
The Dhampir Queen

If most of the leaders of the vampire nation are male, what will happen if the leader of the vampire nation is now a woman? Angelica Tyaralova is a human who has vampire blood. in another sense, Angel is a half-vampire human. Angel was born from the forbidden relationship between humans and vampires. His father who has pure vampire blood has a relationship with his mother who incidentally is a human. Angel was banished to earth for one reason. At first, Angel did not know his true identity. however, when he turned 17 he felt heat all over his body and also pain in his mouth. Angel felt it almost every night. until where he dreams of meeting a beautiful woman who wears a beautiful dress and her head is decorated with a very beautiful crown. the woman said to drink blood whenever the heat and pain arose, be it animal blood or something else. At first, Angel ignored the dream, but over time he could not stand the heat and pain until he decided to go to the forest to hunt animals. while drinking the blood, miraculously the heat and pain he felt disappeared instantly. Seeing this Angel began to find out what happened to him. he also finds out who is the beautiful woman with the beautiful crown on her head who always appears in her dreams whenever she feels heat and pain. until Angel found out his true identity, he was shocked. not to mention that some problems occurred once he found out his true identity. what problem is that?

Kiimkimm267 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

New student

Angelica Tyaralova or commonly called Angel is now 16 years old. She has also entered High School. Who is Angel? Angel is a child born to a human and a vampire. But Angel didn't know that. She doesn't know who she is.

"Morning, Angel."

"Morning too, Feli."

"Want to go to class?"

"Not. I'm going to the canteen. I didn't have time for breakfast."

"Okay, I'll go to class first."


After Feli left, Angel went straight to the cafeteria. He ordered food before the bell rang.

After finishing breakfast, Angel went straight to his class. She sat in front of Feli.

"Psssttt... Psssttt... Angel."


"Do you know that today we have a new student?"

Angel watched the teacher teaching in front, then slowly turned his body towards the back.


"I don't know. But other friends said they were very handsome."

"Is that true? Then?"

"You're not interested in them?"


"No wonder you don't have a lover."

"Is the mirror in your house broken? If so, you can come over to my house and look in the mirror. You don't have a boyfriend either."


Angel turned to face the front again. But it turns out that the teacher is no longer there. A few minutes later, the teacher, who had been in and out, came back. But this time not alone. Instead, with two handsome young men.

"Please introduce yourselves."


"My name is Andy Christian from Canada."

"My name is Jeffrey Grayson from Canada, too."

All the students stared in awe at the two handsome young men.

"Okay, you can sit in an empty place."

The two young men walked towards the empty seats and the lesson began.

After class is over, it's time for a break. Angelica and Felicia immediately headed for the cafeteria.

Arriving at the canteen, they both met their friend Jason. They also eat together. They ate so well that they didn't notice that four pairs of eyes were watching them.

"Ahh… so full." Feli while rubbing her stomach and leaning her body against the back of the chair

"That's how full your people eat until you add two plates." Angelica just shook her head when she saw her full friend.

"Yeah, I'm hungry. Of course, I added. It's only two plates, anyway." Felicia replied sarcastically.

"Yes, it's natural that one plate has a small portion. This one-plate portion is like two plates. So in total, you ate four plates." Angelica replied to Felicia's words no less sarcastically.

Meanwhile, Jason just laughed at the debate between his two friends.

"Come on, don't fight. You better go to class. It's almost time for lessons to begin." Jason tried to stop the debate between the two friends before it got any longer.

"You go first. I need to go to the toilet for a bit."


Felicia and Jason walked towards their class. If you think Jason is in the same class as Angel and Feli, you are wrong. Jason was in the class next door to Angel and Feli's class.

Back again to Angel, who was left by two of his friends. She walked towards the women's restroom.

After she finished, Angel washed her hands in the sink before going out. When she came out of the toilet, she met one of the young men who had become a new student in his class. The young man who had just finished from the men's restroom walked to Angel and stood right in front of her.

"Don't trust people too much. He's good, there's something he wants. Be careful." Then the young man walked away from Angel.

Angel, who got words like that, just fell silent. She didn't understand what the boy meant.


It's school time now. All the students went back to their respective homes except for Angel who still wanted to be in the library to read books.

Angel was in the library until six in the afternoon. Angel decided to go home. But when she came out of the library, she saw the young man who had given her the strange words pass by and walk towards the backyard.

The curious Angel immediately followed the young man secretly. She immediately looked for a place to hide when he saw the young man named Andy met two people. Jeffrey and Jason.

Angel frowned, confused to see Jason could recognize Andy and Jeffrey, who, incidentally, are new students. Moreover, they both come from different places. Andy and Jeffrey from Canada, while Jason from Los Angeles. So how could they possibly know each other? Maybe that's what Angel thinks.


"I didn't know you two were here."

"We're just doing our job."

"Aren't you guys too submissive? I mean, what did that stupid King give you to be his slave?"

"The stupid king you mean is your king too, just in case you forgot."

"Not again after he kicked me out back then."

"They didn't kick you out. You're just being punished. You can still come back. If you get kicked out, you can't come back at all. "

"Just the same."

"It's your fault, after all."

"I am not wrong. A stupid king who is easily provoked to chase me away."

"Up to you.

You don't want to admit your mistakes."

"You said you were doing your job. Right?"



"What kind of tasks?"


"You don't need to know."

"Up to you. I'm not too curious either. I go first. See you later, friend."

Then Jason left, leaving the two of them in the backyard.

"I want to go home, too. You should go home too."


Then Jeffrey also left the backyard, leaving Andy alone.

"I think that's enough to hide it," Andy said aloud.

The angel who was hiding was naturally surprised. How did the young man know that she was hiding?

"Want to go out alone or I'll drag you out?" Andy spoke once again

Inevitably, Angel came out of his hiding place and walked over to Andy. Angel looked annoyed at Andy, while Andy just stared at Angel flatly.

"What are you doing in those bushes?"

"There isn't any."

"How much have you overheard the three of us talking?"

"Only a few."

"Just a little, you say? You listened to it from start to finish."

"If you already know, why are you still asking? You freak."

"Forget what you heard. Don't ever ask anything that comes to your mind, because it's none of your business."

"I know it's none of my business, but Jason is my friend. We've been friends for a year, and he's never said he has friends other than us. So can you explain what were you guys talking about earlier? It seems you have known each other for a long time."

"Didn't I tell you, don't ever ask anything that comes to your mind? That is none of your business. Whether I know Jason or not, you don't need to know."

Then Andy left Angel feeling annoyed. Angel looked at Andy's departure with a question mark. Andy's figure is very mysterious to him.

Who exactly is Andy Christian? Why also ask him to be careful? Be careful with whom. And the biggest question is, how did Andy and Jeffrey get to know Jason? Were they friend before? But if they are friends, since when and how long have they been friends?

Maybe those are some of the questions that bother him quite a bit.