
The Died lover

Hey_Guys_kam · Fantasie
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Letter One February 13th,1970

Dear My Lover, I know that we haven't talked in a while, to tell you the truth my husband haven't been giving me the satisfaction that I need. I want to tell you that I will be going on a vacation in sea. I wanted to ask would you like to come with me, but I forgot that you are my husband brother and it would be suspicious for you to come on are honeymoon. I need to tell you my dear lover that it's no way I can be friends with you when all these emotions that I have for you can't change. I love you Luca you're the only man I love.

I wish that I had known that it was you who made that letter. Your brother tricked me Luca please forgive me, I was foolish enough to think that your brother would ever care about anything but himself. Luca my love I want you to know that it was a mistake, I should never had doubted that your feelings for me would had disappeared, when Elizabeth came around. I read the last letter you sent me what do you mean when you said "Cat my love we can't keep hurt my brother Matteo you're married, and pregnant with my niece, yet you tell me that she is my daughter. My dear baby Cat if the child is mine I would raise my daughter to treat me like I'm her uncle. I don't want her to be the bastard of the family, or for you to be called a whore." What do you mean about this my love, we both know that we can't leave each other. Do you still love me Luca?

Love, Cat