
Chapter 22: Ohguro-ya?

A few hours later, after the long trip...

Alex and the group were already in Inuboh station, just waiting for the landlady's niece to pick them up. The girls all went somewhere while Alex and Lucifer were sitting on a bench.

With a look of horror, Lucifer asked, "So dude, do you know what's this chick is like? I'm like, really freaking out right now. I mean, she's the niece of the landlady from that...video."

"Well, she sounded like a young woman from the phone." Alex said, though he didn't say that the landlady's niece, Amane is a beautiful young woman.

And from what he can remember, she's quite cheerful and easygoing person, though pretty serious when the situation calls for it. Like when the angels came to Earth and some things.

'I should've read the novel. I don't know much about this woman.'

"But still..." Lucifer gripped his head, "If we're talking about landlady's niece then all I can think off is someone similar to her, that video scarred me for life....fuck you dude."

Alex just released an amused snort and ignored him. Suddenly, his phone vibrated from the pocket of his black jacket.

He took it out, someone was calling him. It was Amane. He answered the call and put the phone near his right ear.


"*Oh, hey, Alex? Can I call you that? Okay, I'm now in front of the station, the white van! Where are you guys?*"

"Oh, yeah, we're coming now."

"*Sure! Make sure not to make a lady wait!*"

Alex just let out an amused snort before he put his phone back on his jacket as he stood up. "Alright, let's go get the girls and we'll be leaving."

"They're over there." Lucifer pointed at Emi and the others walking towards them.

Alex smiled, "Just in time. Amane is already waiting for us in front of the station. Let's get going."

Emi nodded, as Alice on her arms was drinking some apple juice, with her eyes focused on it.

They then began to walk in front of the station to search for a white van.

"So what'd you guys do?" Alex asked, looking at Emi beside him.

"Oh, nothing. Just looking around." Emi answered, there weren't really things that interested them that much.

"Hey guys, Is that one over there~?" Nonko smiled and pointed at the white van on the distance, with a tanned skin beauty leaning on it.

"Yeah, I guess." Alex nodded and walked towards the van as the others followed after him.

The woman leaning on the van has a tanned skin, long dark hair that reaches her kneepit and tied to a ponytail, wearing a black shirt and grey jeans rolled up below her knees, a beach sandals, and wears a white waist apron.

She looked up and smiled at Alex and co. "Alexander Gremory?"

Alex smiled and nodded, "Yeah, you must be Amane Ohguro?"

Lucifer's eyes widened in shock. This beautiful woman is actually the landlady's niece!? How?! Did all the good genes went to the niece and left nothing for the aunt?!

Even the girls behind Alex were looking at her in slight shock as well. They couldn't see any resemblance at all!

"Sure am!" Amane grinned and sent him a wink, "Thanks for making it all the way out here. Welcome to Inuboh. Bet you're thinking we don't look a like huh?"

Alex smiled wryly, 'She's acting like we don't know each other. Well, we don't really know each other but we already met during that event with Sariel. Well, whatever, if she want to act then so be it.'

"Hahaha!" Amane laughed seeing the look of Lucifer and the girls, "Sorry, Sorry, well you might not know this but Aunt Miki and I look pretty alike if she slimmed down and took off her makeup. If you saw some of her photos when she was more of my age, your jaw would drop. She's drop dead gorgeous."

Lucifer just looked at her blankly, '....Yeaaahhhh, I can totally imagine it.'

As if reading his thoughts, Hisui pinched his side as he winced in pain. Hisui glared at him, after all this woman will be their boss for at most a few weeks.

"But anyhow, I'm Amane Ohguro, more or less the girl who run this little seaside snack bar called Ohguro-ya. Nice to meet you." She smiled.

"Alexander Gremory, its nice to meet you."

"Emi Yuusa." Emi nodded at her before looking at her daughter who was still focused on her juice, "This little girl is Alice."

Hearing her name, the little Sephira looked up from her juice to her mama before looking at Amane. She sensed something familiar with this onee-chan in front of her so she smiled and waved her hand.

Amane also smiled and waved her hand.

"Hanzo Urushihara." Lucifer introduced himself while looking at the ground, not daring to make eye contact with the woman.

"Hisui Elda." Hisui introduced herself, still looking all lazy with half lidded eyes and lazy voice.

"Tier Harribel." Was all she said before she closed her eyes and remained silent.

"Sagiri Ameno, a pleasure." Sagiri smiled and gave a light nod.

"Nonko Arahabaki~" she smiled and waved her hand, "Nice to meetcha~!"

"Emilou Apacci." she gave Amane a nod, standing behind Harribel.

"Franceska Mila Rose." She gave a nod, and remained silent, just standing behind Harribel.

"Cyan Sung-sun, its nice to meet you Ohguro-san." She smiled and greeted Amane with a light bow.

Amane grinned, "Man, you sure brought a variety of pack along with you huh. No matter, its nice to meet ya all. So, who's the lucky parents?"

They all pointed at Alex and Emi.

"Hahaha!" Amane laughed, "Yeah, I'm sure you want to keep an eye on your husband huh? Making sure he won't go flirting with girls in bikinis?"

"Kind of." Emi shrugs. That was one of the reason, the other is because she haven't been into the beach and wanted to enjoy herself.

As for her work, well, she can quit anytime and just work at Alex's café. The pay is much better than her current work after all.

Besides, Rika also pretty much became Ashiya's secretary at this point. Rika even told her she's considering just working in Alex's café since Ashiya offered her.

"Anyway, since all of you are here, why don't we check out my place before we open it up?" She asked, and grinned seeing them nod, "Alright, get on in the van, no point baking out here!"

Amane then went inside the van, followed by Alex the others. Amane sat on the driver's seat, Emi on the passenger's seat beside her.

Alex was sitting behind her, Lucifer on his right, Hisui on Lucifer's right, Sagiri on Hisui's right, and Nonko Sagiri's right.

Behind Alex sat a silent Harribel who, once again felt sick. On her right are Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-sun respectively.

Amane smiled and looked at the people at the back from the rear view mirror and nodded, "Great! I'll try to be careful with the kid ridin' shotgun, okay? Now let's set off!"

With that, she drove off.

Alex remained silent, crossed his arms and closed his eyes and leaned back. Lucifer and Hisui quickly took out their phones.

Nonko leaned on Sagiri and tried to sleep, while Sagiri closed her eyes and meditate.

The Tres Bestias, as they call themselves began gossip, while Harribel used magic to calm herself as she felt sick for some reason.

A few minutes later, Alex suddenly opened her eyes as he heard Alice's voice.

"Papa! Papa! Look! Blue! All blue! All Keshed!" Alice smiled as she pointed at the sea that can be seen through the mirror.

Alex looked through the window and smiled. 'Keshed? Is she talking about Chesed? The Sephira that corresponds to the color of blue.'

"I've never seen the sea over here, I can't believe how blue it is." Said Emi, staring at the sea in amazement.

Hisui nodded as she looked through the window, "Yeah, I haven't even seen a sea this blue even back in our homeland, granted I have only been into one beach, but...."

Amane grinned, "This is Kimigahama coast, if you look back to the right, you'll see the Inubohsaki lighthouse up on the cape there."

Sagiri then raised an eyebrow when she saw something, "What's that thing in front of the cape?"

"Oh? You noticed that? Well, that's my little shop Ohguro-ya over there."

They traveled for a few more minutes before they finally arrived, as Amane parked the van.

Emi and the others then walked out of the van one by one, with Appaci looking around with a raised eyebrow.

"There aren't many people here as I expected." She said, "You know, with you saying it'll be busy and all."

Amane smiled, "Ah that, well the beach doesn't open till a few days later. Right now, the only people here are those few surfers."

She then looked at Alex and others and asked, "Anyway, you guys have your own storage space or what?"

This startled Emi and the others, except Alex who just sat on the ground with a bored look.

"Hahaha!" Amane laughed seeing their reactions, "Calm down, calm down. So you guys really aren't normal huh? Well, Aunt Miki won't send anyone normal in my place."

She then motioned them to follow her, "Anyway, come, come, follow me and let's go check out my snack bar?"

The girls looked at each other before they hesitatingly followed after her.

Alex groaned and followed them. He really, really doesn't want to be here. He should probably just send a copy to do the work while he go and enjoy the beach.

Yeah, that's good. He'll do that.

The group followed Amane and they walked for a few minutes before finally arriving at the snack bar.

Their eyes immediately widened in shock. After a moment, they turned towards Amane who slowly looked away with an innocent face while whistling.

What's in front of them is an old, shabby, rundown and dirty little store as if it was abandoned for years.

Alice, who was holding her mama's shirt, just stared at it with wide eyes.
