
The Devourer (TeenWolf)

A generic vampire reincarnation story.

IAmGoingToHell · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

I was on the bus for about 3 hours, but when I was getting close to the bus stop I saw a middle aged woman and besides her a 17 year old boy, at first glance I recognised them as Scott McCall and his mother. When the bus stopped I got off to meet them.

"Hi Scott, Hi Melissa"

I smiled and walked near them, then gave them a hug.

"Nice to meet you guys, My name is Dante, and as you guys know I was adopted by Raphael."

They looked a little confused and perplexed. But Scott responded to me.

"Hi my name is Scott and this is my mother Melissa. Sorry about this, we are just a little confused and irritated at the moment, Raphael, my "father" did it explain anything to us and just called to say that he was sending his son to live with us. We would gladly accept you in the family if you like to eat pizza and takeout all the time, because my mother can't cook."

Scott was trying to break the ice and explain their situation.

"Well you guys don't have to worry too much about me. I will be buying a house for myself next week, it's just being renovated so I can move in."

They physically relaxed after I said that. Don't get me wrong, they are good people, it's just Melissa and Scott have just enough money to live, that don't have the money to feed me too. But thanks to my Clan. I have a lot of money. You can't even imagine how much rich people pay to become vampires. And as vampires they become loyal to me. So My clan has a lot off rich people and other talented people, but I try to stay away from people who are too famous, because people will catch on that the artist or politician is not ageing.

Melissa was trying to be friendly with me,

"Ok let's get your bag in the car and go home."

She turned around and got in her car.

"Scott? When will the school be opened?"

"Tomorrow, why are you asking? Don't tell me you forgot to bring your study material?"

"Nah, just wondering."

So Scott is going to get bitten tonight. Should I stop it? Nah, him becoming a werewolf will make everything more entertaining. Also if Allison is as beautiful as I think she will be, I am going for her, not matter what.

After the ride to their house, I helped them carry their groceries which they had bought on the way here.

I knew that there wasn't really any guest rooms on this house so I offered and insisted I sleep on the couch, which they after a little bit of convincing accepted. It was still early so I got out of the house to go on a "jog"

I was hungry, and I do not like to sleep on a empty stomach.

After running like a normal person I saw a liquor store, which I was 100% going to. After I opened the door and got in, I saw Chris Argent. Oh hi sir, how are you.

He looked at me a little amused but still answered.

"Hi kid my name is Chris, what are you doing in a liquor store? You are not old enough to drink."

"Sir, I am European, we start drinking when we are 14. And if there is anything the "grandmothers" have thought me it's alcohol will help you with anything. So will you help this "kid" over hear buy 5 bottles of red wine and 5 bottles of whiskey? Of course I will pay I only need you to show your I'd to the man."

He laughed and said happily

"Sure, sure kid, just give me the money and wait outside. But before that what is your name?"

"Oh, sorry, I nearly forgot. My name is Dante McCall, I moved to beacon hills today to live with my adoptive brother and mother. What about you Chris? Why are you so happy and willing to help me get liquor?"

He laughed and looked at me

"I haven't seen my family in year's because of my and my wife's job, but we decided to move to beacon hills for a long time so our daughter can study and make friends in piece."

I gave him the money he turned around and went to buy my liquor while I was waiting for him outside.

When he came outside he gave the the bags full of wine and whiskey.

"Hey Dante. Take care of yourself and don't go outside at night it's dangerous."

When he left I smiled, because I met one of the most important characters of the story and made a good impression. But I am sure if he wasn't in a good mood he would call my "mother" and rat me out.

At least he didn't try to kill me like he did to Scott.

I went back to home so I can sleep, I many not need to sleep but it's so relaxing and good for the body that I sleep regularly like a normal human. Tomorrow I will meet a lot of the main characters and the side characters.