
Chapter 23: Tiburon

"Seriously dude?" Lucifer stared at snack bar in despair, "This is impossible, let's just all give up and die."

'Alex can revive us anyway.' Though he didn't said this part, but everyone of them except Sagiri understood him.

For them, life and death are so cheap they treat dying as if going on a vacation.

Alex looked at Amane, "Umm, Miss Mortician....?"

"How rude!" Amane turned towards him with a silly smile, "I don't run a funeral home you know! You can just call me Amane-chi!"

Alex sighed tiredly, "Amane, when will the beach open to public again?"

"The day after tomorrow!" She laughed and put her hands at the back of her head, "Hahaha, so, uh, you know, I'm kinda in a panic mode here, good thing you guys arrived, and there's even a lot of you. Hahaha."

Lucifer's cheek twitched, as he whispered under his breath, "How could she still laugh and act so carefree at a time like this?"

Alice pulled her mama's shirt to gain her attention, seeing her mama looking at her, she asked, "Mama, what's pan..pan..panty mode?"

Emi looked at Alex who just shrugs and turned away, her eye twitched in annoyance before she turned back to Alice, "....Its panic mode Alice, and it means that someone is so anxious or afraid."

"T-Then...what does panty mode mean?"

"You....don't have to know that yet."

Amane faced Alex and the others and gave them a rather carefree laugh, "Ahaha, I more or less run this little snack bar you know. I didn't really know what I was getting into, besides I got my day job too."

Alex picked up Alice on Emi's arms and turned around and walked away, as everyone looked at him, "You guys are getting paid to do this job, you go and do it, I will play with Alice in the beach."

"This guy..." Amane grinned, looking at his back for a few moments before looking at Emi and the others, "Alright, you heard the man, let's get to work!"

Amane smiled as she watched them starting move to work, it was at that moment when she suddenly remembered something important, "Ah, right! I forgot to inform you but, don't just casually use your Magic here kay? It might cause some complications."

They paused, and looked at Amane with wide eyes. As far as they knew, only the members of Yuragi Inn knew about magic since Alex told it to them.

So how could this woman know about it?

Lucifer though, just narrowed his eyes. 'I see. So my assumptions are correct. Well, since the King didn't say anything I should probably just shut my mouth.'

Hisui looked at Lucifer with narrowed eyes, 'He knows something. Should I ask him? No, its probably nothing too dangerous, because if it is, he will surely tell me.'

"How did—" Emi didn't get to finish her sentence as Amane just put an arm over her shoulders and laugh.

"Ahaha! Don't mind! Don't mind! Now let's just get to work!"

Alex calmly sat on the side of the beach, he now only wear a black trimmed blue trunks and a pair of black flip-flops and a sunglasses resting just above his forehead.

Alice was now wearing a yellow one-piece swimsuit with a skirt, and a kid size swim ring with Pikachu design.

Alex just used Creation Magic to "transmute" their clothes and pulled out the swim ring from storage space.

He was watching Alice play around the water, making sure she doesn't go too far.

Aside from that, he asked Judecca to completely suppress his Demonic Force, because as far as he can remember this beach is a "Sacred Sanctuary" so to speak. A place where spirits go to cleanse themselves.

And with him having an infinite demonic force, he will completely destroy the all-but-perfect balance this place has just by being here.

And he doesn't want that. After all, even though he's strong, this beach was guarded not only by Amane, the niece of landlady, but even Amane's father too, who is also a Sephira.

And as a being born from the aspects of the world, Alex was sure that the Sephira are capable of using something like a Conceptual Level Attacks, and as strong as he is, he still isn't above concepts.

Though he probably wouldn't die, or even lose if he did go serious, but it would be pretty troublesome.

"Papa! Papa! Let's go find baby sharks!"

"Hm?" Alex raised an eyebrow, looking at his daughter who was looking at him with sparkling eyes and eager expression.

"Sure." With a shrug, he took out a fishing rod.

But it's not just an ordinary fishing rod—the hook itself was made from Carbonadium, one of the four hardest metals in a certain universe.

The string was made from a web of a General level Arachne in the demon world, and the rod itself was made from a branch of the Tree of Nihility from the demon world.

This is an incredibly useless high-spec almost-godlike artifact, made using incredibly precious things that can be used to forge a god-killing weapon, but instead it was turned into a fishing rod.

If blacksmiths and artifact makers heard about this, they'd probably cry tears of blood.

Then, he took out the bait, its a piece of palm-size leaf. He remembered that this thing was a favorite of the sharks back in the demon world.

He kept some since its a potion ingredient that grants someone a water breathing ability for a day.

"Come here Alice." Alex smiled as Alice run towards him with grin. He took off her swim ring before putting her on his lap and let her hold the rod.

"Let's just wait for the shark to come to us."

"How long do we wait papa?"

"Not long. By the way Alice, what do you want to do with the shark? Do you eat it?"

"Eat? No." she shook her head as she smiled, "I wanna play with it. Like Pikapi!"

"Play?" Alex looked at her with a raised brow before shaking his head and let out an amused snort, "Well, if that's what you want."

Back at the Ohguro-ya....

Emi is smiling wryly while looking at the father-daughter pair, "Those two...are they fishing....on the shore? What?"

"Don't be surprise your Majesty," Lucifer spoke with a teasing tone, causing Emi to blush at the way Lucifer called her, "Even if its in a middle of a desert, if Alex wanted to fish, he will surely be able to catch one, even a whale will be caught if he really wanted to."

"Hey~!" Nonko called with a sultry look but with a stern voice, "We're still working here you know! Please stop looking at your man at a time like this."

Nonko then turn towards Amane, "By the way Amane-chi~, how many cash do you have in hand right now?"

Amane, who was sitting on one of the chair thought for a moment before answering, "Umm, around twenty thousand or so?"

"That'd be more than enough." Nonko took out a piece of paper and a pen from her storage, and began to write something before giving it to Sagiri.

"What's this?" Sagiri looked at the paper and began to read it, "New inner tube, air pump, construction paper, sandpaper—?"

"Yep~!" Nonko smiled, "Buy all of these stuff and keep it under five thousand. Then take some of the thousand yen bills out of register and break 'em into hundred yen coins kay~?"


"Hm, ah, and don't forget to bring a receipt kay~?"

"Alright." Sagiri nodded.

Nonko then looked at Appaci and Mila Rose, "And you two, take some vinegar and salt, mix 'em up, and scrub all this tarnishes kay~?"

Apacci grumbled a little. She felt a little irritated being ordered by someone other than Harribel, but she knew that as a General, Nonko is someone whose rank is higher than her.

So she did as she was told, pulling Mila Rose with her.

"Why do we have to mix these two anyway? We can just scrub it with soap."

Nonko smiled and explained, "The salt act as an abrasive that helps the acetic acid of the vinegar penetrates and remove the rust."


"Whoa, you're right!"

Harribel turned towards her fellow female general, "You're surprisingly good at this kind of things."

"Hey! What do you mean surprisingly~?" Nonko pouted, before she smiled and patted her chest, causing it to jiggle, "Just so you know, after I quit killing monsters and stuffs, I tried all sorts of things that seems fun! I happen to work in some seaside snack bars once or twice you know~!"

Lucifer smiled, "Never know what's gonna help you in life huh?"

Nonko turned towards him and gave a wink, "Yes, and since I don't know what kind of help you're going to be in life yet, I have several jobs for you, try and see where you're useful at."

"Nngg! Why are you guys always so mean to me?!" Lucifer exclaimed, "I'm not that useless you know!"

Hisui just smiled caressed his back to comfort him.

Nonko shrugs, she looked around and was about to say something when—

"ALEXANDER GREMORY! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" Emi's voice echoed throughout the beach.

Nonko blinks as she looked towards Emi, who already run out of the shop. She moved her gaze and looked towards Alex, and her eyes immediately widened.

Lucifer also looked towards Alex, as did the others, and their eyes immediately widened in shock.


Harribel remained silent though, her eyes just widened at that sight.

There, on shore, just beside Alex and Alice, is an enormous Great White Shark!