
Percy and the Scholarship

When Percy Weasley was sorted into Slytherin in his first year, everything changed in his family. Charlie and the twins were a little wary but they still talk to him (or in the twin's case, just prank him even less), Ginny didn't really care and treated him the same, and Ron was a little bit hostile which surprised Percy the most and has only attributed it emulating his friends who are openly prejudiced against Slytherin. Bill treated him the same and surprisingly so is his dad. He was a little disappointed that he didn't get sorted in Gryffindor but he was happy with him regardless.

The one who changed the most is his mother. She was no longer very loving to him and a little cold. She doesn't neglect him, but she hasn't talked to him much anymore like she used to. He didn't understand but Bill told him not to worry but that it was just their parents being prejudiced against Slytherin. But Bill did speculate that this could be because their mother has a very bad experience with them.

Molly Weasley lost her brothers, Gideon and Fabian Prewett during the war. Both men died defending themselves and although they took down at least 10 death eaters with them (all of them come from the Slytherin house), they still bear a big impact on her heart. Her mother, Lucretia Black, was not the greatest mother in the world. The Prewetts may be a pureblood ancient and noble family but they come from a long line of Gryffindor graduates. Lucretia married the Prewett head at the time because it is a prestigious house but she was a mean mother who was strict on her children especially on Molly as she was the only girl and wanted her to marry into a better household as well.

She was against Molly's relationship with Arthur Weasley, she and Cedrella Weasley (Arthur's mother) was always on edge with each other, always getting into fights whenever they meet. Molly might find her mother-in-law an annoying woman but she was still better than her own mother. Lucretia after the loss of her sons went a little bonkers and has been harassing Molly the most to have her spend more time with her and her grandchildren. She has an interest in Bill because he was the eldest grandson and wanted him to take on the head of the Prewett line when he is of age but this got into a fight with Cedrella who pointed out that Bill should take on the Weasley seat as the eldest grandson, not the Prewett (even though Bill could have just taken both and Bill didn't understand why they have to fight over that especially since the Weasleys could not afford to maintain their seat and has Dumbledore proxy and even paid for their seat – it practically just means they have a seat but no power).

When Lucretia died, the Prewett fortune remained untouched since she cast out Molly from it which could have helped them afford a better life. Molly wasn't exactly unhappy about it and is content with their lifestyle but the inheritance and the seat are still available for a claim for any of the Weasley children more especially to Bill if he wanted to. That can be passed down to Charlie or Percy or any of them really but mostly with the boys as the Prewett is a patriarchal house (lineage goes to the boys than the girls). There is also the part where Percy, Fred, and George have a much stronger claim due to their middle names which were Prewett's family names (there is magic in a name).

So, this experience is one of the major reasons why Molly is very very unhappy with Percy's sorting as it reminded her of the Black side of the family who is known as muggle haters, have supported or sympathized with the dark lord and are among the members who have to lead to the death of her beloved brothers but was not openly hostile to Percy since Molly (in her way as Bill said to Percy) loved Percy because she is still her son.

Aside from his own family, Percy did not have it easy in the Slytherin house. Many of the Slytherins didn't like him and the culture of the place is significantly different from what he is used to. Most Slytherins are rich, come from prestigious upbringings, and value power above all else. Even in the beginning, even though Marcus tried to comfort him, Marcus couldn't just simply and openly be friendly to Percy because it might also be made them hostile to him. The first time he arrived in the Slytherin common room, the head of the house, Professor Snape has to haul him away from the other Slytherins to orient him about the house culture. He had to attend this lesson for a month which helped Percy blend in with the other Slytherins.

Because Slytherins value power, one's family, and background the family helps make it easier to get the respect you need in the house. Aside from that, wealth is another and the other is magic. The more powerful your magic is the better. Even though Flint wasn't the brightest person among the first years at the time, he still has more say and influence whenever he talks compared to Percy whose words are more likely to be ignored even if what says makes sense. For Percy to be taken seriously, he has to emulate the culture of Slytherin so Percy has to act, behave, and look the part.

Professor Snape was very helpful in this. "You can't walk around looking like that. You must look the part or else the entire school will find you an easy target and is disrespectful to the house of Slytherin." As he always says. Apparently, his hand-me-downs make him look shabby. Professor Snape has provided him with some lessons on how to make himself look presentable even if his clothes are hand-me-downs even transfigure some of them and change the color of his clothes to darker, less loud, and green colors since a lot of them were in "ghastly red" (courtesy from Bill and Charlie). He taught him grooming and cleaning spells so he must always look neat, clean, and pristine and he taught him etiquette so Percy would not do any social blunders. His effort has earned him some respect in the Slytherin house.

But he still has to work harder than everyone else. His peer mates have the advantage of magic as they were trained very early on how to use it. Apparently, their parents allow them to use their wands under their supervision to give them a feeling of how to use them and cast some low-level magic. Percy did not have that advantage as his parents truly believe in following the laws on underage magic. So, he had to study harder the most. Montague so far was the only person who was able to keep up with him in their year in terms of grades and Percy got the first-ranking student in the entire school to the dismay of the Ravenclaws who were annoyed that they were beaten by a Slytherin.

In the summer before his second year, Percy asked permission from his dad for him to work. Percy needed money. He does not want to go through the same issue in his house looking like a bum who lived on the streets. His books and clothes were the most important but they cost a lot of money. He needed to maintain his image and he requires some money to do so which was hard because he was underage and Arthur was against it, worried that Percy would be taken advantage of. Percy was dismayed about it.

A knock on his window was heard. Percy looked up and saw a long-earned brown owl sitting there. He recognized it as Marcus' owl. Percy immediately opened and the owl came in and landed on his desk before dropping his letter. Because Percy only has his family owl, sometimes Marcus' owl, Noctua, would wait if Percy is planning to have a reply before taking off back to her master.


I heard from my dad about a scholarship fund that was started by some foreign wizard in the country. A scholarship fund is some sort of fund given to students who needed money for school. I didn't know this thing existed (Nor did Percy). I haven't heard about this person but it got some attention because the fund is mostly offered to muggle-borns and squibs. Can you believe that? It's not like some magical school would take them in. I think you deserve this more than them. Montague said being the first-ranking student in the school should have made it easy for you to qualify for it. It didn't say it has the muggle-born or squibs though. Give it a try.


There was an attached page of an ad in the letter. It looked like Marcus just ripped it off a page from a magazine.

OTOS Scholar Unity

(In partnership with the international magic of Education)

Scholarship Program 1998

The OTOS scholar unity is a non-profit organization that aims to help the wizard or witch to get a proper education. The scholarship awards tuition fees, book allowances, uniform allowances, and even a monthly stipend if you maintain good standing in your grades. This scholarship is open to students coming from low-income households. Muggle-borns and squibs are welcome to apply.

Please see below the requirements and details to apply.

Below was a form and list of requirements needed to get the scholarship. Percy will need to fill in the application, get approved, and has to take a test and an interview before he can be qualified. There is a schedule and deadline on the list as well. Percy frowned. This seems like a lot of effort. He has never heard of a scholarship before.

Hogwarts offers lower tuition fees for muggle-borns. A lot of the Slytherins find this extremely unfair but the school has to do so to keep the muggle-borns in the school. It is dangerous for them to stay in the muggle world as they run the risk of exposing the magical world and it was revealed that schools in the muggle world are free (In Britain at least) so it takes a lot of effort to convince muggle parents to pay for their children's magical education especially since there is a free option (what luck, Percy thought). But it still didn't help that Percy and the rest of his siblings do pay the full price as well. Magical orphans get to school free and even have a stipend to help with their expenses. Squibs, don't need magical education so why does this scholarship fund include them?

Percy grabbed his quill and paper and wrote his letter.

Dear Marcus.

I am also conflicted about this. Are you sure this is legitimate? I would have believed it was a scam since the page is obviously from Witch Weekly. Not the type of magazine you'd think would promote education. But I will assess this and see if this is legitimate. If it is, I will give this a try. Thank you for informing me.




Percy didn't realize that when he tried to apply for this scholarship he passed. He passed. The exam was easy, asking for their family household income from his dad was a little awkward, and he finally got an interview in the office of the company in Diagon Alley.

"Are you nervous Percy?" his father asked. Arthur decided to take a day off to accompany Percy on his application. When Arthur saw the ad Percy was talking about, he was skeptical at first. He never heard such things. That is until Percy explained to him that muggles have scholarships and explained what they were.

Arthur at first was embarrassed. While he was fascinated by muggles using such a thing, he was embarrassed that he has to use such a scholarship to help his children in their school. At first, he was against it, thinking that someone else would benefit from the scholarship more that is until Bill has to literally argue with their father about it and how it will help them get better schooling. Molly was not happy about it, thinking they shouldn't qualify for such a fund. Bill and Charlie actually applied as well but they applied after Percy and will have their interviews at a later date.

The waiting room was nice. There were chairs, a woman sitting at the desk near them and there were posters on the walls promoting the scholarship. Arthur at first thought this was a scam which is why he accompanied Percy.

Sitting beside Percy is a girl who looks younger than him about ten years old. She was alone.

"You also applied for this too?" Percy asked.

The girl looked at him. "Yes."

"Where's your family?" Arthur asked.

There was a pause before she answered. "No family. I'm a squib."

That surprised the two Weasleys. Arthur turned red after knowing about it. Realized that this child must have been abandoned. This is not new, as it is common for squibs to get disowned and abandoned and left to fend for themselves.

"I don't think squibs are allowed in magic schools," Percy commented.

"Percy!" Arthur chastised him.

"I'm not going to a magical school." The girl frowned at him and then pointed to one of the posters in front of them. The poster isn't moving and looks like a picture of a school. Westminster Academy.

That's when Percy finally understood. The scholarship is not giving squibs opportunities to go to a magic school (there are some schools that allow it sometimes) but for her to go to a muggle school. This is good because the child will be able to go to school in the muggle world and give her a chance for a better future.

"Mrrs. Weasley?" The woman at the desk called them. "They are ready for you now."

The two Weasleys stood up. Before Percy followed his dad, he turned to the girl. "Good luck."

They entered a small office.

"Mrrs. Weasley." A man stood up from the table with a typical American accent and shook hands with the two. "Thank you for coming. My name is Augustus Blake." There was a short pause. "Wait, a minute, aren't you the man you keeps asking me about plugs?"