
The Dimensional Trader

⚠️WARNING⚠️ There are violent scenes and other disturbing scenes in this fic. As I've already warned you, don't whine if you don't like what you read. _________________________________________ Upon waking in the Marvel Universe as Bruce Banner, Budi wanted to lead a tranquil and easy life. His aspirations are dashed when he sees the news reporting on how hated mutants are around the world. Then he understands that he needs to be strong enough to make his opponents fearful of him to enjoy a lazy life. His system is broken. How will he fix it? Hulk was also pulled back by his beloved father (TOBA). Can Budi, or what we now know as Bruce, survive there? If the world rejected his presence, all he needed to do was look for a new world. . This story will move slowly, if you are looking for an MC who can explode stars in chapter one, this is not for you. Chapters 1- 50 will be a journey to find a way to freedom, maybe you can't wait for that, so you can just skip chapter 60. One more thing! The grammar of this fic may feel bad to the point of being terrible. I think it's natural because I'm not a Westerner but an Asian person So, if anyone complains about my bad grammar, here's my excuse.  I know that my grammar is bad, that's why I try to make interesting plots and storylines as compensation to you readers. _________________________________________ P@treon? If you want to read ahead, check out my Patreon and access up to 15 chapters ahead of Web Novel and Scribble Hub: patreon.com/AboutMe01. For just five dollars, you will be able to read all chapters. ********************************

AboutMe01 · Anime und Comics
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72 Chs

The Greatest Kai (Read from here if you hate character building progress)

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But there was one thing that confused him, if only his guesses were correct. Why did they let the Dursleys, a trio, bully their hero? 

Isn't it natural for a savior of the wizarding world to be treated with honor?

Or maybe a little more worthy?

At least give Harry a house that makes his life quiet, spacious rooms, and sufficient food supplies. The reason I say that is because the boy looks so thin in the movie, not to mention the verbal abuse they do all the time against him.

Ready to bear all possible risks, life without challenges is like a garden without flowers. So he walked towards house number four, with vigilance at its highest level.

Thirty meters from the location is still safe.

Twenty-five meters is still safe to approach.

Twenty meters, is it safe? 

He could not say whether it was safe or not, although no one had yet attacked or shot at him with an unforgivable curse. However, Bruce can sense mana in unusually large quantities, beginning to be detected by his senses.

His mana sense was still weak, after all, he was just a beginner in the field of magic.

The third-year student from Hogwarts is probably stronger than he is, not that he's condescending to himself. But the magic he currently mastered was only basic element-based magic consisting of fire, earth, air, and water magic. 

While Hogwarts students possess powerful magic, what Bruce fears most is transfiguration magic. 

That branch of magic did not have high damage against its target, but imagining itself to be a pig was not the slightest fun to imagine. Especially if you experience it firsthand.

Bruce walked step by step, slowly shortening the distance to the location of the Dursleys' home.

Fifteen meters!

Mana assemblage remarkable is detected by the mana sense to which it belongs. The comparison is that if the mana assemblage it belongs to is like a bottle of mineral water, then the mana group he can feel from the guardians is the ocean.

Choppy sea, as if a great storm were brewing.

* Badump... Badump... Badump*

His heart was beating very fast and threatened to explode.

Bruce stopped taking a step, turned around, and walked away. Stay away from the Dursleys.

Listen, this is not an escape, it's just that suddenly I want to go to the bathroom. 

He could feel the mana being as wide as the ocean from the direction of his back. The fierce mana sea slowly calmed down, it happened with every step Bruce took as he left the house of the Dursley family. 

Bruce at this time was like a small fish forced to swim in the middle of a thunderstorm, surrounded by fierce waves. As a result, he was adrift and could not swim comfortably. 

It's hard, even to breathe. 

Since starting to use the convection method, his senses have grown stronger. If it was related to something related to mana, his senses would quickly detect it. 

Bruce has developed magical beast-like senses, sensitive to mana. 

- My guess is correct- that's all he said in his heart as he walked quickly towards Robert's house.

Bruce is unable to detect mana inside a witch's body, as they can suppress their presence. But in contrast to the mana in the surrounding atmosphere, he sensed movement from them and knew what the guards were doing.

Magic casting process.

His back was wet with sweat. The feeling he felt when pressed by the guards was like being grasped by a giant hand, his instinct screaming and giving a warning signal.

His knees felt weak, and just by feeling the amount of mana, they managed to make him give up before the match. 

By the way, there are similar methods in various anime worlds, for example, One Piece has something called haki.

Haki is divided into three types, namely kenbunshoku haki, busoshoku haki, and haoshoku haki. What he meant was haoshoku haki, releasing the will of a king to those around the user. Those who do not have a strong mental defense will soon faint, while the strong can survive the shock.

Aside from One Piece, in Hunter x Hunter there is a Nen technique that has a similar effect, even more deadly in his opinion.

The name of the technique is Ren. 

An attack technique is performed by unleashing killing intent against its opponent. Ren can make an ordinary human faint or even die with just one glance from a bloodthirsty Nen user. 

There are several similar techniques in several other worlds. But that's all that's stuck in his mind right now.

Bruce walked quickly, as if being chased by an invisible, creepy creature.

He was so frightened right now that, as soon as he arrived at the window, Bruce climbed up clumsily and threw himself into the room. 

He took off the hoodie, which was wet with sweat, and threw it into the corner of the room.

Bruce calmed himself for a few moments, and his racing heart slowly calmed down again. Then he climbed onto the bed and lay silently, silent in a deadly silence.

His eyes stared at the ceiling of the room, pensive, and his mind was busy thinking about the scene just now.

"I don't think I'm going to sleep, anymore. Hahaha," he said in a mocking tone, laughing at his fate.

If anyone asked him if he was disappointed or not, Bruce would answer no. 

This exploration made him aware not to trust too much of the information from the movies he had seen in the past. There must be some detail missing from the movie, or he forgot it. It's been a long time since I've seen a Harry Potter movie.


*Step... Step... Step*

Someone was running among the crowd of people.

His legs jumped left and right nimbly to avoid a clash. 

He moves very briskly, like a hare. Now and then he would jump, and now and then he would bow his head. Because of his agile movements, he managed to pass all the humans passing by with great ease.

However, people who are walking are disturbed by the action. They chided him and tried to catch him together.

But he masterfully avoided the strokes of their hands, even having time to feel some plump buttocks of young ladies.

"Hey! Don't run around in a crowd!" 

"Kyyaaa!! Pervert!"

"You bastard!"

"Catch him!"

He entered the small alleys between the houses to escape from them. His head glanced back, and he saw that his pursuers were exhausted.

Kai smiled happily.

It had been a long time since he felt such excitement at the moment, the training he was doing was taking longer than he expected. 

It happened that since he was locked up on a desert island by sensei, the total time spent there was three years.

Kai vents his frustration and hatred toward those around him once he escapes that cursed prison.

Tell me if there is any grammar that is wrong or inappropriate

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