
Chapter 23: This probably the longest chap i wrote

Japan, on the far eastern side of Chiba, at the side of a beach.

A beautiful tanned skin woman with long black hair tied to a ponytail can be seen. She was wearing a gray shirt, and a blue ripped jeans.

She was wiping a table of a small seaside store.

Suddenly, the air seem to flicker, startling the woman as she looked at the direction of Tokyo. Her eyes narrowed as she clenched her fist.


The power she felt just now, though still a little weaker than her own, is still strong enough to be counted as a genuine Half-Sephira.

She felt the presence of the "Angels" from another world seem to fly towards the direction of Tokyo, for sure trying to check the situation.

Right now, only that angel "Lailah" is at Tokyo right now, and the others are all over the world. Though she doubt that "Malkuth" would let those angels come close to Tokyo though.

"Aunt Miki said that no one aside from those who have the blood of Sephira managed to Ascend since the time this world was created...so how?" The young woman wondered.

She thought for a moment before she suddenly grinned. "Let's go check it out. As far as I know there are only three Half-Sephira here on Earth because the Sephira doesn't really have any desire of mating. I'm curious about this person."

"I suggest you don't Amane-neesan."

"Hm?" The young woman, Amane, turned her gaze towards the entrance of the store, where a young boy with green hair can be seen.

"Ah, Malkuth-kun, nice to see you again!" Amane grinned and ruffles the boy's hair.

Malkuth gave an annoyed grunt but did not stop her, instead he continued, "That man cheated on his Ascension using an abominable object, he isn't worth our attention. Though we should not let the angels see that, or else they might gain some ideas and mass produce an army of Ascended people."

Amane just smiled, "Ascending ain't easy you know, trust me."

"Whatever. That Alex guy will probably kill that person who just ascended, there's nothing to worry about it." With that, Malkuth disappears, leaving behind Amane on the store.

Amane just smiled and looked at the direction of Tokyo.


"I'm getting tired of this, let's end this farce." Said Alex as he gave yawn.

The others were about to agree when the gap suddenly shook as an overwhelming power was released.

One by one, those who have weaker Spirit began to passed out, some even died on the spot.

"Wh-What?!" Emi gasped, even in her angel form, she couldn't even resist the power that was radiating right now.

Ashiya and Lucifer were also gritting their teeth as they tried to resist. It was more bearable for Lucifer, since his parents is much stronger than this, but still it was too much for him.

Nonko and Suzuno were barely able to resist since aside from Sagiri, they were the weakest of their group.

Alex was holding an unconscious Sagiri in his arms—even with the artifact given to her, she was too weak to withstand the power of an Ascended being—as he stared at the crumbling "gap" before snapping his fingers.


The "gap" finally stabilized, and the cracks on the bounded field was restored and even strengthened than before.

And the overwhelming pressure that was pressing them down completely vanished.

Alex handed the unconscious Sagiri to Emi, "Take care of her. And you guys stay here, this is not something you all should be fighting with right now."

Emi was staring at Alex, and if Alex knew her as much as he thought, then Emi probably wanted to go with her.

He sighed, "...No, you can't go with me. Just stay here alright? You are too weak to help me right now, yes even you Emi."

The Hero frowned, though she couldn't really deny his words. She couldn't even resist the pressure that pressed her down earlier.

Ashiya wanted to say something but Lucifer grabbed his hand and shook his head, so Ashiya just sighed. He was weaker than Emi, and he knew he was no match for the being who managed to beat them just with this pressure alone.

Alex looked at his friends before he disappeared.


"Damn..." Alex cursed as he appeared inside the Bounded Field. Half of Tokyo disappeared, the Captains and Lieutenants are down, the other Transcendentals are dead or knocked out.

Old man Yamamoto was unconscious, his body full of injuries and he was burnt, his left arm was missing.

And then, standing above the city of Tokyo, is Aizen. Now with a longer hair and a high collar white suit with an open chest, and a small orb, the Hogyoku, in his abdomen.

It also looks like that his lackeys, Gin and Tossen already perished. And it looks like Kisuke actually came but he was down too.

Aizen seem to sense his arrival as he turned to look at him. Alex blinks, and Aizen was already standing two meters away from him.

"Man, that was fast." Alex grinned.

Aizen smiled, "So you came, Alexander Gremory. But you are already too late, the Hogyoku already acknowledged me as its master. I have already Ascended, and became a being superior than a Sephira."

Alex almost laughed at that. Aizen barely even reached the level of a Half-Sephira and he claimed to be above them.

"In this war, aside from Uruhara, you are the one I'm wary against...you are just too strong." Aizen smiled, "But now, with the Hogyoku acknowledging me as its master, I have already touched the Heavens. I now stand at the top."

Alex scratched the back of his head before sighing, "...You see, Aizen..."


Alex smirked, "You think you got me all figured out. But there's one thing, you didn't make out for..."

Aizen smiled, "And that is?"

"I...am stronger than you."

In that instant, his demonic force exploded out his body as Aizen's eyes widened and he retreated to gain some distance.

A dark crimson aura drowned the entire city of Tokyo. The space shook as the sky turned red as if it was bleeding, the wind was howling as if it was afraid, the earth trembled, and cracks began to appear in the sky.

In that instant, all the Sephira and Half-Sephira around the world suddenly turned and looked at the direction of Tokyo.

They knew, that something terrifying has just emerged.

Then, the dark crimson aura that engulfed Alex began to dissipate, revealing the Demon King in a completely different form.

He now has a messy white hair, amber eyes that seem to release a faint golden glow, black sclera, a golden horn just above his ears.

His elbows down to his hands was covered and protected by a demonic pitch black carapace, and his hands ending in a pair of deadly sharp claws.

His knees down to his feet was also covered by demonic black carapace, and his feet ending with a pair of horrifying sharp claws.

His pitch black bat-like wings appeared on his back, it seems to be more bigger and longer, it also seems to gave off a faint metallic glint.

And unlike his large Demonic Form, this one doesn't changed his height even a little.

This form of his is developed by both him and Judecca, he compressed his strength in this body, giving it a terrifying explosive power.

In this state, Alex's body depends on how much power he gave it. There is no limit unlike his previous form, which would probably explode because it couldn't contain all the Demonic Force he was using.

But in this form, even if he used enough Demonic Force to destroy a universe, his body would be able to contain it.

Alex smiled at Aizen, and instantly appeared beside him, "...The strongest huh?"

Aizen's eyes widened as he flashed to gain some distance, he observed Alex very closely, not letting even a single part of his body out of his sight.

"What's the matter? Why did you retreat? If you want to hit me you'll have to get closer...." Said Alex as Aizen was watching his every move, "I see, you don't to let part of my body out of your sight."

Aizen remained silent and just observed him, while Alex just sighed, "That's just stupid. Maintaining distance is only necessary if two fighters are evenly matched. But in this fight, staying away from me is meaningless..."

Before Aizen knew it, Alex already standing in front of him, touching the Hogyoku in his abdomen.

"Look, like this..." Said Alex, "...I can ripped out this little thing and kill you Aizen."

Before Aizen could react, Alex stabbed his hands on Aizen's abdomen and grabbed the Hogyoku.


Slowly, Aizen fell down from the sky. He was looking at Alex with an unwilling expression.

"..no.." He muttered in unwillingness, "...not like this...NOOOOOOOOOOO!!"

Alex raised an eyebrow as Aizen released an even more Spirit Power than before.

His body was engulfed in Spirit Power before it disappears, now revealing Aizen to be in a completely new form. His hair was more longer, and butterfly-like wings appeared on his back.

He slowly began to fly until he stood ten meters away from Alex. He smiled at him, "...Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that one could be annihilated at any moment. Thank you Alexander Gremory, thanks to your efforts, I finally risen to an existence that surpassed mortality and divinity."

Suddenly, the Hogyoku that Alex was holding shoot towards Aizen and once again fused with him.

Alex frowned, Aizen's power has already surpassed even the niece of the landlady and is now bordering the level of a Sephira.

"You said that maintaining distance is only necessary for those who are equal in strength? Indeed..." Aizen appeared beside Alex with a sword in hand, "...Because I can kill you even if you maintain your distance."

He swung his sword, but Alex easily blocked it with just his forearm which was covered in black carapace.

Aizen's swing was strong enough that its air pressure turned anything it hit into nothingness.

Alex looked at the captains with his Magic Sense, they are safe, none was hit by Aizen's swing.

He flapped his wings, as the people in the bounded field was teleported outside.

Aizen noticed this but did not bother with it. He swung his sword for a second time, this time it was even more powerful.

Alex just used his wings to blocked as he punched Aizen in the face. It was so strong that half of Aizen's body vanished, leaving only the Hogyoku floating there.

The Hogyoku released a glow as Aizen became whole once more. He smiled at Alex, "That was a good punch, but sadly, I am already immortal. Now, I'm going at you at full power."

He darted towards Alex and swung his sword, Alex easily dodged it, but the force of it destroyed the remaining half of tokyo, turning it into a wasteland.

"Why didn't you block?" Aizen smiled as he continued his assault.

Slash, dodge, thrust, dodge, slash, the two exchanged attacks with none having the advantage. Their exchanged completely terraformed the surroundings, buildings, houses, rivers, mountains, all of it were reduced to pile of sand and turned the entire Tokyo into a wasteland.

Aizen smirked as he thrusts his sword forward with all of his strength. But Alex casually stopped it with the tip of his index finger.

"...Ridiculous." Aizen's eyes widened in shock. He can understand it if Alex dodged, or parried it, and he will even understand it if Alex blocked with his hands...but finger?!

And it looks like he wasn't even trying!

"Why do you look so shock? Is it so impossible that I can block your attack?" Alex smiled, "Are you scared now? Of what's in front of your eyes? Are you scared...of something happening that you couldn't understand?"

Aizen gritted his teeth and retreated, "Do not speak so triumphantly, Alexander Gremory. I can still crush you."

He held his hand forward and began to chant, "The crest of turbidity seeping out. An insolent vessel of madness..."



"Hado #90..."

"Black Coffin!"

Aizen grinned as Alex just looked at with a bored look as the black substance began to engulfed him, "This is a perfectly chanted Black Coffin! A torrent of gravity capable of even distorting Space-Time itself! A being such as you cannot even begin to comprehend it! Alexander Gremory!"

The black coffin engulfed Alex as Aizen began to laugh. "HAHAHAHA!"

"....Are you done?" Alex's voice resounded, and in that instant, the Black Coffin was broken.

And Aizen could only stare at it in shock.

"Looks like you forgot..." Alex was now showned as he locked eyes with Aizen, "I told you from the start, that the one thing you haven't even thought off...is that I'm stronger than you."

Aizen's eye twitched in anger, "...Are you happy that you blocked my sword? Are you happy that you broke my Kido....?"

Aizen suddenly released his Spirit Power which was steadily rising, "ABANDON YOUR ARROGANCE MORTAL!"

Again, Aizen was beginning to change. His Spirit Power has now breached the threshold and reached the level of a Sephira. If Alex did not strengthen the bounded field it would already be broken and Aizen's presence alone would kill almost everyone in Tokyo.

His form now change. A black mask was covering his face, three holes on his chest, and his wings now have a head and a mouth of their own.


Alex just stared at him, "Finished? Is this all you got? Very well..let's end this."

Alex took out his pendant as it transformed into a sword. The Black Imperial Sword Judecca, the sword wielded by the Demon King, a sword capable of destroying the world even without the enchantments of Alex.

Alex wanted to try Jude against a genuine Sephira-level being.

"W-what..." Aizen felt his soul tremble at the appearance of the sword, as if just staring at it can cut him apart.

Alex released his Demonic Force, just enough to activate the concept of "Absolute Severance" though he didn't know how much it will take so he increased it even more.

Then, an instant, Alex's demonic force vansihed.

Aizen's eyes widened, '...I..I can't feel anything...It vanished! Impossible! As a being who ascended into another dimension, as long as I don't lower my Spirit Power in which it would cause interference, neither humans nor youkai will be able to sense my presence since a being from third dimension couldn't interfere with those of the fourth....so why...'

He stared at Alex in shock, '...Why can't I feel anything?! Are you telling me he's on an even higher dimension?!'


Alex raised Judecca as she began to glow. Then, he stared at Aizen calmly before swing the sword down.

"Absolute Severance."