
Hancock arrives

Four Days Later, Hatchinos

Wang Zhi fell to the ground aft taking a hammer to the chest. He wanted to get up but he didn't have the ability. Looking at the sky he said

Wang Zhi: I've truly gotten old.

Ryan: It's normal. Age is something no one can stop. Well. There are ways. The surgical fruit and Pure Gold.

Ryan walked over with a bruised body and said.

Wang Zhi: Be careful. Those guys in the WG are all freaks in human skin.

Ryan: I know this. Rest easy I'll bury you on this Island with the Golden Lion guy. Let all pirates in the future come pay their respects to you two old guys.

Wang Zhi: What a life.

The man closed his eyes and breathe his last with a smile on his face. Ryan walked away with his hammer as he grabbed a fruit from Kuro. After a while the fruit changed shape and color. Handing it to Shiryu he said to Kuro

Ryan: Find a place to bury this guy Wang Zhi and the Golden Lion. I'll fix the island and the rest of you will make order on the island. Anyone who doesn't plan to join the fleet can leave. Only Disaster Pirates are to stay here no one else

Kuro: Alright captain.

Kuro and everyone began to act immediately. And with the fall of Wang Zhi the news spread around the world.


Whitebeard: Sigh. Are you gone as well Wang Zhi. It's really nostalgic.

Everyone looked at Whitebeard who was in his memories. They already learned about the Rock's pirates from him and also about the God Valley incident. So they all understood if their pop's was a little emotional right now.

Marco: Pop's what do you think he'll do next.

Jozu: Yeah with such a deep mind in plotting I feel a little cold. Hope he doesn't have any thoughts on us.

The others nodded. They didn't fear Ryan and death didn't faze them. What worried them was being played by Ryan like the marines. That type of planning is simply scary to think about.

Whitebeard: Hard to say. A guy like him is hard to read or even see through. Who knows he may have already laid the foundation for his next action already.


Beckman: What are you thinking about so hard?

Lucky Roo: Yeah obviously not smart yet you actually have such a thoughtful expression.

Yassop: Maybe he's just wondering about Uta.

Shank's lips twitched as he said

Shank's: I'm thinking of the words Rayleigh told me. I can't help but feel odd for some reason.

Beckman: So it's this. Then your worries are well founded. Sigh Kuro that guy is lucky such a smart captain he only needs to worry a little.

Shank's: Hey I'm not that bad

Lucky Roo: Ah so you recognize your brain problems

Yassop: He said not bad obviously he's still got hope for his thinking ability.

Beckman: Those words Ryan said to Rayleigh aren't for himself. They're for you. He's telling you not to get involved with his business.

Shanks: Me? So that's why I was feeling odd. Could it be he knows my birth origins.

Beckman: Maybe so. After all he can know such a thing as those Serephim. Although I don't know where his information comes from I believe he knows and doesn't take you as a pirate or rather he's extremely cautious about you.

Shanks: I guess even if i explain myself he won't care.

Beckman: No he'll just guard against you more and may even do it with you directly. All in all to him Pirates or pirate king is not his goal. Its just step on the way to his goal. The other Emperor's marines and WG may be worried about what he'll do or whose territory he'll go after. But for him Hatchinos is enough. Money he robs, resources he robs, having a large piece of territory is child's play for him. What he wants is what he's always said.

Shanks: The world.

Beckman nodded. The rest of the crew also realized. They had been thinking in the way of normal Pirates. But Ryan is far from a normal pirate. He's a guy who wants the world in his hands. Fighting with them for territory isn't something he cares to do.

One could even say he disdained it. That feeling of being disdained made them a little uncomfortable. Looking at Beckman and Shanks for answers.

Shanks: So he disdains to even look at us from beginning to end. He's treating all other Pirates as stepping stones. Although he respects us he doesn't view us as opponents because the goals are different.

Beckman: That's right. The only people he may view as an enemy are those guys.

Shanks: The revolutionary army.


Dragon: Did you see them?

Sabo: Yeah. Luffy has grown really well. Have you heard?

Dragon: Yeah. Wang Zhi has fallen and the Disaster Pirates have taken over Hatchinos.

Sabo: Do we want to work with them?

Dragon: It's hard to say. I'll have to see his ambitions and how he wants the world to be. But from what I can see he doesn't care about freedom or slavery and simply values strength.

Sabo nodded as he felt the same way. Such a guy is hard to read when it comes to sensitive topics.

Sabo: Well I'm going to the west blues side. Those guys are ready to act.

Dragon: Alright be careful.

MarineFord Fleet Admirals Office

Garp: So that guy Wang Zhi has fallen huh.

Sengoku: Now it's said that those who don't join him have to leave Hatchinos. This situation is just like the beginning of the Rocks Pirates.

Tsuru: Indeed and many riots have happened on Saboady. The celestial dragons have been attacked several times. Luckily you put Kuzan there. Otherwise several of them would have been captured to the new world.

Zephyr: There's also the several attempts on the marines. Some have even successfully done it. Several captains and even a commodore has fallen.

Kizaru: The world has completely erupted into chaos because of this guy.

Akainu: We shouldn't have stopped building on that island in such a time.


Brannew: Sorry to interrupt but we have a situation. Spies around Hatchinos have seen the crew of Boa Hancock docking on pirate Island. Several pirates are seen carrying missing marines, and the three missing celestial dragons. Golden Teseros ship also seems to be going to Hatchinos. All types of guys are simply flocking to Hatchinos in droves.

2: It's started.

Tsuru: Boa Hancock that girl actually went. This is indeed bad.

Sengoku: There's also Tesero who has all those funds for him to use to purchase weapons and other things. It's really a turbulent time.

Holy Land Hall Of Power

Saturn: What does Hancock mean by this action. As a warlord she actually met with an Emperor. The same Emperor who blasted the face of us. Does she think Amazon Lily can be protected by him.

Mercury: He does have Kaku who has eaten Shikis fruit. So that may be her reliance.

Mars: Such a stupid thing. Who does she think she is.

Jupiter: Well it's not like she'll be the only one with close ties to an Emperor. Jinbe and Whitebeard, Shanks and Hawkeye, Doflamingo and Kaido. Even Kuma is a Revolutionary member.

Venus: Just pay attention if she wants to join him then destroy Amazon Lily directly. Let her see what happens when she chooses wrong.

Hatchinos, Meeting Room

Sitting on a throne. Ryan saw Hancock with her two sisters come in. Returning to look at the information he got from Khalifa he said

Ryan: So what does a Warlord want to meet me for?

Hancock looked at him and then said

Hancock: Can we talk alone.

Ryan raised an eyebrow as he said

Ryan: Ok. You guys step out for a second. Kuro tell Enel, Shiryu, Weevil, Bear King, and Franklin to go to the Steel Empire. Kill all the royals. I want those ore's they have. When things are finished I'll send Kaku over.

Kuro: Yes Captain

Everyone except Hancock and her two sisters left the room. Then Hancock asked

Hancock: How can you just kill celestial dragons? Don't you know how powerful the celestial dragons are.

Ryan: I understand their strength. Its strong. Very strong. But what do I care about that for. Do I need to fear someone just because of some bullshit status and strength. If they're strong just get stronger and beat them down. What's the use of thinking so much about simple things.

Hancock: It's not that simple. What about the people around you don't you care about them. They could die

Ryan: You're a pirate yet also an Empress of a nation. So you obviously have such scruples. However this restricts you severely. You as a Conquerors user can't act as you wish because of your nation. This in turn limits your strength and growth potential. Thus making you stagnant. The current you should've already been able to fight with the admiral but you can't rise beyond that because you're hesitant. Come with me.