
Chapter 24: Atlantis?

"What do you think you're doing?!" Emi glared at Alex, who just had this innocent look while whistling.

"Mama, dun be mad at Papa!" Alice looked at her mother with a teary eyes as she held her papa's shirt.

"Argh!" Emi stomped her right foot repeatedly on the sand to express her anger. She just knew that she won't be able to vent her anger by shouting or punching Alex with Alice there, so this will do for now.

"This one's pretty big too." Said Lucifer while tapping the head of the five meters long great white shark as it flails around.

Lucifer suddenly retreated as the shark tried to bite his hand. Frowning, he backhand slap the head of the shark and it immediately went flying to the side by at least ten meters before it rolled over for another ten more.

The shark flailed for a few moments before it went motionless.

"Looshifer! Dun hurt my baby shark!" Alice cutely glare at him, "I... I... I will hate youuu!!"

Lucifer stared at Alice and sighed. He forgot that after they ascended, their physical strength has increased by a lot even as a normal human.

"Sorry about that Alice." Lucifer put his hands on his pockets before walking towards the shark, grabbed its tail, and dragged it back.

'Damn, this fella is heavy.'

"Could we eat it?" Nonko smiled, "Its been awhile since I've eaten a shark. I really like the fins."

"No!" Alice exclaimed glaring at Nonko with teary eyes, "Noko-neecha you meanie! Dun hurt my baby shark!"

Nonko raised her hands in surrender and gave her a smile, "Alright, alright, its nee-chan's fault, don't be mad okay, Alice?"

Alice sniffles, but she still nodded as Nonko smiled and patted her head.

No one noticed Harribel sighing relief. She really doesn't want to eat a shark. Just thinking about it makes her sick, like she's about to eat her own flesh.

"Now, Alex..." Emi growled, "...Let's have a nice and long talk about your behavior. Amane-san, do you mind?"

Amane grinned and just waved it off, "Nah, go ahead. If I had a daughter and my husband gave her a large living shark because she asked for it, I'd probably beat him till the inch of his life."

"....I wouldn't go that far, but thanks." Emi gave a wry smile. This woman is actually very violent.

"Papa, Mama, dun fight..." Alice alternately looked at her mama and papa with a worried expression.

Alex smiled and caressed her head before lifting her off his lap, "Don't worry princess, Mama and I will just have a little talk. We won't fight."

"Promise?" She asked, looking at both of them with teary expression.

"Yeah," Alex smiled before looking at Nonko and Harribel, "Take care of her please, Nonko, Tier."

"Roger~!" Nonko smiled and gave a salute, that simple movement caused her chest to jiggle.

While Harribel remained silent and just nodded before closing her eyes and crossed her arms to "support" her chest.

Alex and Emi then walked around and hid behind an another shop not too far away from Ohguro-ya. There are some other shops here, though not a lot, and all of them were closed.

Emi leaned on the wall and crossed her arms, only to frown when Alex suddenly slammed his hand on the wall near her head and leaned closer.

She blushed, she wasn't really against such action, but she was confused as to why he's doing it now? With a raised eyebrow, she asked, "What are you doing?"

Alex paused, and looked at her with a confused expression, "...What do you mean? Didn't you call me here for a quick but passionate make out session?"

"Wha—!?" She blushed, but quickly managed to composed herself and released a fake cough. "Ah-hem, no, not that. Maybe later, but not now. We're here to talk."

Alex scratched the back of his head, "Look, if its about the shark, then I apologize, you know I can't say no to her right?"

Emi sighed, "No, its not about that. I'm not mad or anything like that just because of that."

Alex blinks his eyes, looking at her in slight shock, "Wait, you're not?"

She rolled her eyes, "Alex, you gave her toys capable of destroying continent or several, and a dragon pet that could probably conquer a world or two. You think I'll get mad with you for giving her something as pathetic as a shark?"

Alex thought about it for a moment before nodding, "You're right, though I think there's something wrong with your logic, I couldn't deny that you're right."

Emi also thought that there might be something wrong with her logic, but hey, the Papa is a Demon King, the Mama is a former Hero, and the daughter is a Sephira. Logic can't really describe their family.

"Anyway, I wanted to talk about Amane," she looked at Alex with serious expression, "She knows about magic Alex, and I'm pretty sure she knows more than she what let on. And I'm sure you also know about her, can you tell me?"

Alex stared at her for a few moments before sighing, "Alright, alright, I'll tell you everything I know, but not now okay? Later. For now, just work."

Emi furrowed her brows, but she knew that she won't be able to force him to tell her. Besides, its not really all that important that she will have force Alex to tell her.

She was just being cautious. It was how she was raised, and even though she already obtained power below only that of a Sephira, that part of her still didn't change.

She sighed, "Fine. But you better tell me alright? I can feel it, she's powerful. I don't even think I can beat her even in my...."Ascended Form" as you call it."

"...I see." Alex furrowed his brows, only to smile as He looked at Emi and once again leaned closer.

Only to be stopped by Emi's hand.

Emi rolled her eyes, "What are you doing?"

"We're done talking right? So how about a quick make out session? Come on, don't be shy."

"Later," she smirked, seeing him groan in disappointment. Taking her hands off his face, she gave him a quick peck on the lips, and smiled, "Later. After you tell me everything."

Alex smiled, "You know, girls your age usually act all awkward and flustered in this kind of situation."

"Is that how you want me to react?" Her brow rose as she shot him a confused look.

Alex snorted and shook his head, "Hell no. You won't be Emi if you react like that."

She snorted and walked back to Hisui and the others.

Alex followed her with his eyes but stayed there. He furrowed his brows and thought about what Emi just said.

'Emi is the strongest General I have, and coupled with the Yesod Fragment on her sword, she could probably temporarily match a Sephira. But even she isn't sure if she can beat Amane?'

Alex scratched the back of his head and thought about it for a minute. Alex doubt that Amane is a full Sephira, since she mentioned that she has a dad, and the landlady is her aunt.

So her dad should be the Sephira and not her. Yet she is so strong despite not being a full Sephira.

'....Whatever, I'll think about it later.'

Alex shook his head and walk back to Alice, who was touching the unconscious shark, softly caressing it as if she was caressing a cute kitten.

Nonko and Harribel were standing behind her, watching the shark closely. If it even did as much as twitch its mouth, they'll probably reduce this shark to ashes.

Amane turned towards Alex and smirk, "So Alex, tell me, did Emi put you in a doghouse? Hahaha!"

Lucifer snickered. The Great Demon King Satan, put in a doghouse by his wife because he gifted their daughter a five meter long Great White Shark.

Before Alex could retort, Emi already spoke, "No, he isn't in a doghouse or anything. We just talk about how irresponsible he is."

"Wait, really?" Amane looked at her in shock, "Wow, you must be pretty sweet and gentle, if it was me I would bury him six feet under."

"I'm not that violent." Said Emi with a small smile.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, 'Yeah right. Tell that to my wings you broke, my feathers you plucked, and my gut you stabbed.'

"Anyway!" Amane grinned and clapped her hands, "Back to work people! Go! Go! Go! Your salary and lodging depends on this!"

Alex picked up his daughter and nodded at Nonko and Harribel, "Thanks,"

"We didn't really do anything~ No need for thanks~" Nonko smiled and walked back towards the Ohguro-ya.

While Harribel merely nodded and followed Nonko. And one by one, they all walked back towards the snack bar, with Emi sending Alex a look before walking.

"Papa, baby shark went nappies." Alice said, looking up to her papa, "is baby shark tired papa?"

Alex snorted in amusement, "Yep, he's just tired Alice. After all, he's been swimming for a long time and he needed to rest to recover."

"Then, then wut to do papa? I wanna play with baby shark."

Alex smiled, "Then, why don't we swim under the sea and play with lots and lots of baby sharks?"

Alice's eyes sparkled in joy, "Really papa?!"

"Yup!" He then took out a small vial with orange liquid inside, "here, drink this, its an orange juice."

"Un?" Alice looked at the small vial for a few moments before drinking its contents. Her eyes immediately turned to stars, "Waa~! Papa, its yummy!"

"Of course." He grinned before drinking a vial of his own.

Its a Water breathing potion he made using a Nether grass he used earlier to fish the shark, a nether wart, some other herbs, and of course the main ingredient, the pufferfish.

As for he is drinking this, it is because his magic was completely suppressed. So he only has his General level physique to rely on and not his magic.

Alex looked at the shark beside him and grabbed its tail before throwing it to the sea.

"Let's go Alice! We're going to find the Atlantis!"
