
The Devil Isn't White

Truls Logan is a member of The Key Pieces. Nobody actually knows the gang, which is a good thing. Truls has been in and out of prison. He could go back but in the past 14 years they haven't found him. He's 36 years old and Adami is 28 and working while staying with family. Every home isn't good and Adami is tired of her cousin who keep taking from their grandmother. The thief needs to go and inbetween, a thug brings a princess into the streets of Bethlehem. But a princess isn't used to bloody curbs.

HOOH_D34D · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Salary

Adami worked at the bank. She was a bank teller, and she didn't like it. It taught her that people didn't care about their money.

It was often boring to the point she told herself, she would rather work at a Burger place. She could do hair, she could work at a salon. She tired human resources and she would rather not do that again.

"Excuse, are you Adami Lincoln?" She looked up and saw a woman in a night gown. In her head, 'I hope she wearing underwear...' She nodded. The woman sat down and the wave hit her, but luckily it was just heat. "I have a question about my bank account. I think I spoke to you over the phone?" she gestured to her. "I think so... what seems to be the problem?"

"Well, I think somebody is breaking into my account. I had 833 dollars; as a whole. I have my transactions right here." she went through her gucci bag and laid the paper on the desk between them.

Adami fired up the computer and put in the information off the paper. "Ok, I see you had a transaction last week. The total from that week was 480. At this time, you are in the negative with a due balance of 353."

"That shouldn't be a thing." she nodded her head. "If I'm negative then no nobody should be able to take my card."

"You are right." Adami nodded. "So, can the bank tell me where my money is going?"

Adami looked at the screen. "Last week a 100 dollars was spent at JC."

"JC Penny?" the woman gasp. "I don't shop at JC."

"Last month 93 dollars was spent at a restraunt."

The lady pulled out a notebook. "Excuse, wait."

"Carry on."

"You said one hundred dollars was spent at JC Penny?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Ok..." she wrote it down. "I can also give you a paper from my screen and see it on the one you gave me from last month as well."

"I would like to have one, thank you." she put the notebook back. "If I can, can I have two sheets?"


"Now, my next question is. If my card get s cut off because somebody is taking money from me. Can I get it back?"

"You can but I would strongly advise you to get a completely new card. If you would like, I can take care of that for you today."

"What do I have to do?" she asked. "I need 25 dollars to start and what we do is open a whole new account with a new bank number."

"And pin?"

"Yes ma'am." She went to clicking away at the computer. "What is your name?"

"Troya Roberts. T-R-O-Y-A."

She typed away. "Your date of birth?"

"I got two birthdays."

"Two birthdays?" she inquired.

"I had my name changed four years ago."


"Yeah..." the woman pulled her ear. "Maisie Ferguson is my birth name. April 14, 1956..."


She swallowed, "Yeah..."




She got some water from the cooler in the breakroom. "And then she said she had a police record and I called her patrol office. She hopped on medication and forgot her zip code, lost her phone, and everytime she go to jail. She got fees and a new name." she explained to her co-worker Keira. Keira wore big round glasses and sadly walked with a cane. "You have interesting people all around you. Guess what I have."

"What?" she sipped the water. "A white woman came in yesterday and she wanted the card cancelled because of shit she saw on facebook about the government snatching secret code or whatever..."


"So, Bell said she wanted to cancel her card and her son is behind her and I hear... but what about my porn subscription?"

Adami spit water, "What!"

"I shit you not."

"So is the card cancelled?"

"I don't understamd white people... she got mad and she's like... nevermind," Keira dragged. "And I'm in my head, like, she paying for her son to watch porn or he's using the card and she don't wanna fight him."

"The worst my mama do is buy beer." said Adami. "I don't buy anything. My card is for bills."

"Every now and again, I probably rent movies from redbox."

"Good. We have bills."

"You can still enjoy yo life!"

"I cannot. I have an apartment that's 680 dollars a month. I have doctor bills to pay, my hospital bill for my fucking knees made me get a knife and I said, fuck the whole knee cap! I have to pay 1755 for a knee replacement!"


"Keira my ass! I have no knee!" she yelled. Though it was humorous, Keira Greenwood suffered from patella dislocation as she told her. Her knee sat on the left side and could be bumped, as it did jiggle.

"You said you had a car accident?"

"My ex..." she pouted with her hand on her chin. "He hit me from the side and made my car spin. So, back up and hit the driver side bad. I was sitting in the car crooked."

"Damn. What was he driving?"

"A hummer." Keira mopped. "He bought me my car and I cheated so... he wanted the car back."

"Why not steal it?"

"He wanted his time back..."

"Keira did you press charges?"

"I don't remember... and that's that's."

"How do you forget something like that. You could have died!"

"I'm here tho... that's what he said."