
The Domineering CEO's Petite Wife, Sisi

The younger sister smirked. “Hehe, you will marry into their family first, and then I will follow suit. Once we’re both in the Shang family, don’t forget to humble yourself whenever you see me!” Song Si could only swallow her grievance and take her younger sister’s place by marrying the Shang family’s second young master. On the night of her wedding, the man with a blood-red blindfold sighed. “I’m disabled and I don’t feel like dragging anyone down with me. You may go.” Song Si felt sorry so she smiled softly, and said, “I’m already married to you, so let me take care of you from now on!” Suddenly, the man removed his blindfold to reveal a pair of devilishly charming eyes. His lips curled into a smile. “As expected of the woman of my choice. Only you are worthy of becoming the Shang family’s madam!” Song Si was shocked. “You…” Shang Yao pulled her into his arms and grinned. “The Shang family only has one young master. From now on, I’ll take care of your mother. For the grievances and injustice you’ve suffered in the Song family, I will return them the favor by a hundred folds!” Character Setting: Song Si - A charming young lady who is both sophisticated and sweet. Shang Yao - A domineering CEO. Two-faced, capable, and loyal.

Cold Charm · Urban
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40 Chs


Translator: Henyee Translations Redakteur: Henyee Translations

Lu Ke still refused to admit it. "Why would you think that? This is just your guess. I have nothing to do with Song Yu."

Song Si did not want to continue wasting time with this person. She said indifferently, "Only Song Yu knows about our relationship. I happen to have some conflict with her, and you just coincidentally appeared at this time. You also confessed to having feelings for me, and there was a paparazzo taking photos of us when we were having a dispute yesterday. Don't you think these things are too coincidental?"

Lu Ke did not know how to answer. This woman was too smart. He clearly did not say anything, but she actually managed to guess the truth.

"Yes, I'm colluding with Song Yu. But so what? You've already fallen into the trap. Even if you know everything, it's too late."

Lu Ke's expression was vicious as he looked at her with anger in his eyes.

She had caused him to be beaten up yesterday. Since she had no feelings for him, there was no need for him to pity her.

Since she already knew, he did not have to continue acting.

"Song Yu is much gentler than you. It seems that my judgment back then was right. You're indeed not worthy to be with someone as outstanding as me."

Lu Ke held the cup in his hand and mocked Song Si.

His words confirmed Song Si's guess, but she felt that danger was approaching. She had to think of a way to leave as soon as possible.

"Song Yu is indeed outstanding, so please be together for the rest of your lives and don't step out to harm others."

Song Si mocked back, but from her eyes, it could be seen that she was looking for a way out.

Lu Ke noticed her small actions and suddenly revealed a perverted smile. "You want to escape?"

Song Si was shocked and said calmly, "Why should I run? I'm just a little anxious and want to go to the bathroom."

Song Si found a random excuse. Even if she wanted to go out, the man would not let her leave.

"I won't allow you to do that!"

Lu Ke did not care about anything else and quickly pounced on Song Si, wanting to pour the unknown liquid into her mouth.

Song Si's face turned pale. She quickly resisted, but Lu Ke was too strong. She could not push him away at all. She could only grit her teeth so she would not drink the unknown liquid.

Lu Ke tried his best to pry her mouth open, and Song Si still ended up swallowing most of the liquid.

"Argh, Lu Ke, what exactly do you want?"

Song Si could not push Lu Ke away no matter how hard she tried. Her resistance was useless against Lu Ke, but Song Si knew that if she did not leave when she was sober, she would be doomed.

No one knew what this lunatic wanted to do.

Lu Ke looked at her and sneered. "What do I want? Song Si, why are you still asking such a stupid question? Of course, I want you to taste the joy of being a woman.

"After all, your blind husband is lying in bed. I don't think he can do anything, right? You're so pitiful. I'll reluctantly save you from your misery."

Song Si knew very well that Lu Ke was not joking. Now that the drug had taken effect, she was slowly starting to feel a little dizzy.

"I'm warning you, don't do anything rash, or the Shang family won't let you off!"

Song Si's words attracted Lu Ke's attention. She touched her phone and dialed Shang Yao's number from memory.

"Won't let me off? Hahaha, I hope they won't let me off. After all, I still have to give the Shang family a big gift! Their new daughter-in-law is having an affair with another man outside. I wonder if this gift is big enough?"

Lu Ke laughed crazily and revealed his goal.

Song Si wanted to shout for help, but she was weak and could not shout at all.

Gradually, she could not see the person in front of her clearly anymore. She was a little dizzy, and her hearing was weakening.

She did not even know if she managed to make that call before she lost consciousness.

Seeing the woman gradually faint, Lu Ke knew that his plan was about to succeed. The ferocious smile on his face grew wider.

He had put a heavy dosage in that glass of water, so the drug quickly took effect.

Lu Ke shook Song Si to confirm that she was completely unconscious.

He muttered to himself, "I didn't have the chance to taste you when I was dating you in the past. Now that I finally have a chance, I definitely need to enjoy your good figure!"