
The devil prince

Yoko_yamada · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 : Strange man

She was lost in the forest and had to spend her night in the forest and the worst was on a tree...

It feel's so soft and fluffy she said half asleep. Then suddenly a current flowed from her mind to her whole body, quickly he opened her glittery blue eyes ,sitting on the bed she tried to scan he whole scene.

"U sleep a lot " a rude voice shivered her whole body, she quickly looked at the direction of the voice came. Glittery red eye, hair that covered a little part of his face and eyes, strong body with a charming face and look.... stunned by his look and finding herself at stranger place, she got chills going down on her body.

" W... What is this place?... W... Where Am I ?... And who are you? " she asked in a scared voice. "Well other demon used to call me king but my name is Aztec....do u know what it means? ",

"No.. "

Aztec gave her a affilitive smile and again said but this time a little loud and arrogant manner " It means god of devil "and then laughed loudly.

Aztec stopped laughing and looked down at her... "what's your name little demon? ", she said nonchalantly " I Am Winne..." taking a deep breath she again asked with a sadness on her voice "please tell me where Am I?".

"It doesn't matter where you are but Winne now you are mine...and soon I will marry you and don't even dare to run or to look at any other men's ", saying this he turned around and left the room.

Winne just sad on the bed without eating or saying anything. A female maid bought her food but she refused to have little also.

"Yo....Your Highness... madam didn't want to eat, I requested her but she nodded her head in noo.. madam is not speaking a word also.. " the maid told everything to Aztec.


The door hit the wall with a loud voice and Aztec entered the room, his face was turned scary , his glittery red eyes has turned dard in color as if it's thirsty for blood. Winne got down from the bed and was a lot scared by the sudden change in his expression.

In a blink of her eyes Wenni was force pushed at the wall and this moment she could feel his anger, his heavy breath and the real demon inside him...

"Do u want to die and see yourself into pieces... ?" His words scared me, I wanted to run as far as i could but was not able to move a bit. The atmosphere was a little silent until he spoke again " I guess no... So it's good for u not to deny my order".

Tears rolled down my eyes instead I was trying my best not make them fall... Seeing me like this he left me alone and quietly left the room. She sat down there and pulled her legs near her chest and sat there with her head buried in between her chest and legs.

Suddenly Aztec came in again...


I hope you will love and support my novel 📚.

Thank u for reading it and hope that i keep on bringing new chapter soon.. :-)