
Chapter 21: (≧∇≦)/

AN: This might be the last chap for today, its Valentines Day you know...I, Uh, you know....spend some money...and stuff like that...ah what the hell, I'm going on a date.


"Aizen.." Yamamoto growled, "Your schemes will end here! You won't be able to reach the Jureichi as long as we are here!"

Aizen smiled before looking at Alex. He knew, that this man is powerful. However, Aizen doubts he can take on an entire group of Transcendentals and Beyonders.

He shook his head before disappearing, followed by his two other lackeys. The Captains did not wait and followed after them too.

As did Alex, he actually wanted to find out what Aizen is planning, though he already has some idea.


"La Gota!" Harribel can condense large amounts of water around her blade before firing it as a blast which resembles a shark tooth.

Nonko easily cut it apart with a simple kick as she grinned while looking at Harribel.

"Well, this has been fun...but we should probably—"

However, before Nonko could finish her words, Aizen and the others appeared behind Harribel.

The Tercera's eyes widened as she turned around, "L-Lord A-Aizen?"

Aizen smiled, "...How pathetic. Despite my best efforts in gathering you and forming Espadas, I never thought that I alone, is stronger than you lot. I'm done with you."

Before Harribel could react, Aizen moved and stabbed her in the gut, causing the Tercera to cough mouthful of blood.

"I'm disappointed with you lot. You aren't strong enough to fight for me."

Harribel eyes widened in betrayal, but she gritted her teeth and glared at him. "Die! Bastard!"

She stabbed him in his chest, only for him to smile as his body disappears and appeared behind her and stabbed her.

"What a pain." He smiled as he pulled his sword out, as the Tercera began to fall down, "I will never let you, raise your sword to me again."

Alex watched Harribel and, hesitating for a moment, decided to save her without anyone knowing. While he's at it, he searched for her Fraccion and save them too.

Aizen turned towards them as he flicked his sword before sheathing it, "Now. Let's get this started, Gotei 13, and you too Demon King wannabe and his lackeys."

Ashiya twitched and growled, he was about to go and teach this arrogant guy a lesson but stopped when Alex shot him a look, and he has no choice to stand down.

That didn't stop him from glaring at Aizen though.

"Hey~ I think you forgot to mention me~?" Nonko smiled as she waved at Aizen, who also smiled back st her.

"I am under the impression that you are one of this Demon King lackey's as well. Am I perhaps incorrect?"

Nonko put her right index finger on her chin and tilted her head as she gave a thoughtful look.

After awhile, she smiled and nodded at Aizen, "I guess you can call me that."

With that, she turned towards and waved at him, "Alex-chan~!"

She flew towards him, completely ignoring the stares directed at her. Though she was a bit embarrassed, since she really wasn't comfortable in her Spirit Armor.

Yamama stared at Aizen, "Started huh? You are rather arrogant boy. Do you think you can take us on? Aside from you, the only Hollow to help you are those two."

He stared at the idiot-looking Arrancar riding the head of a large hollow.

Aizen smiled, "I see, so you seem to really put a lot of trust in these Captains and Allies of yours."

Shunsui smiled, "We don't expect you understand. You don't have someone you trust after all."

Aizen looked at him, "Trusting someone means relying on them. And only the weak do that, it is not something we need."

Ukitake frowned, "How could you say that with all those followers of yours? I'm sure you asked them to trust you."

Aizen just gave him an amused look, "You are mistaken. I never told them to trust me at all. I asked them to follow me, but never told them to trust me. In fact, I told them not to trust anyone, including myself. But sadly, it appears that none of them are strong enough to do that."

He shot Alex a look, "All creations believe in something bigger than themselves. They cannot live without blind obedience. And to escape the pressure of that trust, those in whom faith has been place, in turn look for something higher than themselves. And then those people in turn look for something even higher..."

He stared at Yamamoto, "That is how Kings are born. That is how Gods are born. And I'm talking about a True God and not those sorry excuse of existence."

He smiled, "Don't believe in me yet. I will take my time and and show just what God you should all worship. Then you can believe."

At that moment, he unsheathed his sword. Gin and Tossen also moved amd unsheathed theirs, the Captains did the same.

"You think Gods are such a strong existence?" Alex spoke, as everyone turned their gaze on him.

Aizen looked at him for a moment before saying, "Ah, with that tone, I guess you must have some knowledge... The existence above the Gods, The Sephira."

The Captains appeared confused with the exception of Yoruichi and Yamamoto.

The temperature suddenly rose as Yamamoto glared at Aizen, "How did you know about that...Sosuke."

Aizen smiled, "Ah, I forgot. Only the Captain Commander has the privilege of knowing that information, but whatever. I guess I can say something about it."

Aizen looked at Yamamoto who was shaking in anger and smiled, "Let me tell you, the secret hidden by Gotei 13...."

The history goes like this, thousands of years ago, when Gotei 13 still wasn't as strong as the Three Great Families, they discovered something.

That, every ten years, the location of the area where there are a lot of Hollows changes. Sometimes it will be in China, sometimes in Korea, and sometimes its in Japan.

The locations are random and there are times where it was even in the middle of the ocean.

The Gotei 13 at that time tried to investigate it, which led to them discovering the so-called "Jureichi" a place abundant of Spirit Energy.

After investigating the "Jureichi" they found out that its actually a plant, no, a tree to be exact. And, after investigating the origins of the tree, they found out what it was...

...The Tree of Life.

The Tree that said to form the world and keeping it in balance. Nothing left to be said after that, the discovery of the tree then led them to discover the Sephira, the incarnations of the fruits of the Tree of Life that held the aspects of the world.

The Captain Commander of that time knew, that if others were to know about this, there would be chaos. Not only because of the Sephira, but just by standing at that place can allow one to gain a pseudo-immortality.

Granted, its only limited to the place near it, but still! Aside from that, every single piece of the Tree is a treasure that would cause people to go to war just to have even a single leaf of it.

It is even said that its leaf can grant anyone whatever they desire.

But, damaging the tree will throw the world off balance, not only that, the Sephira treats the Tree as their parents and would probably rage and destroy the world if something were to happen to it.

So, The Captain Commander of that time stilled his heart and slaughtered every person with him to keep this a secret.

Then, he swore to never allow anyone know about the secrets of "Jureichi" and promised to protect it, this mission has been passed down from every Captain Commander.

"...That is the purpose of Gotei 13." Aizen smiled at the shocked look of the Captains and Lieutenants, "Don't you think its pitiful? Being a servant to a Tree. I can't accept that. I despise that System, and I will destroy it."

Yamamoto scoffed, "With just you? Don't be arrogant young man. You are still a hundred years too early if you think you can get passed us."

Aizen smiled, "I know it from the start, with the appearance of that man helping you, my Espadas will fail. But, do you really think they are my only weapons?"

After those words, several people wearing a black robe started appearing. There are fifteen of them, thirteen having a power of a Transcendentals and three having the power of a Beyonder.

Yamamoto's eyes landed on the Beyonder old man who appeared beside Aizen, "....Hiroshima, why are you aiding this scum?"

The old man, having a bald head and a mustache and a muscular body just smiled, "Yamamoto, I apologize for this old friend, but Aizen has offered us something that we cannot refuse."

Yamamoto closed his eyes for a moment before opening them, looking at his old friend in sadness, "In fact, the moment these Arrancars appeared, I already suspected...after all, only your group can make a Spirit Artifact."

In fact, the weapons of Gotei 13 are not Spirit Weapons like everyone knew, but an Artifact forged by an Artifact Makers using a rare materials and then given to the Exorcist of Gotei 13 to fused them with their soul, therefore giving it their own unique abilities.

The Arrancar's weapons are the same. And the only one who can forged them, are the Forgers from the Artifact Blacksmith Association, one of the members of the Hexagram.

They are people who don't bother with the outside world and only focus on mastering their artifact forging skills.

To see them colluding with Aizen, is shocking for the Gotei 13.

"It doesn't matter," said Yamamoto, "even if you have them, breaking the pillars to destroy this bounded field is impossible with us here."

Aizen nodded, "Indeed, but this Bounded Field also has another weakness....It can be broken from the outside."

Yamamoto's gaze hardened. "Impossible for you to break it. The Bounded Field has been set up so that all that came from Hell with you will be directed here, there are also capable people protecting the place from the outside, and the other captains already went to Hell to confirm that all other Espada are dead."

Aizen smiled, "Indeed, with Hiroshima-dono and the others here, destroying this barrier from the outside is impossible unless its a group of people comparable to a force of a Hexagram....And I'm happy to say, I also have another "weapon" for that."

Alex then moved his eyes and looked at a certain direction outside the Bounded Field, where a group of people can be seen flying towards the other members of Gotei 13 and Chuuma Ninjas deployed outside to protect the Bounded Field.

"Chinese Cultivators..." Aizen spoke, "Have any of you wondered why they suddenly gain an interest in Japan?"

"You—!?" Yamamoto glared at him as fire started to come out of his body.

Aizen merely smiled, totally unaffected by Yamamoto's power. "The Azure Dragon Sect from China has the power comparable to the Hexagram, and they are coming to destroy this Bounded Field right now. I'm sure the Gotei 13 and Chuuma Ninjas outside will be slaughtered without you people there. But if you did leave this place to help them, the Pillars will be easier to destroy."

Aizen stared at Yamamoto with a smile, "Now choose Captain Commander. Leave the Pillars here and help the people outside, or stay here and let them get slaughtered. No matter what you choose, the Bounded Field will be destroyed and we will reach the Jureichi anyways. But I'm kind enough to give you a chance. I'm Waiting..."

Aizen's eyes turned cold, "...Genryusai Yamamoto."