
The Division in DC Universe

A guy asked for helpers from ROB before being transmigrated to DC universe. I DO NOT claim ownership of established intellectual properties such as those from DC Comics or any other pre-existing materials in my fanfic. Please give me your feedback. I could learn from your input. Thanks

the5tranger · Anime und Comics
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Making plans

15th Jan 2007

The following week had begun when we were concluded our business with Davis on the matter of the hotel. The hotel was just a front to hide our true purpose, but I want to develop any property we would own. So, we had people renovate and develop the hotel. This would take awhile but there were other things to worry about now.

We were headed to our underground HQ. We had been going further down for the past 3 minutes and we hadn't arrived yet. The elevator wea big enough to fit a group of ten and a small car. Once we reached, the doors opened, and it was big. It was like a huge cave. 'I guess Batman isn't the only one having a cave in Gotham.' I snickered at that thought.

Some meters away from us was some crates that held stolen weapons from the police, crime families and independent mob bosses like the Penguin and Two face. Others held art pieces, expensive jewellery and important valuable properties of important individuals.

"So, what's the plan boss?" Natasha inquired beside me.

"Now we prepare to be the best at what we will be doing. That means training our bodies, carefully and thoroughly studying our targets and individuals, making contingency plans for plan A and developing our skills, both intellectually and martially." I already had a plan, and I was going to make it happen. "Our operations will be a hybrid custom involving distractions and framing. Distractions for Batman to split his focus and framing other criminals for throwing Batman off." I finished my plan.

Everybody was silent and I took that to nobody having objections to the plan.

"We all can evolve so training our bodies will be much easier. Also enhanced minds. So, I'll give us all one year to make us ready. We will create a database of everyone who we'll be looking into, classify them according to strengths, weaknesses, allies, enemies… I want everything on them-"

"What about Batman and the Justice League? Do we also include them?" Taylor inquired. 

"Yes. Everybody who will have any sort of interaction be it intentional or accidental. I want to know everything about them. Oh… I know Batman's identity." Everybody turned to me with a shocked expression. 'I guess Mr. Origin didn't tell them everything. Good, I can use this.'

"Who is it?" Natasha asked with a vicious smile. "That will be your first assignment. You are to use every resource you have and get over the year. I'll just be confirming who you'll have discovered as Batman's identity. You have one year." I gave them their orders.

"Now, for the most effective and efficient way to train is by experience because our evolving abilities are like cheat codes. So, I want our training hard and intense. I want us to accumulate a 5 years' worth of experience in one year. Preferably even more years of experience."

Now I needed to start training. I looked over for a dojo or training facility inside the city, but they were either run down and closed or didn't have the training facilities. I decided to but the equipment and train in the 'hotel basement'. We bought enough for all of us and began training. Our diets changed and by the second month, we could see changes.

I was back at home after a long shower. I decided to watch some TV. It was showing a live fight between two professional MMA fighters. During the fight, I started seeing gold projections but not symbols this time. It was translucent bodies with a tint of gold. Two of them fighting each other but showed a better form. I knew what was going on. It meant I was learning. 'This ability is frighteningly powerful.' I moved to an empty space and tried to copy the moves. I found it easy to copy and it didn't strain my body much. I'm sure it was because I was building my muscles.

Next morning, I woke up and I was felling fresh. The day was as usual. I went to our base and continued to train. We did our firearms training, study various types of bombs, military squad movement, squad advance and retreat, covering of our backs, contingency plans, stealth movement, by month six I was sure we moved like John Wick himself. 'I could start a John wick verse here. What was it called? Em… The High Table. I already have a hotel. You know what, I'll rename it to The Continental.' I was grinning intensely.

We had done several operations albeit they were simple. Small operations like stealing from big supermarkets and small gangs. I underestimated small gangs with their business in drug dealing. It paid them well. 'I'm sure they won't be noticing anytime soon that somebody has been stealing their cash.' I even wondered how much the remaining crime families and mob bosses have accumulated now. I was getting greedy.

I went to the training hall and found Joe and Brian sparing. I greeted them and they returned with a nod. "Tay? Call the rest over. I need to brief them on something." I told Taylor who was studying some blueprints. "Yes Mr. Wag-"

"I told you to call me Theo, like I have been calling you Tay. Right?" I interrupted her.

"I know but, I like to keep thing professional." She smiled at me.

I just sighed. The rest came in later. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are moving on to the next phase of our plan. The first step to criminal-framing strategy. We can only do this by leaving evidence leading to other criminals. I was thinking of getting my hands on Scarecrow's fear gas and Joker's laughing gas." I couldn't think of any better people to throw under the bus and give Batman a headache.

"I can do that." Brian raised his hand. "I just need to get a sample on both, even if it's in someone's body?" he continued.

"Yes. I'll deal with it from there." I gave him an expression that showed I was disturbed by what he was going to do. But I knew we'll get to a darker side sooner or later. 'I'll get over it.'

"Other matters, we'll be opening the hotel to the public next month. I have renamed it to The Continental. It has been renovated thoroughly, new art pieces and better privileges to its members. Brian and Joe. You'll make this launching successful since you have experience both in real estate and management." They nodded and got busy.