
Prologue: Trapped.

If I hadn't met her, maybe I could've lived my life just as a regular person and died the same way. I wouldn't have done anything grand or amazing. Compared to the position I am in now, dying as a nobody is much more appealing. However, life has a different plan for me. Now, it has gifted me with a front-row seat to watch the world burn.

It's not all bad, my cold body is really needing this right now. As I apply pressure to the gaping wound on my stomach, the faintest of voices manages to cut through the screams of the damned.

"Would you be so kind to lend me a hand?"

The soft, hoarse voice comes from a woman who wears a maid outfit drifts on a steel plate. She drifts on top of the lava just like a dead fish on the salty ocean. Although the foundation she lays on seems to be minutes away from melting away, she continues to struggle against her fate. To add to her peril, it seems her feet have already succumbed to the heat.

She's already gone, but, I'm not a rude person so here goes, "Yeah, sure", with a wave of my finger the lava obeys my command. The lava begins to shift into small waves that bring the poor woman closer to safety. Well, safety for a couple more hours.

"Thank you", the maid says as I offer my free hand. She takes it, albeit very weak. With much care, I bring her onto my foundation. A foundation that happens to be the very top of the Kingdom of Lilac, or was.

"You didn't have to be so nice about it", I said after a moment of silence.

"What do you mean?"

I side-eye the maid, measure her up if you will. After I notice a certain bump, I can't help but let out an exaggerated sigh.

"I know you're a maid, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't value your life. Next time you're in peril, scream, do something. Don't be nice about it", I open my knuckles, they continue to tremble.

She lets out a polite chuckle, "Yes, I think I will".

We sit in comfortable silence, the only sounds being the screams and then---


In the far distance, a mountain of red spews into the sky, splitting the ash clouds that already cover the entire earth. The mushroom cloud of lava disappears above the clouds, but it'll land eventually.

Both of us know it, so we both let out a depressed sigh.

"You're a Beastfallen, right?"

"Yes ma'am", I responded, lowering my head and averting her gaze. With my eyes away from her, I instead look at the source of the screams I've been ignoring for far too long. I can feel my heart dropping to the ground, I already knew this might've happened, but that doesn't make this easier to experience.

"Sir", she says, "Sir, please look at me".

I reluctantly turn my head. I squeeze my wound even harder. I avoid her gaze, but I soon gave in.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but her silver eyes instantly captivate me. I don't believe I could look away, even if I tried.

"I don't hate you".

Just like that, the sounds of the screaming fade away. The buzzing sound from the lava that falls miles above the earth, dissipates. The growls of the volcano, still full of anger blackout. All I hear is this complete stranger.

"I do not hate you", she says again, "I just felt the urge to say that".

"Are you sure", at this point, the words come out with no thought behind them. My fingers dig deeper into my stomach and the red comes out with no sign of stopping. As does the lava level, "I'm the reason for all this, y'know?"

"I know".

"Knowing that you still don't hate me?"

"No, not really", she then frowns, "Although, I don't really like the idea of my son not being able to be born", she pats the bump with soft eyes, "I really wanted to have him live in the world, it's a beautiful place believe it or not", she chuckles, "Although, you've lived a completely different life than I have".

"No, now that I think about it we really haven't", I look at the bump, "I was a slave to my ideals, and you to people. I served my ideals with not much thought process, and you obeyed your masters commands---Or course, I mean no offense".

She waves her hand, "Don't worry, none taken", she then sighs, "Well, isn't everybody a slave to something? One has to be in order to keep going, right?"

"Well, I suppose you're right".

At this exact moment, the lava from the volcano hundreds of miles away breaks through the ash clouds and comes straight down like a spear. Both of us look at these marvels. If it weren't for the fact the lava spells death, the sight would be marvelous. Red streaks light up the sky, almost like the stars at night.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Mister Beastfallen".

I look at the maid, at the stranger who's both lives I saved, and took away. Not just hers, but also her unborn boy.

My eyes widen, a sudden thought intrudes my headspace. I stand up, letting up pressure on my wound. With nothing to stop my literal life force from dripping out, it spews out like a broken dam.

"Ma'am", I say, "If I said I could save your son, what would you say?"

She stands up in a flash, despite her feet being stubs at this point, "Save him".

"That being said, your son will go through hardships in life. Especially with what I'm going to give him".

"My son is strong, he isn't even born but I can feel his spirit. Also, to go through pain in life is to be expected, I know my son will fall, but he'll get up just as many times".

I can't help but tilt my head and crack a smile, an emotion so foreign it almost feels alien, "Wow, a mother's love truly can transcend time and space".

"It sure can", she smiles back, "Now, whatever you're going to do, please hurry".

"Yes, ma'am".

I take my hand that covered my wound, the only thing keeping me from death, and raise it to show the maid that Beastfallen tattoo.

She understands immediately, she nods and keeps her eyes locked on mine. I hover my hand over her bump, before placing it on her I glance her way. She nods her head.

And that was that. I placed my hand on her bump, a glow enough to rival the sun sprouted, and just as it came the glow disappeared.

The sounds of the volcano grew louder, the violent nature of it threatening to erupt again. The streaks of red that shot down from heaven inch closer. The lava levels rise, the platform begins to drown.

I grab the maid, my newfound friend, by the shoulders, "Your son, is going to do extraordinary things".

She softly places her hand on my shoulders, "He doesn't need to", she looks at the bright, beautiful sky, "Just being born is enough", with that, the red stars crash into Earth.


Just having with it!

Joseph_0408creators' thoughts