

Back in the Demon World....

Camio, a humanoid bird demon, and the military advisor of Demon King Satan, was dealing with some stuffs, a lot of demons were actually unsatisfied by retreating.

But they didn't really voice their complains, because their loyalty to Satan is almost, if not at fanatic level already.

They are like those people from the church who are fanatic believer of God.

Camio was at the office of the Demon King inside his Castle, still he dared not to sit at the chair of the king and brought his own.

He suddenly sighed, "Still, to think his highness mated with a human, and on top of that, the human he mated with is the hero...well, was the hero."

The other advisors actually wanted King Satan to already have an heir before going to the Human world.

Camio was sure that with the word from his King, countless female demons would rush to the demon king castle and offer themselves at him.

Especially the Hellhounds, those hound demons which is a tribe of females similar to succubus. They are incredibly lustful and untameable, they hunt male demons and "assault" them to increase the population of their clan.

They are very ferocious, treating males as nothing more than "breeding machine" for them to increase their numbers.

Their strength is also at the top in the entire demon world, so none actually wanted to mess with them. Those arrogant male demons who thought that they could "tame" one ended up as their "prisoner" and can only die with pleasure.

Camio doesn't know how, but King Satan successfully subdued these ferocious female hounds. Ever since then, they let go of their male "prisoners" and moved to the demon king castle to guard it.

(AN: For those who know...no, its just a coincidence I swear! Believe me! Here's a pic)

The Demon King Castle has never been safer and more secure, Camio was sure that the only one here in the castle are the Hellhounds, him and the other advisor.

That was one of the reason why Camio did not dare to sit on Satan's chair, first is because of his respect, and second is due to fear. He was damn sure that the second he thought of even sitting on that chair the whole tribe of Hellhound will hunt him and shred him to pieces.


Camio was startled as the door of the office was suddenly slammed open. Turning his head, Camio saw a dark skinned female with red eyes, spiky long black hair with ears similar to a wolf, with her arms and legs covered with black fur and feet similar to a hound with long claws. She was wearing a fur-like skirt and a fur-like bra. She also has a tail.

This woman is Cerberus, the Tribe Leader of Hellhounds, and a woman who could surpass even Alsiel in loyalty and fanaticism.

"Oi, Chuck, we got trouble."

Camio could feel his beak twitch, but remained silent and even grew serious, because even if an army of Tribe Leaders and Tribe Elders were to march here right now, the Hellhounds would just laugh it off and face them.

They don't know the word fear, they are very confident about their power—which given that they rank among the top, is very understandable.

"...trouble huh. That's strange coming from you, given that you even dare to force Demon General Adramelech to kneel and beg for mercy in front of King Satan."

Cerberus snorted and crossed her arms to support her large breast, "That cow had it coming. And he shouldn't even be a Demon General if he was that weak. But seriously, we got trouble."

Camio stood up and nodded, "What is it, Cerberus."

"Some Harpy sent a message saying that the Lamia tribe living near the Blood Swamp was attack, though most of them escaped, a lot of them were killed. Apparently, the attacker came from another world with a weird looking flying ship, they called themselves Youkais."

Camio's eyes grew cold, "Invaders...someone actually dared to invade Demon World?!"

He took a deep breath, "Where is the Harpy now?"

"Sent her away. The King's orders are absolute, we guard his palace and not allow anyone aside from his advisors to enter. Last I check, that Harpy wasn't an Advisor."

Camio alsmost screamed. He was damn sure that there should be more to the message than Lamia are attack and there are Invaders.

But this damn woman actually sent her away?!

However, no matter how angry he is, he dared not to shout at Cerberus, not only was this woman strong enough to fight Demon General Melacoda and Demon General Adramelech at the same time and win, but she's incredibly vicious as well.

This woman and her tribe also only take orders from King Satan, if someone ordered them to do something, they would rage and respond viciously.

They are untamed.

But they are trained by the Demon King.

Camio took a deep breath and decided to leave, he will have to see these invaders and annihilate them. This world belongs only to one King, and they will kill anyone who'll try to change that.


[Sagiri, there's another one a few hundred meters East]


Sagiri was in her ninja outfit as she jumped from buildings to buildings. The height and cold breeze of the night did not bother her in the slightest.

Though she did appear exhausted as sweat can be seen on her forehead. And it was not surprise, after all, ever since she started patrolling the city earlier, she encountered and killed no less than fifty hollows.

For some reason, their numbers are increasing. And it wasn't only tonight, yesterday, the day before yesterday, and some other days before that too.

All in all, she had killed around 300 hollows in just a week! And that was more than she had killed for an entire year last year.

Even with the Gotei 13 sending their exorcist to clean up this mess, the numbers of hollow seems go not decrease at all!

Her grandmother and grandfather seems to know the reason, but they wouldn't tell her even when she asked.

"Where is it Urara?"

[Turn to the left, it was chasing a spirit]

Urara was sitting on top of a tall building holding a laptop, she was searching for every hollow in the area and assisting Sagiri.

Her combat powers is almost nonexistent, but she is a great support and a master in technology, supernatural or not.

She was eating some pocky.

"Damn, why did hollows suddenly choose this time to suddenly become aggressive? Right when we were about to have our exams."

Back to Sagiri..

She stood on a building's balcony searching for the hollow, after awhile she saw it, a monkey-like hollow chasing after a spirit of a kid.

Without even a sound, she vanished.

Appearing above the hollow and cut it in half. She watched the hollow slowly vanished before looking at the cowering child.

She smiled and took out a piece of talisman, "Its alright, you can rest now...Purification." With those words, the talisman in her hand glowed and shoot towards the child.

The child was then envelope by a white late as he slowly ascended from the ground before disappearing.

She sighed, "That's 13th spirit I purified this night. How come I never seen this much spirit before?"

[Probably because they are hiding, now that the Hollows are chasing them, they have no choice but to run]

"...hmm, I'm tired, I want to go home now."

[What? Miss your boyfriend already?]

Sagiri blushed as she exclaimed, "W-W-What are you talking about?! He already has Emi!"

[...I didn't even said a name and you react like that, and you didn't deny it]

"S-Shut up!" Her face became even redder, but she eventually shook her head and gave a sad smile, "...besides, someone like me who have zero sex appeal, there is no way he will be interested in me. My body is trained for battle, not for romance."

A "tic" mark appeared Urara's forehead, expressing her annoyance and anger.


Sagiri winced at that loud voice of Urara as she took a step back.

[Zero sex appeal you say? Body trained for battle and not romance you say? If I have that body of yours I would be able to get any man I want! Damn that boyfriend of yours! Giving me a third rate defective artifact! But still! I couldn't stop using it! Damn him!]

Sagiri blinks several times, looking confused. She doesn't know what her friend is talking about.

"Urara...what...what are you talking about?"

[Its none of your concern! Talking about that thing just makes my blood boil in anger!]

Sagiri took out her earpiece, "I think Urara needs some rest, I'm ending my patrol tonight...I'll also ask grandma to give us a few days to relax."


In Alex's workshop.

It was dark, still, Alex can be seen sitting on a bench naked, with a towel on his head, looking at the ground with sweat all over his body.


Judecca appeared in front of her, looking over Alex with her usual stoic look, but one can see the joy and accomplishment in her eyes.

Alex grinned seeing that, "So Jude, can you do it?"

"Judecca can. Perfectly."

"...Hahahaha!" He laughed as he stood up. It took awhile for him to calm down before took out a bed and lied down. "Very well, I trust you Jude, you can do it now."


You might ask, what are they doing right now? It isn't anything perverted if that's what you're thinking, no, far from it.

This is what has been bugging Alex for a long time now.

To free himself from ROB's influence.

Alex couldn't trust that being, after all he just gave Alex powers on a whim because he crashed into a truck.

It isn't logical at all. Then again, those beings aren't logical, and that's what worried Alex the most. If ROB gave him this power on a whim, then he can also take back those powers on a whim as well.

If that happened, then he won't be able to protect those who are close to him.

The very first thing that Alex did was to fuse the Age of Gods Magic into his soul, then use concept magic of "Anti-Interference" so that no one will be able to touch his soul aside from him.

So even if ROB decided to take those powers, he will have to take Alex's soul as well, which he cant due to the concept that protects his soul.

Next is Judecca, ROB can take her away and Alex will die because the one who controls the output of his Infinite magic is her, if she were to disappear, then his body would explode from the rush of endless and overbearing energy.

So Alex partially fused with her, similar to how the MC of Trinity Seven partially fused with her in the canon.

Then, they both created a concept of "I Am No Good Without You" which basically prevents anything in existence from separating the two of them.

And for the last is his magic, which Judecca is now starting to secure.

Judecca is trying to add the concept of "Infinity" in his own Demonic Force, which basically turns his very own power into infinite.

And since the energy did not came from a skill, but his own energy, then he doesn't need Judecca to control the output as he can perfectly do it himself.

Then, with another concept of "Energy Conversion" Alex can freely change his Demonic Force into any energy, be it heat, electricity, and even Stardust Energy.

But of course, the rule of "equivalent exchange" must be followed. So if he wanted to have one point of Stardust Energy, he needed to exchange a thousand or so points of his Demonic Force.

Because Stardust energy is the purest and most densest form of energy just below primordial energy. A drop of that energy is enough to revive a dead planet back to life.

So he needed large amount of Demonic Force to exchange for a very little Stardust Energy.

But since he pretty much has endless amount of it, none of it matters to Alex.

"Alright Jude, let's start."