened to stumble into someone. He quickly turned around in panic, and saw that he had stumbled into a very beautiful woman in black, and behind the woman were a few other ladies who were covering half of their faces in black veils.

He tried to run, but before he could, the ladies moved forward, unsheathed their swords and pointed it at him.

Alexander's eyes widened in shock, and then he laughed, a forced and terrified laughter. "Why do you all have no chill? I knocked into her by accident. Please put the swords down." He spoke in a slightly shaky voice.

His words seemed to have aggravated the ladies, as they all tried to slash at him at the same time, but thanks to the box, he was able to block their attacks, as he used the box to push them from his way.

They continued to attack, but he was still able to dodge them, and when he finally saw an opening. He ran past them, as he faced the beautiful woman, and said, "Sorry about that."

The ladies still intended to go after him, but the woman raised her hand without saying a word, and they immediately halted their steps.


The Queen Dowagers Chambers

Queen Margaret was seated on the head chair of her dining table, eating some fruits when the door to her chambers was suddenly opened.

Queen Namarie and her maidservants strolled in, and behind her, was a youthful looking man following behind her.

Queen Margaret immediately stopped eating as her face beamed with a smile. "Tristan, my dear! Come… come sit here." She excitedly said, as she patted the seat closest to her at the dining table.

The young man that was behind the Queen then moved forward and bowed to the Queen Dowager. "How are you, Grandmother?" He asked as he obediently sat next to her.

"I'm fine now that I've seen you." She replied as she held his hand in hers. "It feels only like yesterday when you were swaddled in my arms, and now you are all grown up. I can't believe you are going to be turning eighteen tomorrow. Is there anything you wish to have?"

Prince Tristan heaved a sigh, and looked away from the Queen Dowager. "No, there is not." He replied.

"Why the sigh? Are you feeling unwell?" Queen Margaret asked in concern, and Queen Namarie who had also taken a seat at the dining table also looked at the Prince with worry in her eyes.

Prince Tristan shook his head, and said, "No, I just feel a bit… uneasy as of late."

"The whole kingdom is preparing to celebrate the day of your birth. What could possibly be making you feel uneasy?" Queen Margaret asked.

"I don't know myself. My heart just feels heavy for no reason, and it's pounding quite a lot." Prince Tristan honestly answered.

"Could it be due to your lack of sleep? I heard you haven't been able to sleep well as of late. Is your bed uncomfortable?" Queen Namarie asked this time around.

"No, but…" Prince Tristan hesitated, but he continued, "I've been having strange dreams."


"Yes." Prince Tristan nodded, "A girl has been appearing in my dreams lately, and she always cries sorrowfully. She also looks quite similar to me, so I always feel unnerved when I awaken."

Hearing the Prince narrate his dream, the Queen and Queen Dowager slowly looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces.


Diamond_sunshinecreators' thoughts