
The Discarded Harem Member’s Counterattack [Portal Fantasy Tale]

A gothic fantasy set in a magical version of Eurasia. If you like portal fantasy (isekai), twisted protagonist and strategy over brute force this novel is for you!  Updates every Wednesday and Thursday unless I have health issues effecting me. Chapters are typically 1k to 1.8k long in word count. Content Warning: Incest, Torture, Beheading and Abusive Relationships. Read ahead by five chapters on scribblehub and web novel! ------------ Volume One Summary Ever read a novel and think "wow...the female lead is a walking contradiction! What happened to her personality? Her drive besides the main character's affection?" Well, that's what eighteen year old Leila thought while reading her favorite web novel.  Full of frustration, the teenager changes her perfect review for the novel into a one star. She felt cheated out of a good story teased as a gothic fantasy when really, it was a harem power fantasy. It turns out she isn't the only one that feels this way– the gods do to!  Summoned by a isekai god/demon, the teenager is cursed. She must avenge Cleo, the female lead, by living her life in the novel. The girl died a terrible death, wronged by the world as she was betrayed. Her cheating prince boyfriend, her callous brothers and her fake friends.  All must be taken down with Leila's COUNTER ATTACK! The teenager must use her wits and her body to survive, as there's death flags every page.

Marythegorgon · Fantasie
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36 Chs

Chapter 1.16: Mind Your Tongue

Chapter 1.16: Mind Your Tongue

"You look stunning!" Yeonhee exclaimed as Leila stood with a blank expression.

The teenager had tried on three of the dresses already. The first one was a traditional Chinese dress that felt too tight around her waist. Its fabric irritated skin with how coarse it was. The second was a long gown that was heavy from its ruffles and skirts. She requested both be thrown into the trash, she wouldn't wear them any day. Finally, she was given a beautiful mermaid gown.

The gown was dark green with golden accents. The gold was made from sequins that glistened under the sunlight. A fur shawl was given to her to wear with it. The shawl felt comfortable and covered some of her scarrings. Leila was impressed by how grand the outfit was. Every detail screamed that Cleo's family had money and the best of the best. She did a twirl in front of the mirror and smirked.

"I want this one," She said and held her hand out. Elissa hurried to give her a pair of earrings to wear. Jade and diamonds dangled from golden hoops as she put each one in. "Return the other dresses to the dressmaker by next Friday."

All three maids froze at her response. The dressmaker she favored was a mean one. Cleo had remarked the woman was famous for her attitude. She had a tongue that could fight back against even the rudest of spoiled noble girls. She also had the talent to back up any remarks sent her way. Returning items would be like spitting in her food. But Leila didn't care about how it looked right now, she'd confront the woman herself later.

Sensing how freaked out her servants were, she decided to clear the air. Her blank expression morphed into a warm one as she spoke. "Don't worry, I'll send you a letter to give to her. It will explain why." She made sure to sound calming.

Her tone didn't help change their minds. The atmosphere was turning for the worse. Yeonhee and the maid whose name she didn't know looked at each other. The unnamed maid cleared her throat and stepped forward. She was hesitant, her voice shaking as she spoke. Her hands played with the bottom of her skirt nervously. Leila could tell she was used to noble women lashing out at her.

"Ma'am I don't think it's proper to send us out to do your…" The maid looked to the other for support. They stayed silent and she wilted. "...dirty work. Why don't you just return the dresses yourself?"

"Watch your tongue!" Yeonhee hissed out as Elissa covered her mouth. Both looked shocked by how outspoken the woman suddenly had become.

Leila sighed. The teenager was happy not all the servants were meek. They spoke their mind when they felt necessary and it pleased her. It was hard to command them so carelessly as Cleo would have. The first week she was in the estate she had been shocked by how subservient they were. It honestly freaked her out and reminded her of unpleasant memories. But now she knew that other servants who were loyal to her parents would report back.

Allowing them to call her by her name wasn't that bad. Every noble had a handful of favorite maids and butlers they dragged around. However, there were lines Leila feared to cross. Servants were everywhere waiting to listen in to her conversations.

Like outside her bedroom door, a maid could be cleaning slower than usual. Or a guard could be sitting beside her door with his ear to it. If she let this disrespect slide, they'd report it to her mother straight away. The woman would become enraged with that cold anger she constantly felt.

Thinking of her made her feel uncomfortable. Cleo's mother was a threat she had to be wary of. Her manipulation skills made her actions towards Alek look like child's play. Her tendrils were in everything and everyone that walked the estate halls.

She had no doubt she'd handle this with unimaginable abuse. Leila narrowed her eyes. She'd have to teach this woman a lesson herself, risking the servants' trust in her. It was a sacrifice she would have to make.

"What's your name?" She turned and walked directly to the woman's face.

The maid blinked and took a step back at the change in tone. "What? Oh. My name is Seanna, Ma'am." She didn't bother looking Leila in the eye, instead staring at the carpeted floor.

"Seanna, I don't want to make you all do my dirty work. I simply want you to do your job," The teenager grabbed the girl's chin and forced her to look her in the eye. "You are paid by my parents to clean my room and take care of me. I thought you understood that when you took the job."

Shanna trembled as the others hurried out of the room. It made the teenager annoyed. "I'm sorry!"

A finger was put against her lips. "Shush, let me finish. You just need an explanation, alright?"

"You were hired to serve me. You shouldn't be shocked I expected you to do a simple task. Seriously, aren't you an experienced maid by now?" She asked and the woman nodded feverishly.

Leila smiled at her and made sure to grip her harder. Her nails dug into her skin. "Didn't your previous clients have you take care of shopping duties?" The maid nodded her head again.

"So what's different this time?" She already knew the answer but she wanted her to say it.

The maid sweated anxiously. "The dressmaker treats us servants like trash. Please, Ma'am, I mean no disrespect. I only worry for our safety near her."

"Seriously, you think I'd let her hurt you?" The maid looked like she wanted to puke. Terrified, she shook her head and clamped her mouth shut.

Leila couldn't blame her for knowing how the upper and middle classes worked in this world. Still, it irritated her and she wasn't sure exactly why. She decided to reassure the woman. If any of the maids under her care were harmed she'd destroy the dressmaker. Whatever reputation her business had would be turned into ash when she was finished.

"If the dressmaker lashes out at you, do nothing. If she lays a hand on you, stand strong. Report back to me and I'll personally go address her. I will make her body black and blue if she hurts you." She growled as the maid began to tear up.

"I'm sorry, please don't fire me!" Leila blinked in surprise. She didn't have the power to fire anyone her parents hired.

Leila used her gown's sleeve to wipe the girl's tears. If the woman thought she had that power, why not abuse it? "Please don't cry. I would never fire someone who treated me so kindly. I'm only warning you in case you speak like this again."

She let go of the girl and scrambled away. Countless apologies slipped out of her mouth as she left the room. Outside she could hear Yeonhee scolding her once more and Elissa asked if she was alright. Leila put her head in her hands and sighed. Great, now one of the servants was terrified of her. She looked at her nails and grimaced. There was blood under them.

The poor woman was probably bleeding by the time she let her go. The teenager didn't mean to go that far but an uncontrollable desire overtook her. Her annoyance had morphed into something more. It was like she had to be crueler than usual or else she'd feel worse.

She crossed her arms over her chest and began to pace. Her behavior recently had been unhinged. She had been thinking about Alek a lot. Leila knew what she had done was necessary to survive. If she hadn't he would have easily betrayed her. But it felt sick knowing she had lied so eagerly. Never in her life had she felt good being mean.

She felt good knowing he was being tortured. Leila had never been the nicest of people but this was on another level. It made her wonder if she actually felt bad because she couldn't bring her guilt into reality. If she kept acting so rashly, she risked being killed.

'Fuck, I'll go apologize to the maids after the banquet. I'll pretend that I had a slip of sanity and don't remember behaving that way.' She stopped pacing and groaned in defeat.