
Chapter 217 A voice of an innocent


((( Luis )))

" Well, I bid you goodluck."

Aalis na sana si Sean.

" Want to talk about your Mother?"

" What about her?"

" She loves you."

" Tss..."

" How I wish you know that."

" Then why she leave us?!"

Ngumisi ako sa kanya.

Di ba niya alam na ginawa ito nang kanyang ina sa labis na mahal siya nito?

" I thought you can learn now how to assemble the things? I guess I'm wrong. Your Mom was honestly threatened... not by the money, fame, and ironically... love my father? No. She was Threatened to kill you and your Dad if she don't come with my father."

Biglang nanigas ang bagang ni Sean.

" It's a simple twist of the story but you can't find it out?. Such an idiot."

" Why your saying this to me?!"

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