
The Dhampir King System Knows No Bounds

What would you do if you woke up and found out that you were a dhampir........... Crazy right????. This is the same way our protagonist feels when he wakes up and finds a system screen before his eyes. Now,he must accept the fact that he is now a dhampir and that the world he has been drawn into is a bloody one. **************************** A/N: I am not copying another story or series. If you think it resembles another series , Forget it.................It is a mere coincidence. The book cover is not mine. If it belongs to you feel free to ask me to bring it down.

Anoneemos_Tify · Fantasie
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27 Chs


So here I am, 8pm in the night, in my room, playing call of the mage video game, Fighting the level's boss and eating popcorn.

" Yep that's it, just 20 more hp to drain from this lizard freak and I'm the king of Demintia ", I said to myself.

I wish it could be like this in real life. Me the king of a kingdom, with sexy girls in my harem_ Victoria included. Although I was a king, it was only to the system.

15 hp more. I kept tapping the buttons on the pad harder. My game avatar, striking the boss's head harder and harder.

10 hp more. I take some popcorn out of the jar.

Don't ask me about the cleansing shit that the others are going on. To be frank with you, it's just extremely better with me being at home. While they are out there, wiping out, I'm in here, gaming in.

Sure. I put the popcorn in my mouth.

5 hp to go. King of Demintia, here I......

Whoosh!. A violent gust of wind hit my face.

I turn to look at the direction it came from and lo and behold, there's a magic circle in my on my wall.

If this was the previous me, I swear I would've freaked out. But ever since I found out that the world is infested with supernatural beings, your home boi has become rather cool.

Well not saying I'm still not security conscious though.

I stood up and started backing away. The crimson circle on the wall starts expanding. Then two human hands burst out of it.

I'm already preparing my self in self defense when......

" Hey darling, you ready to go ?".

Victoria!. This bitch gots some nerves barging into my room through the wall like that.

She appears through the circle. Her red hair is flowing as usual. She is putting on a gothic dress that crosses her knees making her resemble a medieval bride.

Shit!. I can't go now!. I haven't completed the game.

" Erm, Vicky dear, how about we reschedule ?", I smiled awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

" Reschedule?", she looked at me curiously.

" Yea, reschedule, we could call off the cleansing today and maybe...".

" Ok then, we'll reschedule ".

" Really ?", This was too easy !.

" Yes if that's what my darling wants ", She said " But do you really want to reschedule ?". The look in her eyes when she asked that question put me off.

It was like the look a child would have when her parents asked her not to touch her favorite doll, but she knows she's still going to to do it later. It was unsettling.

" You know what, we can go as soon as I finish my game ".

" Game? But we have to go now ", She holds my hands and starts pulling me along.

No. Let me game in peace. Just 5hp to becoming the king of Demintia.

Eerrk. She tosses me into the circle which turns out to be a portal. It was extremely dark as I fell through.

" ahhhhhhhhhhh ", I might plummet to my death.

Victoria follows from behind and catches me, holding me in her arms like the classic 'prince charming saves cinderella' scene. Isn't this supposed to be reversed?.

She smiles down at me as she glides through the dark space. Even though I feel this is wrong at all levels, I return the smile.

Like who the hell doesn't want to be carried by a girl with his face so close to her boobs.

Then a blinding light hit my eyes. I raise my hands up to shield it.

When I finally came to, we are standing in a room_ or rather, she's standing and I'm in her arms.

" Glad you could make it, Elisse", it was Ray. I looked around. The others were in the room surrounding Victoria.

Selene was wearing a gothic gown similar to the one Victoria had on. Julia and Juno on the other hand, are putting on a maid costume. Meanwhile, Ray was putting on a trenchcoat and had a knight's chest plate armor underneath.

Weird outfits, but I guess the occasion demands it.

Speaking of outfits, you wouldn't want to know what I was putting on.

A fucking Pajamas. This bitch didn't even give me time to change. Like who the hell shows up to a ' cleansing ' in a pajama. Crap.

" Hey guys ", I struggled to come down.

I observed the room one more time. Wait. I remembered this place vividly. The unsettling stench was still there even though the corpses had been cleared.

This was the same old abandoned house that Ereneth had taken me.

I was about to ask how they knew about this place when........

" Prepare yourselves, we have visitors ", Victoria said.

[ An unknown entity has been detected near you ] .

[ An unknown entity has been detected near you ]

[ An unknown entity has been detected near you ]

[ An unknown entity has been detected near you ] .

The amount of dings I received sent shivers down my skin.

" Visitors or hosts ? ....... I see you accepted our invitation Princess ".

The pressure in the room intensified.

" Ereneth ".

I might not be able to continue writing on a daily anymore, but I promise I won't stop the story.

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