
The Sorting

"Firs' years! Firs' years over here!" a large, big hairy face called out beaming to the first years when they unloaded from the train.

"Hi, there Hagrid!" Godric smiled at the big man.

"All right there, Godric?" He beamed at Godric.

"By the way Hagrid. These are my brother and sister, Harry and Iris. Harry, Iris, this is Hagrid. He's the gamekeeper at Hogwarts." Godric introduced them.

"Hi." Iris greeted them while Harry nodded at him.

Hagrid grinned. "Yes, I 'eard about them. Welcome back, Arry, Aris." The man then turned to the rest of the first years. "C'mon now, follow me! Any more firs' years? Mind yer step now!"

"Where are we going?" one of the first years asked as they walked down a narrow path, slipping and stumbling. They noticed that the higher years weren't with them. It was dark on either side with very thick trees that if it wasn't for Hagrid's lantern, would have been scary for eleven-year-olds.

"Yeh'll get yer firs' sight of Hogwarts in a sec, jus' round this bend here!" he called over his shoulders.

There were simultaneous "Ooooohhhhh!" and "Ahhhhhhh's" from the group.

The narrow path that they were walking opened up revealing a black lake overlooking a high mountain range where they could see a vast castle with many turrets and towers shining under the starry sky overlooking the cliff. Even Harry was amazed at the sight. He turned and see Iris looking at it with awe. Harry noticed that Iris' eyes have both turned green – which means she is using her "special sight" to see a different kind of Hogwarts.

"You'll let me see it?" Harry whispered.

"Yeah," Iris said as she hands out her hand in which Harry took. Harry closed his eyes and felt Iris's energy coming into him and he opened his eyes and was taken aback at what he saw. He saw magic circles all around the castle, the lake, and even the surroundings they are currently in. Most of them glow in golden rays. It was beautiful.

This was Iris's special gift and thanks to sight sharing – a type of magic they have learned the moment they got their wands (in which their uncle has crash coursed them with a lot of spells that they can manage safely), Harry can now see what Iris is seeing. Although sometimes he could just simply ask Iris to reveal those circles if she can it is still better through her eyes. Ironically, Harry could not easily do sight-sharing with his sister. Harry does not know why but when he attempted to do it, he always gets a blockade. Uncle Iggy told him not to worry as this is a rare talent or skill and also it is easier for his sister due to her more natural skill in Charms.

"Hey, you two. What are you doing!?" Godric called out. "Let's go!"

The rest of the first years were boarding on the boats. Harry and Iris joined Godric and Ron in the same boat. With Hagrid's shout, the boats started moving. The first years could all see the turrets and the lights much clearer as they reflected on the water. Harry isn't sure but he felt happy like there is deep-seated warmth that tells him he is home. Harry wasn't sure why but to him, the home was where Petunia, Dudley, Iris, Uncle Oggy, and Uncle Iggy are. Was there really something in Hogwarts he should know?

"Heads down!" Hagrid yelled as they bent their heads to avoid getting hit by the ceiling. Harry lifted his hands to push away the ivy curtain the boats are drying through. When they arrived at the underground harbor, Harry helped Iris out of the boat. She was wearing a skirt which was impractical in her opinion but since it was the first day, she thought of wearing it. But the boat and the ground are too slippery. Harry noticed the boys following his example with Blaise helping out the other girls in his boat. Harry went up to help him.

"Thank you." Ms. Bones said as Harry reaches out to her. They met when Harry found Blaise. The girls, Hannah Abbot, Susan Bones, Tracy Davies, and Daphne Greengrass were amazed that Harry was actually the boy who lived's brother. If it wasn't for the fact that Harry is wearing contacts, people would assume that he would be because they would definitely look identical. Harry like the girls though he still barely knows them.

Hagrid led them up the small staircase on the rocky side of the cliff and they almost stumbled along the patchy small road towards the castle doors.

"Everyone here? You, you still got yer toad?" Hagrid asked then turned to knock on the large doors. Iris who heard the toad peeked at the boy.

"Who is that?" Iris pointed.

"Neville Longbottom," Ron answered. "Why?"

"Just curious who owned the toad," Iris said.

Ron scoffed. "Toads are so old fashion. Can't believe he has to take a toad."

"His uncle gave it to him, Ron. I think Neville kept it for sentimental value." Godric said.

"Or he wants him dead," Iris thought but didn't voice out. She was pretty sure that was a cane toad and cane toads can make people sick. What kind of relative would give that to a child? But she can't exactly voice that out. What if she is wrong? The boy seems to love the toad. Toads look alike sometimes.

The castle doors opened revealing a very tall woman in green robes. She looked very strict, her hair tied tight in a high updo and her hat black and pointy. "The firs' years, Professor McGonagall."

"Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here." The woman, Professor McGonagall pulled the door wider so that the first years can enter the entrance hall. The place is huge with stone walls and flaming torches similar to the ones they saw back in Gringotts and they face a marble staircase leading them to the upper floors. Harry saw the Hogwarts logo when the stairs split into two.

The first years followed the professor to a small open chamber of the hall where the first years crowded in and peered at each nervously. Professor McGonagall then welcomed the first years to Hogwarts and discussed how the four noble houses of the school including earning and losing house points and hope each one of them is a credit to their house. "The sorting will start soon. I'll give you some time to sort yourselves out so please wait quietly."

"How do they sort us anyway?" Someone asked.

"I heard it's some sort of test," Ron answered worriedly. "My brother Charlie said it hurts a lot, even my brother Fred said he fought a troll."

This made a lot of first-years panic. Harry even heard Ms. Granger outlining the different spells she knew.

"Are you joking?" Ms. Greengrass drawled. "There is no way we are fighting a troll. If that's true it's a miracle they still have students."

Ron's ears turned red from that statement but the first years were distracted by a bunch of first-years screaming. About twenty ghosts just appeared.

"What are you doing here?" One of the ghosts asked.

"First years! They'll be getting sorted." Another ghost said who looked like a monk. "Hope to see you in Hufflepuff!" Harry was curious about ghosts. They were aware of its existence but they never saw one mostly because ghosts are rare and most wizarding homes are warded against them. They are mostly harmless but wizards also like their privacy. Kind of hard to do that if random ghosts would just pass by you anywhere in your house.

Harry liked reading about the different houses what he didn't like is the division the houses created. He doesn't think the founders have intentionally done that but he was more annoyed by the fact that he is divided based on the values of such a house. Why can't he be brave, smart, kind, and ambitious? Also, they are all eleven years old, those values might change as they grow older. Many examples of these are Ravenclaws who are not smart but are braver than a typical Gryffindor and some Slytherins are kind and Hufflepuffs that are ambitious, especially noting the fact that more than half of former ministers of magic were Hufflepuffs. Iris also agrees with such a notion but she assumed it was because they grew up in the muggle world and have given a fresh perspective on it than most of them here who grew up with their magic families who are also from the same houses they are all aiming like how their father, James Potter, hoping they all go Gryffindor.

Harry turned to his brother Godric. Harry never blamed his brother for their parents' neglect but he did wonder if Gryffindor is the house his brother should go to. Surely having such expectations as the boy who lived would have pressured him to be in Slytherin?

"Whatever house we'll be in, I'll remain friends with you," Iris said to the other girls they were with.

"Well, you might be a Gryffindor." Ms. Greengrass said. "Potters have always been. Slytherins and Gryffindors never got along."

Iris snorted. "Screw the rivalry. That will not stop me from being friends with any of you."

That only made the girls laugh.

"You could be in Hufflepuff you know. They are the friendliest bunch." Hannah Abbot said. "My whole family is in Hufflepuff."

Ron snorted at that fact but Godric elbowed him out of it. At least Godric despite his penchant to be Gryffindor isn't too arrogant, at the moment at least. Harry thought. However, he also thought it's a miracle most of them are not in Hufflepuff being very loyal to the houses their families belong to. Compared to all the four houses, Hufflepuff was the one that was looked down upon but they were as resourceful and smart as any house and in his opinion, also brave enough to be willing to be looked down on but doesn't care about it.

"Move along," Professor McGonagall's sharp voice echoed in the chamber. "The sorting ceremony is about to start so form a line."

Iris grabbed Harry's hand as they moved towards what is called the great hall.


The great hall.

The first years arrived looking nervous with some looking around curiously at the different house tables, the staff table at the front, the floating candles, and the starry sky can be seen from the ceiling. Harry and Iris heard Hermione Granger talk about it by reading Hogwarts, a History.

The higher years on each table are eyeing the first years curiously and critically (critical looks coming mostly from the Slytherin table), wondering who will join their houses. The staff is also as curious. Severus Snape eyed the first years more critically. This year is the year of his godson, Draco Malfoy, and his supposed goddaughter, Iris Potter. When he found out that Harry and Iris have also gotten Hogwarts letters, he didn't expect Sirius, freaking, Black to barge into his house announcing that he think Iris Potter is adorable and wanted to adopt her as his goddaughter.

It only increased his ire when rumors about him and Sirius Black came around that they were in a romantic relationship. Apparently, his goddaughter thought they were married. That's not how godparents are! But the rumor still spread thanks to that god-awful Rita Skeeter. That woman always finds her way around rumors and spins them around. Usually, her target was either the ministry or the Potters. It's surprising to him that the news about the Potter's other children did not come around. However, he was too busy cursing Sirius Black out of his home to even bother with such a rumor.

It was easy to spot his godson among the crowd. The Malfoy's icy blonde stands out among the other blondes in the fray. However, it is hard to also not to notice Godric Potter who is the spitting image of his own father, James Potter. He felt it blasphemy for that boy to have Lily's eyes.

"Huh?" Severus noticed another boy beside Godric. He looked like James, only his hair is less frazzled and he is not wearing glasses. He noticed that the boy's eyes are a little different. He recognized it as eye contacts. He saw muggles wear them once and even took them off. When that happened, it disgusted him so much that he stayed away from it. But the one next to him was a girl. She was gripping her brother's hand. Red hair, and small freckles around the nose, and she looked like Lily when they were younger. However, it's the eyes. Heterochromia. One dark hazel and the other light green. It's an unusual condition even in the wizarding world. The most famous wizard to have it was Gellert Grindelwald.

Severus peeked at Dumbledore and almost scoffed. The old man is too busy looking at his precious boy who lived to even noticed the other first years. This year is going to be full of favoritism as always. Dumbledore may be a great wizard but his bias is always forthcoming.

After the hat's song, McGonagall informed the students that she will call upon their names and they will wear the hat to be sorted.

"See, not a troll," Greengrass muttered to the Weasley whose ears turned red. It earned her a glare from the boy who lived.

"Why are you so mad at him?" Tracy whispered to her friend.

"I don't know. He was pissing me off. Troll, my goodness."

"Abbott, Hannah!" Professor McGonagall called the first student. Hannah nervously approaches the stool and sat on it and Professor McGonagall put on the hat.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat called out.

The Hufflepuff table erupted with enthusiastic clapping. Hannah is very happy as her robes turned into her house colors and she approaches the Hufflepuff table.

"Bones, Susan!" When Ms. Bones was under the hat, it was a hat stall that surprises most of everyone. Hat stalls usually happen when a student has more than one value that the hat often considers.


"Boot, Terry!"


The Ravenclaw table also clapped but when Terry Boot, whose robes now turned blue and bronze, approached the table he was faced with older students shaking his hands as they welcome him to their house.

"Brocklehurst, Mandy!"


"Brown, Lavender!"


The Gryffindor table erupted with loud cheers and even banging on the table surprising some of the first years and annoying the Slytherin table.

"Bulstrode, Millicent!"


The Slytherins clapped respectfully though there was some booing from the Gryffindor table.

"Burke, Mauricius!"


Then Michael Corner and Stephen Cornfoot all went to Ravenclaw.

"Crabbe, Vincent!"


The entire hall was silent. There was gasping from the Hufflepuff and the Slytherin table looking so horrified. Both Professor Snape and Professor Sprout gaped at the boy. Vincent Crabbe, a boy coming from one of the biggest supporters of dark magic and the latest dark lord, was known for their bigotry against muggle-borns and muggles, are sorted to none other than Hufflepuff the house who is the least bigoted and the most tolerant of all the four. The Slytherins suddenly erupted with chatter that Professor Snape has to glare at them to silence themselves.

"Mr. Crabbe?" Professor McGonagall called to the boy. "Go to your house now, Mr. Crabbe."

Vincent Crabbe is looking terrified. He slowly stepped off the stool and towards the Hufflepuff table which did not give him the same reception as the other sorted first years. Draco Malfoy on the hand and the other beefy companion were looking horrified.

Professor McGonagall has to cough first to distract them to continue the sorting.

"Davies, Tracey!"


"Entwhistle, Kevin"


"Finch-Fletchley, Justin!"


"Finnegan, Seamus!"


"Goldstein, Anthony!"


"Granger, Hermione!"

"GRYFFINDOR!" (Ronald Weasley groaned. Godric has to rib him to shut up).

"Goyle, Gregory!"


The great hall became silent for the second time. Professor Snape was now looking green. Draco Malfoy was looking even more terrified as two of the people whom he is always in contact with are now in the house he really does not want to be in.

But this time, Professor McGonagall ignored the tension and continued with the sorting. Gregory Goyle walked horrified to the Hufflepuff table and sat next to the already-down Vincent Crabbe. Wayne Hopkins and Megan Jones were sorted to Hufflepuff, Sue Li to Ravenclaw, and Neville Longbottom to Gryffindor. The boy got so excited he run off to the table with the hat earning laughs from everyone. He has to walk back to return it.

Morag MacDougal got sorted to Slytherin. Ernest Macmillan seems to be arguing with the hat as he was another hat stall but got sorted to Hufflepuff. He seems both relieved and happy about it.

"Malfoy, Draco!"

The boy is looking like he was going to vomit when he put on the hat. "SLYTHERIN!" Draco Malfoy looked so relieved when his house was called out and almost run to the Slytherin table afraid that the hat might change its mind.

Rogers Malone got into Hufflepuff, Kellah Nabirye into Gryffindor, Theodore Nott, Lilian Moon, and Pansy Parkinson into Slytherin and the Patil twins got Gryffindor and Ravenclaw respectively. This was another surprise but not a shocking one mostly coming from the staff table as it has been a trend that magical children who are multiples have not been sorted in the same house as they normally are.

"Potter, Godric!"

Then the hall went off with excited whispers.

"Potter, she says?"

"Godric Potter?"

"The boy-who-lived"

Harry and Iris watched as their brother put the hat on. He looked happy but then a minute later suddenly frowned. Their brother is another hat stall (there seem to be a lot of hat stalls lately) and if Harry were to guess, he is arguing with the hat. This made Harry curious about what it is about.


The entire Gryffindor erupted with sounds of glee, screams of joy, and banging and slapping of hands, goblets, and wood. There were even shouts of "WE GOT THE BOY WHO LIVED!" or "WE GOT POTTER!". The noise echoed loudly in the halls that some of the other houses has to cover their ears.

"SILENCE!" Professor Dumbledore has to yell at them to stop as there doesn't seem to be an end.

Professor McGonagall though glaring at her table for their ruckus was also proud that Godric Potter is in her house.

"Potter, Harry!"

"Wait? Potter, Harry?"

"There's another Potter?"

"Is he related to the boy who lived?"

"He's my brother!" Godric exclaimed to the Gryffindors. This got the attention of the rest of the great hall.

"You have a brother?" Some of them asked.

Godric nodded.

Harry approached the hat a little bit peeved. He wasn't sure about this. "Mr. Potter. Please?" Professor McGonagall pointed at the stool on which Harry sat and the professor placed the hat.

"Well, this is interesting."

Harry was surprised at that.

"No worries boy, none of the information in your head can be shared with our dear headmaster. Though I will warn you about the man's penchant for breaching other people's privacy. Didn't realize your Uncle Iggy was nice enough to inform you of that piece of information. It's too early to learn occlumency but have you already mastered the first level? Very talented indeed."

"How does this work exactly?"

"I expected a fight from you like your brother."

"My name isn't Godric Potter."

"I am aware of that. You are not looking for friendship and Hufflepuff is the easiest to eliminate. You have loyalty but to very few people and only to those who truly earned it. You seek it from people who you cared but it is not something that drives you. You have enough courage but you don't run into danger without a reason and you are talented and smart that would make Rowena smile with glee but you will get bored very easily in that house. You have values in each house but the only way for your path to greatness is none of those three."

Harry looked around him. He peeked at his sister who is looking at him expectantly and at his brother who is looking at him with a worried look. "I don't mind Ravenclaw but I don't think I'll be able to achieve what I wanted in that house."

A mad cackle can be heard. "That is true."


The entire hall went silent (again) but Godric looked betrayed and hurt the most. "Why?!" he yelled but was shushed by some of the older years. Professor Snape's mouth is hanging open, the rest of the teachers are looking confused, shocked, suspicious, and horrified and the headmaster is looking at him oddly. Harry just glanced at his sister and brother before he marched proudly to his house. He did hear a single clapping which he already knows is coming from his sister.

"A Potter? In Slytherin?" he could hear whispers from others.

His housemates are all looking at him confused, some with curiosity and some with not-so-good looks. He was already aware of the atmosphere he will potentially receive. His Uncle Iggy did tell him that despite Harry clearly going to be a Slytherin he will expect a cold reception from his own housemates due to his family name and his own brother. The advantage he holds right now is that he is the heir of his house. Plus, his friends from the association are curious about the things he would learn in the House of snakes – a house that was formed by one of the most famous parselmouth in the world. He sat next to Tracey Davies and Daphne Greengrass who are looking at him with wide eyes.

"Does this mean your sister will join us, Mr. Potter?" Ms. Greengrass asked who was aware that the two grew up together.

Harry turned to the beautiful blonde. "I don't think my sister would join us."

Professor McGonagall has to shake the shock she is feeling and called up the next student.

"Potter, Iris!"

Now, this raised hackles for many. Knowing that the brother of the boy who lived is in Slytherin, they are curious about this other Potter. Godric was kind enough to tell them that she is also his sister and that they were triplets.

Iris sat on the stool nervously.

"Huh, you Potters are never easy to sort are you?"


"Well, Ms. Potter. You are smart but you don't care about the knowledge factor of your research more than how useful will it be not just for you but for others. You also value friendship, family, and life in general. You have some ambition..."

"Well, I'm still young. I can't decide what I aim to do as that might change in the future" Iris interrupted.

"...But do you want to be in Gryffindor? You would fit well there."

Iris turned to his brother Godric. If she gets sorted to Gryffindor, then will that mean she will always be walking behind her brother's shadow? Harry is a great brother and yes, it was hard to stand out behind that genius brother of hers but compared to Godric, she likes Harry more and she does like Harry's ideas and was willing to go with them. But that doesn't mean she's just a doormat.

"That itself is loyalty, Ms. Potter, and is ambition in its own right. Now, I do believe I have the verdict."

"Okay." Iris suddenly stood up surprising the audience and she removed the hat and placed it on the stool.

"Ms. Potter, you have to finish your sort-"Professor McGonagall began when "HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat called out.

Iris just smiled and shrugged at the shocked professor as her uniform turned into the Hufflepuff colors and she run off to her new house. She didn't notice Godric looking very disappointed.

The rest of the sorting proceeded without any shocking revelations with Oliver Rivers and Sally Smith to Hufflepuff. But Zacharias Smith finds himself sorted to Slytherin. With so many surprises in this sorting, nobody was that shocked anymore. The previous sorting has helped weed it out and of course, they don't think their hearts can take it.

The Smith family were direct descendants of Helga Hufflepuff themselves. Zacharias Smith looked unhappy as he marched with an annoyed look to Slytherin. Sophie Roper, Dean Thomas, Emma Vane, and Ronald Weasley all got sorted into Gryffindor. Lisa Turpin to Ravenclaw and the last is Blaise Zabini who joined the Slytherin table.

There was a long pause from everyone even at the staff table. That was not just the longest sorting they have; it was the one with the most surprises. A Crabbe and Goyle in Hufflepuff, a Potter and a Smith in Slytherin, and the other Potter wind up in Hufflepuff. The whole experience even distracted Godric's status as the boy who lived and his sorting to Gryffindor.

What just happened? That is what everyone is thinking.

This is the longest chapter I have ever written in this fanfic. I know some of you are looking forward to the sorting and hope I met your expectations because, to be honest, this chapter does not feel that uh remarkable to me (also I almost missed Finnegan in the list). I know that Zacharias Smith is supposed to be an older student but I put him in the first year anyway and you may notice some names that we never heard from – but those names were mentioned but never really given what house or surnames so I made the surnames up and I guess the houses of the “unknown” students – the ones whose house were not mentioned which houses they belong but part of Harry’s year are also guesses.

WordySmithcreators' thoughts