
Bayle The Dread, The lord of frenzied flame, and Malenia

A.N. New house moved into, Wi-fi restored, Midterms finished, time to lock in


" Dam it Nastu. this is why we can't take you anywhere! You just had to charge off without thinking, didn't you?" Grey shouted with irritation, a little earlier Nastu decided he would lead the group and ran off randomly with Happy, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Wendy, Carla, Erza, Lucy, Juvia, and Grey following him. 

Natsu rolled his eyes crossing his arms defiantly. "We wouldn't have missed out on anything cool if you could keep up, " he shot back, unfazed.

"Cool? We're out in the middle of Caelid, and we're lost, you flame for brain!" Gray argued, shaking his head in annoyance.

Erza sighed, stepping between them. "Enough, you two. The guild isn't far, and we can handle this on our own for now." Her voice held the usual commanding tone that quieted them-at least for the time being.

Lucy laughed nervously, her eyes darting around. "I just hope that we don't run into any more of those creatures. Caelid is bad enough without having to worry about everything trying to kill us."

Happy fluttered up, patting Lucy on the head in a rare attempt to be reassuring. "Aye! We'll be fine. After all, we're Fairy Tail!" Carla snorted slightly at his nonchalance but nodded in agreement. They began walking as the freakish, red-tinted landscape, Juvia stood next to Grey blushing and staring at Grey's shirtless body. 

Not long after the group found a tunnel, Nastu finally seeing something interesting ran inside with the group right behind him. As they entered a blue screen popped up saying Gael Tunnel. Two knights wearing red and chain male armor stood at the edge of the small pit, the two knights charged at the group. Gajeel and Panther Lily were the ones to fight these two knights. 

" Iron Dragon hard Fist!" Coating his arm in iron Gajeel punched through the shield of one of the knights then delivered another blow to his head killing the knight and causing it to glow white and disappear dropping his weapon and armor. Panther Lily is his larger size used his large sword to cut in half the Knight. 

The group jumped down and began to explore the dungeon, they fought and killed all the knights and miner monsters that attacked them.

" Hey, Nastu and Gajeel do you guys smell that?" As they approached near the boss room Wendy asked the two other dragon slayers if they smelled what she smelled.

" It smells like a dragon." Gajeels words shocked the rest of the group.

" Dragon! Are you serious?" Erza hearing there might be a dragon became tense.

" No, the smell is similar to a dragon but different." Nastu and the group looked at the wooden gate that was blocked off. As they were about to enter they heard footsteps and heard a voice.

" Young warriors what you smell is the smell of the Magma Wyrm." A giant jar with arms and legs spoke to them as he approached them.

" Woah it's a walking and talking Jar man!" Nastu and Happy shouted out at the same time in excitement, meanwhile, Lucy and Wendy were slightly creeped out by the fact a jar was talking without a mouth.

" Can you explain what Wyrms are and who you are?" Panther Lily asked vigilant of the Jar.

" I am Iron Fist Alexander, I'm a jar who loves to fight, and wants to take on the strongest foes possible. And to answer your question Wyrms are quadrupedal draconic creatures with torn, vestigial wings and broad heads. Once human heroes that partook of Dragon Communion and were cursed to crawl the earth as flightless imitations of Dragons, losing their humanity in the process." Alexanders' words left the group stunned with the new information.

" They were Human, no way," Lucy murmured as she was digesting everything she just heard.

" Hey, What's the Dragon Communion?" Gajeel asked curious about something involving dragons, Nastu, and Wendy also waited to hear what he would say.

" Ah the Dragon Communion is when a ritual where a warrior takes the heart of a slayed drake and offers it up at any of the dragon churches and in exchange for the heart one of the dragon's abilities will be given but if the warrior can't take the power they become Wyrms."

" I see. So Alexander will you join us in fighting the Magma Wyrm?" Erza questioned Alexander wondering if he would join them or leave. 

" If you wish I would join you." As Alexander said that, the group entered the boss room where the magma Wyrm was.

The wooden gate creaked as Erza pushed it open, revealing a vast, cavernous chamber. The air was thick with the stench of sulfur and burning rock. Streams of molten lava crisscrossed the ground, bathing the room in a hellish glow. At the center, coiled around a pool of magma, was the Magma Wyrm. Its crimson scales shimmered, and its molten breath hissed as it slumbered, momentarily oblivious to the intruders.

"Whoa…" Natsu's grin stretched ear to ear.

"Now that's what I call a monster!" His excitement was palpable, even as the wyrm began to stir.

Gray glared at him. "Don't even think about charging in alone, you idiot."

"Oh, I wasn't thinking about it," Natsu replied, cracking his knuckles. "I'm doing it!"

Before anyone could stop him, Natsu surged forward, fire igniting in his fists. The Magma Wyrm's eyes snapped open, glowing with a fiery intensity. It let out a guttural roar, shaking the chamber as it uncoiled and rose to its full height.

"Natsu! Don't be reckless!" Erza called, her voice sharp. 

 "Ah, the thrill of battle! Let us test our mettle, warriors!" Alexander boomed with laughter, raising his massive jar-like fists. The wyrm lunged, spewing molten fire. Natsu dodged nimbly, countering with a fiery uppercut.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" His flames clashed with the wyrm's molten breath, causing an explosion that lit up the chamber.

Gajeel charged in next, his arms transforming into iron. "Iron Dragon Sword!" He slammed his weaponized limbs into the wyrm's flank, chipping away at its molten scales.

"Wendy, buffs!" Erza commanded as she charged in with her sword. Wendy nodded, summoning her magic.

"Roar of the Sky Dragon!" Wendy unleashed a vortex of wind that cooled the lava slightly, creating safe zones for her allies to move.

"Armor of the Flame Empress!" Erza donned her blazing red armor, absorbing the heat and delivering a powerful slash across the wyrm's side. Sparks flew as her blade met the beast's scales.

Lucy joined in, summoning Virgo and Taurus for assistance. "Help keep it distracted!" she ordered. The celestial spirits darted around, striking at the wyrm's exposed joints while avoiding its deadly tail swipes.

"Water Nebula!" Juvia stood beside Gray, both their powers intertwining, her water-based attack clashing with the magma wyrm's fiery breath.

Gray added, "Ice-Make: Lance!" His ice spears struck the beast, momentarily cooling sections of its body.

Alexander roared as he leaped into the fray. "Iron Fist!" He delivered a heavy blow to the wyrm's head, staggering it.

Despite their efforts, the wyrm remained ferocious. It reared back and slammed its body into the ground, sending molten waves surging toward the group.

"Back!" Erza shouted, and everyone scattered.

"It's strong… even with all of us." Wendy panted, her magic dwindling. Carla and Happy looked beside Wendy waiting for the right time to help, they felt limited since they couldn't Fly much in this room. Panther Lily was fighting with the group swinging his large sword and distracting the Wyrm. 

Natsu wiped the sweat from his brow. "We'll take it down. I'm just getting started!" His body flared with intense flames.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus Exploding Flame Blade!" His attacks landed hard, causing the wyrm to roar in pain. It staggered but retaliated with a massive swipe of its tail, sending Natsu flying into the wall.

"Natsu!" Wendy and Lucy cried, but the fiery dragon slayer pushed himself up, grinning.

"I'm fine! Let's finish this!"

The group rallied, combining their strongest attacks. Gray's ice, Juvia's water, Erza's swordplay, and Gajeel's iron fists hammered into the beast. Natsu charged one last time, his flames burning brighter than ever.

With a final, earth-shaking roar, the Magma Wyrm collapsed, its body dissipating into ash, A blue screen saying Great Enemy Felled appeared. Each member has 7500 points and a dragon's heart. The Moonveil Katana lay in the center, Erza picked it up and sensed its power, she poured her magical power into it and felt her body move then drawing the katana out of the sheath a blue magic sword slash appeared. 

Alexander clapped his hands, his laughter echoing. "An incredible fight! Well done, warriors of Fairy Tail!" 

" Your strong Jar man." Nastu complemented Alexander and exited the Geal Tunnel, they were told to head south toward the Cathedral of dragon Communion by Alexander and separated ways. As the group began to head there they saw two people approach them. 

"Fancy meeting you out here," Kisuke Urahara said lightly and in friendly tones.

"Name's Kisuke. Looks like we're headed the same way."

"We've heard about the Cathedral too," Yoruichi added, her smile sharp. 

"Mind if we join you?"

Erza nodded. "The more, the better. We'd be glad to have you."

As the two groups met, the talking started. Lucy inquired with Kisuke about his hat, and he laughed, telling the "practical and stylish" history of the accessory. Meanwhile, Yoruichi teased Gajeel about his gruff demeanor, something which actually got a very rare laugh out of the iron dragon slayer. Wendy, after some shyness, really warmed up as Yoruichi playfully nudged her about stepping up as the group's "official little powerhouse.

Happy and Carla flew overhead, making humorous comments about the absurdity of it all, while Juvia merely hovered close to Gray, silent but happy simply to be near him.

As they headed south further, the land began to get spookier. Clearing, they saw a clearing with an old man in a black robe with three stars embroidered into it. Standing in a circle around him were four figures, Azazel, Vali, Tsunade, and Shizune, silently regarding their approach with interest.

He raised his head, his tone even and mystical. "I am Malgrove, keeper of knowledge. If you seek answers about this land, the towers, or its mysteries, I offer them—for a price."

" Oh and what should We use as a form of payment." Irene and Ajeel also arrived, Irene and Erza sharing eye contact before a new voice could be heard.

" Looks like there quite a few people here." Orochimaru and Kabto were the new ones to appear, and the last group to join was Sirzechs joined with Grayfia his wife and his sister and her peerage. The different groups of people all raised their guards prepared for a fight, Kiskue ignoring the situation was the first to ask his question.

" So Malgrove, I want to know how many floors there will be in the future?" Kiskues care free attitude was gone replaced with a serious one. 

" That isn't an answer I can give you, but if you wish I can show a glimpse of the boss for floor 20. For 35,000 points." Malgrove turned his head and looked at Kiskue awaiting his answer.

" Sure why not." Paying the 35,000 points Kiskue and the group awaited to see what he would say, instead of talking Malgrove took out a crystal ball. In the sky it showed a jagged peak with lighting raining down, corpse of dragons littered everywhere.

" O-Oh… Ohh… O-Ohh! Ohhhhhh! The pain… The pain! My arms! My legs! Each lies a bloody ruin! Ah… A-Aaaaaargh! The pain… The exquisite pain…

Bayle! Vile Bayle! O terror incarnate! There is life in me yet! I will soon feast upon your heart! Mark my words! You too shall know fear! Uaaaaargh!" As the scene of location was being shown a males voice full of pain could be heard.

" Curse you, Bayle! I hereby vow! You will rue this day! Behold, a true drake warrior! And I, Igon! Your fears made flesh! Solid of scale you might be, foul dragon... But I will riddle with holes your rotten hide! With a hail of harpoons! With every last drop of my being!" As the words of Igon was being played the group saw the boss, Its obsidian scales, like polished volcanic glass, shone over a graveyard of dragons, their corpses nestled below as if at the feet of a champion. And with each exhalation, magma belched from its jagged maw-a plume of sizzling heat into the relentless storm. The wings were tattered, but expansive, stretched wide as if commanding the heavens themselves. 

" Bayle The Dread is the boss. Next question." While most of the group were still processing the monster they just saw Orochimaru walked up and asked his question.

" I want to know with how mysterious this tower is, there must exist a force so unhinged that even the divine dare not touch it. I seek knowledge of this chaos, a power that even gods fear." 

" Orochimaru! I knew you were crazy but to want something so dangerous, what would you even need it for." Tsunade glared at Orochimaru wondering what he was planning.

" Tsunade, I'm just asking for the sake of my curiosity." Orochimaru's words didn't ease Tsunade at all.

" I see so you covet knowledge about the forbidden, I'll tell you about the frenzied flame for 20,000 points." Malgove asked for 20,000 points, Orochimaru and Kabto used all their points for this information. Once again a projection appeared in the air and there was an Orange flame dancing wildly. The group felt their heads slightly hurt from just looking at it.

"Seek audience with the Three Fingers and the flame of frenzy. If you inherit the flame of frenzy, your flesh will serve as kindling and the girl can be spared...setting you on the righteous path of lordship. The path of the Lord of Chaos. Burn the Erdtree to the ground,

and incinerate all that divides and distinguishes. Ahhh, may chaos take the world!

May chaos take the world!" On the screen Shabriri was talking with a man wearing silver armor and explaining to him how to attain the Frenzied flame. 

" The frenzied flame is a chaotic, all-consuming fire that burns with a maddening intensity, its flame radiating an orange-red glow that distorts and warps reality around it. It represents uncontrollable madness and destruction, spreading uncontrollably and engulfing everything in its path, both literally and mentally, driving those who come into contact with it into frenzy and madness. The flame pulses with a violent, chaotic energy, as if it's alive, embodying both the desire to burn and to obliterate without reason or end. Only the Lord of the Frenzied Flame can control it." On the screen it switched to a skinny man with a The Frenzied flame as his head and holding a yellow and oragne weapon, then it showed the silver armor warrior whos head also became the frenzied flame burn a giant tree. 

" righteous path my ass." Gajeel spoke seeing the flames burn everything.

" Last question before I leave." Malgove waited for the last question as the screen turned off.

" Who is Malenia? I heard from multiple people from the tower say she was the reason why the scarlet rot exists here, and how she fought Radahan." The last person to ask was Vali, he wanted to know who she was as well as did others.

" Knowledge about Malenia would cost 30,000 points." Vali, Azazel, and Sirzechs used all the points they had for this information. Once again a screen appeared, this time Malenia, Blade of Miquella appeared on it.

"I dreamt for so long. My flesh was dull gold...and my blood, rotted. Corpse after corpse, left in my wake... As I awaited... his return.... Heed my words. I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella. And I have never known defeat."

" Malenia, Blade of Miquella is an emperyan like Rahadan, born the child of Queen Marika the Eternal and her second husband, the Elden Lord Radagon. She is the twin sister of Miquella and the younger half sister of Rahadan. Malenia was afflicted with the Scarlet Rot, which ravaged her from within and would cost her several limbs. " The image shown was one where Malenia sat in a chair next to Miquella and her other siblings across her.

" During the shattering Malenia challenged Rahadan and fought him to a stand still, during the battle she unleashed her scarlet rot causing Calied to become what it currently is as well as Rahadan. Her current location can not be told to you. Now I must leave, hopefully I'll see you all on the second floor soon." Leaving those words Malgove disappeared leaving the group to absorb everything they just learned.