
The Dhampir Queen

If most of the leaders of the vampire nation are male, what will happen if the leader of the vampire nation is now a woman? Angelica Tyaralova is a human who has vampire blood. in another sense, Angel is a half-vampire human. Angel was born from the forbidden relationship between humans and vampires. His father who has pure vampire blood has a relationship with his mother who incidentally is a human. Angel was banished to earth for one reason. At first, Angel did not know his true identity. however, when he turned 17 he felt heat all over his body and also pain in his mouth. Angel felt it almost every night. until where he dreams of meeting a beautiful woman who wears a beautiful dress and her head is decorated with a very beautiful crown. the woman said to drink blood whenever the heat and pain arose, be it animal blood or something else. At first, Angel ignored the dream, but over time he could not stand the heat and pain until he decided to go to the forest to hunt animals. while drinking the blood, miraculously the heat and pain he felt disappeared instantly. Seeing this Angel began to find out what happened to him. he also finds out who is the beautiful woman with the beautiful crown on her head who always appears in her dreams whenever she feels heat and pain. until Angel found out his true identity, he was shocked. not to mention that some problems occurred once he found out his true identity. what problem is that?

Kiimkimm267 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Andy a Vampire?

It was getting late and Angel decided to walk home. That's because Angel's house and school are not too far away, so it's better to use the money instead of taking a taxi for other purposes.

On the way home, Angel always thought about what had happened earlier. His brain was still thinking about how Jason knew the two new students and strangely enough, they looked very close, like people who had known him for a long time.

In the middle of the journey, Angel smelled a stinging stench. Angel stopped in his tracks and looked at the bushes beside him. When Angel was about to approach the bushes, suddenly a voice asked him to leave immediately.

"Do not come close. Do not come close. You'll be hurt."

Hearing the voice coming from where makes Angel scared. She finally took a step back.

"Get out of there. Run! Do not ever look back!"

Angel ran quickly without looking back.

When she arrived in front of her house, Angel immediately entered and locked the door. Angel stood behind the door gasping for air. She tried to look outside to see what was chasing her.

"Wolf?" Angel was really surprised to see what was outside

It was a wolf of quite an enormous size. Angel's eyes widened in disbelief. How come there are wolves here?

"Angel." Calling someone makes Angel jump in surprise

Angel immediately turned to see who had called her.

"Mama." Angel rubbed his chest knowing that his mother had called her earlier

"What's wrong with you?" His mother asked curiously.

Angel looked back at the window, and there were no wolves outside. Where did the wolf go? Why so fast? That's what Angel thought.

"What are you looking at?" The mother came closer and tried to see what her son saw.

"I didn't see anything, Mom." Angel immediately answered his mother's question

"Okay, now you take a shower and we'll spend the night together. Your father will be home soon." Mother's orders.

"Yes, Mom." Angel immediately walked into his room

***** It is now midnight. Angel had fallen asleep. While she was asleep, she dreamed of meeting a beautiful woman wearing a beautiful dress and a beautiful crown on her head.

"They raised you well."

"Who are you?"

"I? I am your mother."

"No. You are not my mother. My mother is in her room."

"She's not your mother. I'm just leaving you to him."

"What do you mean?"

"When you turn 17 you'll know who you are."

"I don't understand what you're saying."

"You'll understand later. I hope that by then you will be ready to accept yourself."

Angel did not understand the words of this beautiful woman in front of him. What does it mean to accept oneself? What will happen to him then? So many questions in Angel's brain and the woman in front of her just smiled as if she understood Angel's confusion.

"Mother will help you when that time comes. Now, a mother goes first, your father is looking for the whereabouts of the mother. Take care of yourself. If you smell that foul smell again, never come near and run away. Mother has also sent two bodyguards to guard you. Take good care of yourself, I'll go first."

Then the woman disappeared and Angel woke up from her dream. Angel looked at the clock on the wall.

"1 p.m.." Angel got up from his bed and walked out of his room

She intended to fetch cold water in the kitchen to clear his mind.

***** After having a strange dream last night, Angel wakes up late and ends up late for school. Angel must accept the punishment that is cleaning the dry leaves that are scattered on the ground behind the school. Angel did it not alone, but several other students were also subject to the same punishment as him.

As she was carrying out his sentence, Angel heard a strange conversation between the two female students behind her.

"Is that true? I don't believe it."

"You have to believe. I saw it myself."

"When did you see him?"

"Five o'clock last night here."

"If it's true that Andy is a vampire, how come he can go to school here? I mean this is a human world and vampires shouldn't be able to live here. From several stories I heard, vampires are afraid of the sun. But Andy didn't. Even he looks like a normal human."

"That is true. But Davian and Kevin say that Andy is a vampire."

"You believe too much in the words of those two madmen. Where in modern times like this vampire. It was just their imagination. They are too obsessed with the vampire world to make them act as if they are vampire hunters. I just can't understand why the school is still keeping those two crazy humans here and not immediately taken to a mental hospital."

"That is true. They also used to say that Jason was a vampire, but they couldn't prove it."

"That's what I said. Those two should be locked up so as not to spread bad and untrue news."

"Yeah, let's go back to class. The dry leaves are also gone."

"Come on. Our angel first huh."

"Uh, yes."

Angel was still silent after hearing the chat between his two friends. Andy is a vampire? How could that be? And how could Davian and Kevin say that?

"Listening to other people's talk is very rude."



Angel was surprised that Andy suddenly appeared in front of him.

"When did you come?"

"I've been here ever since."

"Is that true? Then why do Davian and Kevin call me a vampire?"

"You believe that Jason is a Vampire?"

"Of course not. The accusations made by Davian and Kevin were not proven true. So why would I believe Jason is a vampire?"

"Then you already know the answer."

Angel was silent, "But..."

"After you left suddenly two people approached me. They say strange things. They say they can smell the vampire in me. Tch.. that's right. What do they think vampire smells like? Annoyed, I immediately left them. They also threatened me with spreading the word that I was a vampire and they would try to prove it."

"If you're not a vampire like Jason, then don't be afraid and don't make any weird moves. Never believe what they say. All the students here will never believe what they say. But if you really are a vampire, then you have to be careful."

Angel immediately left after saying that. Leaving Andy speechless. Careful? Be careful of what?

"Andy!" Shout someone from afar

The scream snapped Andy out of his daydream. He immediately turned to the source of the voice and it turned out that the voice was coming from his friend Jeffrey.

"What is it?"

"Let's go to the cafeteria."

"Shouldn't it be class time, right?"

"There's a meeting. He said lessons were suspended for two hours."

"Oh, I see."

"Let's go to the cafeteria. I'm already hungry."

"Come on."

Then Andy and Jeffrey went straight to the cafeteria.