
The diary of An Emotional Wife

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Alicia_Chittick · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Discovery of the diary

Well i will tell my story so me an Emilion met at an art show just outside of town. I was coming from there when i met Alexander; anyway we smiled then he appraoched and introduced himself as Emilion Golden; I came here from New York seeking an artist to work with me; i have a new project i want to expose but no painter.

Do you know anyone? Well i happen to know a young lady that's me by the way my name is Estefania Pinte; my family has a Bar & Bistro.

Can we meet tomorrow for a drink and discuss business or are you busy ? Nope tomorrow is fine let's meet at my families place it's around the corner from the bakery in central italy then 3 blocks down the road The Alcavar Bar & Bistro.

In that way you can meet my family just 3 of us me, my sister and my brother and the kitchen staff too. They were here since our parents had the place. Interesting so the restarant/ bar is all you have and your sibblings. If you wish i could use your story in my project; i don't mind. This is great news Mister Golden i'll see you tomorrow at 3pm; i'll get the chef to prepare some snacks.

When she get's home she tells her family of her great incounter with Mister Golden and that he was coming tomorrow at 3pm. Gorge can you have some snacks ready for the afternoon ? Yes i can mam. Good then it's set we all have great stories to tell so get some rest.

So we went to doing the project and all turns out well; for years we toured around italy with the shows until we decide to retire to just painting.

Then Emilion got ill the doctors said it was just a flu but he died after 5 months of figthing it.

It was hard at first but i got thru all thanks to my family they were always there ; anyways no crying we came here to relax so let's enjoy the moment take in the view.

Excuse me miss Golden:"says suzanna " could i ask you a question? yes ! when did you get married? 1 month after the fisrt project he said he needed me by his side; he knew i would always be there.

Do you have a diary ? yes i do; but it's hidden no one has ever readed it before. I put it in an old cigar box that Emilion use to have and i stocked it in a special place, it has a gold lock on it. Here is the key maybe someone should finally read it. Suzanna takes the key" i'm honored that you choose me, i will keep it to myself. Promise!!

A toast to all welcome to the family now enjoy.

Suazanna:" look by that rock down there you will find something of interest. She grabbed a towel then went by the rock lifting it up she saw the box covered in dust she wiped of and raped it in her towel so no one could see it.

Hey everyone i think we should get back to the bistro it's getting late" says Gwen.

They start packing up everything and hed back to the boat. Did we forget anything nope.

As they vessel back home Suzanna has a look in her eyes as if she found treasure.

They reach a shore came off the boat and start off loading everything with no rush. I will prepare something great for dinner tonight " says chef Gorge maybe roast duck. We'll see when we get in the bistro. Oh and a nice dessert as well we had a great afternoon. They reach the bistro and start packing away everything in it's place; chef and the staff head to the kitchen to start on diner and dessert while the others prepare a table and drinks for the evening.

Let's have a seat until diner is ready " says Gwen we can keep getting to know eachother more.

So they conversate tell stories about their childhood and about a half & hour later here comes the kitchen staff with diner and dessert.

So we will be eating steak tonight with mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables and a strawberry flan with grated coconut on top.

Let's enjoy bonne apetit to us dig in everyone. Chef this smells great looks very delicious; hmmm oh my gosh says Lily taste so savoring. Cheers to to the kitchen staff you out did yourselves here we deffinetly have to propose this to the clients for the upcoming parties.

Let's taste this flan; hmm it's so soft melting in my mouth "says Estefania we are putting all of this on the menu in the morning. Would anyone like some coffee ? Nope i think we had much more than we can stomach already. We'll clean up we have a long day tomorrow.

After cleaning they all say goodnight and head home.