
Chapter 14: What a beautiful day

Alex was floating not too far away from the two army, his "underlings" were floating behind him. Just watching the battlefield.

When the army was about to clash, he finally decided to move.

'Jude, have you set up the Bounded Field?'


'Good,' He grinned, he always wanted to do this. He used magic to slightly alter his voice, making it louder, darker, and deeper.

He stretched his hand forward before clenching it,

"Shattered Heaven." His magic flickered for an instant.

Suddenly, Nonko and Suzuno looked up as their eyes widened, they were followed by Yuuna, Yaya, and Sagiri.

Lucifer also looked up, but he didn't show sign of being shock, just calmly looking at the falling meteor with a calm look.

After all, his sense of power is a bit messed up. His thinking was "Satan split the continent in half, surely summoning a meteorite isn't that hard" like that.

Though what he's currently thinking is, 'Shattered Heaven...and he said he wasn't interested in Anime, this damn Demon King, there's nothing gross about being an Otaku...why don't you just admit it, sigh.'

"A-A-A-Alexander-san?!" Yuuna raised her voice in surprise. "W-W-W-Wha-?!"

Sagiri gulped before looking at Alex with a glare, "A-Alexander Gremory! I thought we were here to prevent damage?! Aren't we supposed to stop the war?! What did you do?! No, Why did you do this?!"

"Oohh~" Yaya's eyes sparkled as she let out an amazed voice while staring at the meteorite.

Suzuno took a deep breath, 'Emilia is really a Hero, if it weren't for her....Satan would've probably destroyed Ente Isla long ago.'

Nonko winced, 'If that hit the ground, probably more than half of Kyoto would disappear...just what kind of being is capable of this.'

Don't get her wrong, she could also destroy half of Kyoto if she wanted, but it might take a couple dozens of Oni Beams in her full power before she do so.

And she probably wouldn't be able to move for a few weeks. But this attack is just too much, and Alex doesn't even appear exhausted at all!

Alex just grinned, "They're stopping it."


"Shit." Nadare cursed as his stoic look crumbled replaced by nervousness and fear. He looked towards Shakuhito, who also looked back at him.

"Temporary truce," Shakuhito spoke, fear can be felt from his voice, "...if we don't stop this thing we wouldn't have army to fight a war."



Shakuhito then turned towards Nadare and flew beside him, "So how do we do this?"

Nadare did not even looked at him as his focus was at the meteor, "...You Yoinozaka always have enormous strength, use it!"

He then stretched his hand forward, "Earth Pillar!"

The ground shook as an enormous earth pillar emerged from the ground.

Shakuhito just released an impressed voice, "Oohh~ you Tenkos are always good with spells, damn."

With that, he flew towards the meteor along with other Yoinozaka to try and stop it.

"PUT YOUR BACKS INTO IT YOU WEAKLINGS!" Shakuhito screamed. As he put his hand on the meteor and used all his strength just to try and slow it down.

"DAMMIT!" A Yoinozaka screamed in anger as he also tried to slow down the falling gigantic rock.

Nadare's pillar finally made contact with the meteor, but it didn't even slow down at all, the pillar slowly crumbled from the top.

"Shit!" He cursed, before creating another pillar, making it two. 'If..I could just have a minute...a minute is all I need, I will be able to transfer this meteor to an alternate space!'

" "Earth Pillar!" "

Suddenly, several more enormous pillars of earth emerged from the ground. It was able to slow down the descent of the meteor.

Turning his head, Nadare saw six others Tenkos with their fox features out, though they don't have Eight and Nine Tails like everyone from the Main House, they have six or seven, and their powers have already reached the Transcendental.

"Nadare-dono! Use your Space Manipulation to transfer the meteor! Hurry! We couldn't hold it much longer!"

Nadare nodded as he crossed his arms in front of him, two golden energy circles with nine blades on the center appeared on both of his side.

His Spirit Power flared up, completely overwhelming everyone in the battlefield. If put into numbers, it should be around 10 million.

"Disappear!" With his shout, an enormous golden ring appeared on top of the meteor as it slowly descended.

Parts of the enormous rock disappeared once the ring passed through it.


With that, the meteorite completely disappeared, sent to an alternate space where none can see it anymore.

Nadare slowly descended down to the ground and kneeled.

"Haa~ Haa~" he was panting, that spell took a lot out of him, and he was sure that he wouldn't be able to cast another spell of that level again.

"Nadare-dono!" A Tenko elder immediately ran towards and helped him stand up.

"Well, well..."

Nadare turned his head and saw Shakuhito along with other Yoinozaka standing a few meters away from them.

Shakuhito was bloody, the upper half of his spirit armor was already gone. The other Yoinozaka wasn't doing much better.

"You look like shit Nadare." Shakuhito grinned.

Nadare just calmly stared at him, "...You're one to talk, you look worse than I."

"Oh? What are you talking about?"

Nadare's eyes widened when he saw that Shakuhito was back to his peak, no visible injuries, his spirit armor was also repaired, even the Yoinozaka behind him were now fully healed.

"...alcohol." Nadare said bitterly.

Shakuhito winked, "Bingo~! As Yoinozaka, not only can we increase our power by consuming alcohol, we could also recover our Spirit Power as well. And with Spirit Power, of course we could heal yeah?"

Nadare smiled bitterly, "....I should've expected this, there's no way you, of all people would suggest a truce."

Shakuhito grinned, "Oh well, if I kill you right now, wouldn't it mean that we won? Well, there's that old man as well, but we could just get rid of him after you."

With that, a small orb of light appeared on his horn, "...There's still a couple of old men behind you, they can block this attack once, perhaps twice, but you all will still surely die."

Nadare closed his eyes, if he has even a little more Spirit Power right now, he could still escape, but completely teleporting that enormous meteorite's into an alternate space took almost all of his Spirit Power.

Shakuhito grinned, "Die."


"Grhg?!" Shakuhito suddenly coughed mouthful of blood as he returned to his human form, wearing his normal clothes.

(AN: You know when the Spirit Armor was forcefully canceled they would be naked...but I'll change that)


Shakuhito pushed those who wanted to help him and he glared at Nadare harshly, "...Is...it..you?!"

Nadare appeared confused, he doesn't even have Spirit Power left to escape, much less counterattack.

"Up here."

The Yoinozaka and Tenko turned their heads up, and saw a group of people floating there, just watching them.

Of course, the group is none other than Alex, Lucifer, and the girls.

Shakuhito blinked when he recognized one of them, "Nonko-nee?! What are you doing here?!"

Nadare's eyes widened when he saw an oh so familiar face. "G-Genryusai-sama?!"

He was shocked, as far as he knew, the heiress of Tenko was long dead, but then he shook his head. Though the girl does resembled Genryusai Tenko, there are some differences as well.

For one, this girl's hair is white, while Genryusai was black, this girl's Spirit Power, though strong for ordinary people, is far cry from that overwhelming power that Genryusai Tenko had.

It is impossible.

"Nonko-nee, what are you doing here?!"

Nonko, who was flying behind Alex just gave Shakuhito a smile, "Well, I'm just here to stop this war see~ I don't want my vacation to be ruined by this pointless war~"

Shakuhito just frowned, "Stop the war huh? Nonko-nee is strong, but you sure as hell can't beat all of us here. It is the goal of Yoinozaka to unify the Youkai in all of Japan, even if we have to beat you up, this war must go on."

His eyes then landed on Lucifer, "and you! As a Tengu, it is your job to serve us, your life belong to us, Yoinozaka. Why are you siding with those....scums."

Lucifer just look at him in disdain, "Get your facts right dude, there is only one person I swore my life to, and its not you guys."

That's right, even though he might not look like it, his loyalty to Alex isn't any less than Ashiya. Even though his treatment is not what you call good, thoughts of betrayal, hatred or anything didn't cross his mind.

He wanted to fight him, yes, but that was only to see just what is his limit.

"Why You—?!" He gritted his teeth, before his eyes landed on Sagiri, flying beside Alex.

His eye twitched when he saw just how close the two are.

Alex smiled at them, he then looked at the Eastern and Western Youkai Army who was now approaching where they are.

"Hmm, you two seems to get along well earlier, when you are stopping the Meteor I dropped."

Nadare's eyes widened as he stared at Alex in shock, even Shakuhito was doing the same.

"D-Don't joke around!" A Yoinozaka shouted in fear, "There's no way you could've done that! Stop your lies!"

The others remained silent, but agreed to those words.

Alex shrugs, "I don't really care whether you believe it or not, I'm not here to show off, that's why I only drop a meteor to stop you guys."


"It is? But all I did was clenched my fist though?" Of course, Alex was just messing with them, he just enjoyed watching their reactions.

Even, Lucifer, Sagiri, Nonko, Suzuno and Yuuna couldn't stop their mouth from twitching. Only Yaya seems to look at him in admiration though.

For some reason, Alex just couldn't imagine Yaya being shocked, probably aside from suddenly getting wet by a water from the hot springs.

Alex finally decided to end this farce as his face immediately turned serious, he slowly descended and slowly walked towards Tenko and Yoinozaka.

Dark Crimson aura leaked out of his body, the moment it appeared, the air shook, and the earth trembled.

Nadare and Shakuhito took a step back as their eyes revealed their fear.

Lucifer and the others descended as well. Though, the fallen angel was staring at Alex in awe, "...He could really pull off that awesome power walk."

Sagiri raised an eyebrow as she look at him, "....Power...walk?"

Lucifer nodded, "Yeah, its a cliché in many Animes and Movies, when a character slowly walked towards something—like an enemy, while releasing their power that just scares everyone off."

Of course, how could Alex not hear his words? But he just ignored it and slowly walked towards the Two Families.

The closer he became, the stronger the pressure he exuded. And one by one, from Western and Eastern Youkai, started to kneel.

When he is only two meters away, even the Yoinozaka and Tenko was forced to kneel, much to their embarrassment and humiliation.

The only one left standing was Nadare and Shakuhito. Alex just smiled and put a finger on their shoulders and slowly pushed them down to kneel.

Alex nodded before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, when he opened them, his wine red eyes were glowing in anger.


Lucifer and the girls were forced to cover their ears, while the weaker Youkais from the East and West Army coughed up blood and passed out.

Lucifer winced, "Shit, dude calm down! We're getting affected here too!"

Alex turned his head and nodded when he saw the states of his friends. He took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Right, Right, I am calm. Calm." He then glared at the sky, "Oi! You two shitty old men who are watching this, stop this war or else..."


On a certain old Japanese mansion, a middle aged man with a mustache with an appearance that just screams "punch me" was observing the battle through a crystal ball.

When Alex called out to him telling him to stop the war, he almost couldn't help but laugh till he drop.

But before he could do that, he suddenly frowned and he teleported to the roof and looked at the sky.

His eyes widened in shock and fear.


Under the shade of a cherry blossom tree, was a handsome middle aged man with long white hair wearing a round glasses can be seen sitting on a chair.

He was also watching the war through a crystal ball and couldn't help but snort in amusement when Alex threatened him. But what he focused on, was the white haired girl that looks exactly like his daughter.

However, he suddenly frowned when he noticed that it suddenly got dark. He stood up from his chair and looked at the sky.

His eyes widened in shock.


"...or else, I will fucking drop a meteorite on top of your old head! Every! Single! Fucking! Day! You hear me bastards?! And don't say I wouldn't or couldn't do it! Because I can! And I would! If this war doesn't stop by tomorrow!"

After that, Alex took a deep breath and glared at Nadare and Shakuhito. "You two better go back, your Clan Head might be in danger...I did drop a meteor there after all."

He then turned around and walked away. He wasn't planning on staying here for much long.

He was actually thinking about Using Burst Hyperion to reduce this place into ashes, but he decided against it. He was but a humble Demon King after all, he came here to stop the war, not to show off.

"Let's go back guys."

Lucifer sighed in relief, "Finally."

"Are you sure they wouldn't start another war?" Sagiri asked.

"Ah~ of course they wouldn't~ Unless of course, they wanted a meteor to assault them everyday~"

"Meteor...awesome." Yaya muttered, still staring at Alex in awe.

"I don't actually need this." Suzuno said as she transformed her mallet back to a flower clip and put it on her hair.

"P-P-Please don't suddenly drop a meteor out of nowhere Alexander-san!" Yuuna begged.

Alex shrugs, he then snapped his finger and the seven of them returned just outside of the hotel where they were staying.

He looked at the sky and smiled, its clear now.

"What a beautiful day."