
Chapter 7: Wait... WHAT?!

Dear Diary,

Today was... eventful... to say the least. I was told my "task at hand" today during breakfast, but i'm not the least bit happy with it. Apparently during the dance someone dressed up as the same person I was and was caught on camera kissing Brea's crush, Andy, who supposedly Alex's twin and rival for something I have no idea. But part of that rivalry is in the romance area, and he told me i had to pretend to be his girlfriend. It will get me out of this gossip ring and push him closer to wining whatever competition they have. Why, diary, why?

Today is going to be the first order of business. Getting used to the house. By playing hide and seek. And the limit? None. I didn't even get the courtesy of hiding first. I had to find HIM. In a house with three floors. Might as well call this mission impossible.

I started at the bottom, near the living room and kitchen. I searched EVERYWHERE. Literally everywhere. Soooo I moved on to the second floor. Doors, doors, and more doors. Yay.


Still no sign of him. It's been a whole hour. I just gave up and started to make lunch ( I might have thought that he would be in the oven...) and STILL no progress on ideas or noise. So i turned on some TV. Maybe next time we play he'll let me hide first...

-2 Update-

He has been found. well... he found me. I was watching Hunger Games, my favorite movie ever, when he reached over the couch and scared the crap out of me. I looked over my shoulder at him and he was smiling like the Cheshire Cat. I asked where he had been and he said in his room, the one place i'm not allowed to go.

" That's not fair!" I pouted.

" Hey, I said no limits didn't I?" He smirked.

I was speechless. That little cheater...

He hoped over the couch, put his arm over my shoulder, pulled me to him, and started to watch the movie with me.

" I love this movie too" He said. We stayed in the silence after that until the movie ended.

" Should we watch the next one?" I asked

His face flushed and he looked away but said I needed to sleep. But since he made no move to get up I decided to play with him a little. I made a move to get up but instead threw my feet up and layed down in his lap. His face was priceless! He went beet red but just let me stay.

" Night Alex." I said. He patted my head and watched me sleep through the night. But i woke up in my bed this morning with a note on the nightstand saying I forgot to wright in here. Well, he knows my habits I guess. Anyways talk to you tonight Diary! Bye!