

"I don't know what is going on in my life?" Emily into her thoughts.

"why I can't able to follow my own decisions? and why I am following what people says??" with a great confusion and stress Emily fight with her own thoughts.

"Hi Emily" calls Peter with his energetic tone. "What are you up to today?? and what's in your mind?" says Peter.

Emily is still on her own thoughts. Her school bell rang. Peter with his loud voice, "Emily are you hearing me??"

After hearing Peters loud voice, " yeah!! sorry Peter I am alright.. let us talk in the break!!". said Emily.

With confusion, Peter said "Ok let's meet at cafeteria."

Emily replied with "Ok" to Peter. And head to her class and again went into her thoughts..

Peter and Emily were close friends from their kindergarten. They share all the things between them each and every day.

Their parents were close to each other and spends their weekend's together. Emily's father and Peters father were family friends. They are business partners too.

Emily says to herself " How will I say this to Peter?? " " We are moving to another place in another city. " " I will miss my friend for sure. "

" How will I convince my parents to stay her??.. I will surely miss weekends with Peter and his family!! "