
The Dhampir King System Knows No Bounds

What would you do if you woke up and found out that you were a dhampir........... Crazy right????. This is the same way our protagonist feels when he wakes up and finds a system screen before his eyes. Now,he must accept the fact that he is now a dhampir and that the world he has been drawn into is a bloody one. **************************** A/N: I am not copying another story or series. If you think it resembles another series , Forget it.................It is a mere coincidence. The book cover is not mine. If it belongs to you feel free to ask me to bring it down.

Anoneemos_Tify · Fantasie
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27 Chs


" Yes it's one of the major seven clans in the vampire world ", He smiled " I was selected as a body guard for the Princess, that's why I'm here ".

No wonder he was always sticking to her like glue.

" Alright ".

We walked into the open. The sun was freaking hot.

" I thought vampires were allergic to sun light ", I asked seeing that Ray didn't flinch in the burning heat.

" Yea, we are, but this stuff makes us immune to sunlight ", He showed me a crimson ring on his index finger.

' Wasn't I a half vampire too? I didn't have the ring, so why didn't the sunlight affect me? ' I wondered and directed my questions at the system. It answered me promptly.

[ The Host's human genes makes him immune to the rays of the sun ] .

Right. My human genes.

We got to the gates of the school.

" Now we'll just have to wait for our ride ", Ray said and looked into the open road.

Ride?. So a car was coming to pick us up. Nice.

We waited for another five minutes making me groan and wonder if the ride was ever coming.

" Here it is ", Ray exclaimed.

I looked ahead the road and saw an exotic Ferora rage 47e. What the actual fuck!!!. They had this kind of machine?. This baby cost about ten million bucks. It was one of the fastest cars in existence.

My jaw nearly touched my shoes when I saw it. Ray laughed.

The car pulled up in front of us. The windows which were wound up began coming down. Our eyes met a middle aged woman sitting on the driver's seat. She had dark blue hair and wore shades. Her skin was tan in color.

She had the hugest boobs I had ever seen___ if there was any word like that.

Her boobs were even larger than those of Ereneth. The white t shirt she was putting on was having a hard time covering those breasts.

I swallowed. Such a wide milk industry. I was already picturing those breasts in between..........

" Hello Master Ray, I apologise for coming late ", She said in a rather childish tone. " And hi Master Elisse Rover, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, I've heard so much ", She winked at me.

" No problems, Bubbles, it was nothing ", Ray smiled and opened the door to the seat besides the driver's seat.

I followed and sat behind and Miss Bubbles drove off.


We drove for about ten minutes and only stopped in front of a mini mansion.

The outer design of the house was so beautiful that I was left awe struck.

Who was Victoria Sepet exactly?. How did she live in a place like this?.

We all stepped out of the car. That was when I was actually greeted with the clearest view of Miss Bubbles' breasts. Damn. Those things were massive. She was putting on trouser that showed just how thick her thighs were.

She led the way with Ray and I following from behind.

We walked into the house. As soon as we stepped into the living room, I was left mesmerized. I can't explain everything I saw but all I can say is that it was simply marvelous.

" The mistress would be here soon ", Bubbles said "Meanwhile, make yourselves comfortable ", She told us and walked away.

Ray and I both sat on the sofas in the sitting room.

' What was this meeting about anyway ?', I wondered.

As I was thinking about this, three others walked into the room. Selene, Julia and Juno.

Julia and Juno also attended Avalon high. They were fresh men like me but were in a different arm. Although they were twins, Julia had white hair while Juno's was black. Apart from this, one wasn't really different from the other. They were about the same height as me and didn't lack in the right places.

[ An unknown Entity has been detected near you ] .

[ An unknown Entity has been detected near you ] .

Came the system's notification. Earlier today when I was near Selene, the system had simply told me she was a vampire. But now it was calling Julia and Juno unknown entities. It had also done the same with Ereneth earlier today.

Did that mean the system couldn't read them ?. Were they not vampires ?.

" Oh I see we have a new comer ", Julia happily smiled. " You must be that Elisse Rover that the Princess talked about ".

" Yes I am, Nice to meet you ", I replied.

" It's good we have another guy in the room besides Ray ", Juno said. Ray laughed shabbily and shrugged.

" Okay everyone, compose yourselves the Princess would be here in five seconds ", Selene said. Everyone quickly too their seats.

5,4,3,2,1. And at exactly five seconds, Victoria walked in from one of the inner rooms of the house.

How did Selene always know the exact time Victoria was going to walk in. Was she some type of Time Keeping Vampire?.

The truth is the lies that we have chosen to accept.

Lies are the truth that we have disregarded.

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