
The Devil Inside Her

I live my life with the girl I used to know as a dumb, clumsy and easy to manipulate. But what if her real side is not what I used to know? While here true side is a different story where she hold guns and kills people unmerciful, She is no Angel at all but a Demon and yet so is I.

Whispering_My_Ego · Teenager
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13 Chs

The Gift

"Uggghhh" I moaned as I sit in my bed waiting for a miracle to happen. I look around and saw my best friend's picture, Well we've been friends since high school and today is her birthday!

I look around my drawer to check if my gift was there but it was nowhere to be found. I run outside my room and went immediately to the kitchen where I found my Mom cooking some food for our dinner.

"Mom, had you seen the little box in my drawer? It's this big and a pink one with ribbons and stuff," I explained as I execute the size of the box. "Oh!" he exclaimed and I was relieved. "I didn't say it," she said and smirk at me as she continues cooking.

"You don't need to get my hopes up!" I said and run around the house looking for it but it was nowhere to be found at all. What should I do now?!

I stopped when I heard a doorbell as my heart is beating so fast knowing that it will be Maraiah this time. "Josaiah! Answer the door for me," My Mom demand as I sigh and open the door as I saw Maraiah smiling at me.

"Come to my house tomorrow at dinner time, Bring your Mom too," she said and smiled at me as I remember the first day we met at my school.

It was a group recitation and to tell you this I am a good student with A+ grades but nobody wanted to be in my team because as they say a nerd will always be a weirdo. "Hi! Your Josaiah right?" I look at her as she smiled like an angel sent by God to me.

"I'm Maraiah, I want to be in your group," she said and sit beside me as my classmates start to fight over being in my group since Maraiah was there too. She is famous, Beautiful and Cute but that's all of it!

When I get to know her more I realized that she is just dumb, idiot, stupid, I know those three words are just the same but I want to be more specific, She is clumsy and most of all easy to manipulate that is the real Mariah but people often see her perfect rather than seeing her how much she tried hard in our class.

I remember when I left her in the kitchen to check for the cookies and call me if it's done baking, Well, what did you expect from her of course it went into a disaster cookie. I was shocked knowing that she can't cook at all and can burn our kitchen down in just 5 minutes. She was crying the whole time saying sorry to me but knowing her she did try her best every single day.

She has a good heart and comes from a wealthy family with a big mansion that's why she is often called 'Princess'. But did you know what is more fun? She's spending most of her time here in our little home rather than going home to her big mansion. I remember asking her why won't go home and she always answered me with a bored face.

Her guard always fetches her here time after time and sometimes she was dragged out for her to go home because she wants to stay here with us.

I was living with my Mom and my Dad was working abroad as an Accountant, We mostly just do Facetime and chat on Messenger. Well, I don't have a sibling to look forward to and my life is a CAPITAL Boring not until I meet Maraiah.

"HEY!" I snap out and come back to reality as I saw Maraiah pouting. "I'm sorry come again?" I asked. "I asked if are you going to my party?" she said as that thing brought me to think that this will be my first time in our 5 years of friendship enter her home.

"I'll be there since it was your special day and your turning 18." she smiled at me as she waves her goodbye and rides on her Ferrari SF90 Stradale. Yeah, my best friend is a big-time rich girl and now I'm even more nervous because I lost my gift to her.

"Mom!" I went to the kitchen as I saw my Mom preparing the table. "Was it Maraiah?" She asked and I nodded. "What do girls mostly love?" I asked out of the blue and she looked at me shocked. "Uhmm underwear?" she suggested as I just face slam myself on the table. Talking to her about this stuff is pointless at all.

"But if you want something that can make her treasure it then it won't matter what kind of thing it is as long as it comes from your heart," she said and starts eating, Sometimes my Mom makes sense at all.

The whole night I was busy knitting the scarf that she might like with her favorite color green apple. I didn't get that much sleep as I went to school and went to my locker to get some books.

"Happy Birthday Princess Maraiah!" I look outside from the window as there are lots of balloons around the place. Yeah talking about rich people they can do anything and get everything with money.

"Hey," I look at Bruno as he throws a box on me. "What is this?" I asked. "It's a gift for the Princess of course." He said and knock my head. "Are you really smart?" he asked as everyone started to laugh at me I sighed and went inside the classroom.

"SURPRISE!" as the party popper pop and messed my hair, "What the, Where is the Princess?" they asked looking mad at me as the door open and Maraiah went in as everyone greeted her. She smiled nicely as her butler and assistant accept the gifts they offer her.

"Hey," She called and smiled at me. "Hey," I said and fixed my hair. "Is that for me?" she asked as I look at the box Bruno gave to me. "Oh yeah, Bruno asked me to gave it to you." her smile fade, and just nodded as she gave the box to her butler.

"Happy Birthday," I said as I give her my gift and her favorite cupcake. "Thank you!" she said and run towards my seat and hug me.

My Mom is right no matter what I give to Maraiah she will always be happy and treasure it with all her heart.

Well, the Fun fact everyone is looking at me angrily as they look at my simple knitted scarf that Maraiah is wearing now since it's in the season.

"MARAIAH!" I look at the door and saw Bruno crying. "Why didn't you open my gift?!" he asked and look at me angrily. "And you opened this dumb Josaiah's gift and even wear it!" he added and even gave me some death look.

"Oh I will check those gifts later my butler already brought it home together with the van and cars the other students had given to me," she said as she pointed to the window as I saw a parade of beautiful cars and a van of gifts. Seriously?!

Bruno looked defeated and went back to his class with a gloomy face, I smiled at everyone awkwardly as they shoot me with those killer looks. I look at Maraiah as she's looking at my gift and got shocked when she saw her name on the scarf.

"You even stitched my name on it," she said and look so amazed about it. "It was not that hard at all," I said and scratch the back of my head because I'm shy!

"My real gift was a bracelet but I kinda lost track on it that's why I made that last night," I explained. "You didn't get enough sleep just for me?" She asked as I smiled sadly. My mom won't let me sleep until I finish it, "Yeah kind of," I answered as she looks at me with pity.

I yawn as the professor went inside the class, I get my notes and book to prepare when Mariah stands up and went to his desk and whispered something.

"Absolutely, your highness," he said and stand up. "Since it's the Princess's Birthday we won't be having any classes today! Class dismissed!" he said and went out the room as everyone is cheering on Maraiah's name.

Well, That's a good thing for me so that can get some sleep. I put my books and notebooks back in my bag as Maraiah stood up in front of me.

"What?" I asked when she grabs my hand and runs on the rooftop with me. On the rooftop, we have a small garden and it is refreshing to stay in here and relax especially when students don't usually hang out in this place.

"You can sleep here now," she said and sat down as she pats her lap. I immediately accept her offer and made her lap as my pillow.

"Are you nervous?" she asked out of the blue so I was confused. "Come again?" I asked. "I was asking if are you nervous coming to my home tonight?" she asked as I smiled even though my eyes are closed I can still imagine her worried eyes.

"Yeah, Who won't be nervous when you're a Princess," I said as she sighed. "I'm not a Princess you know that since then, My family is just-" I didn't let her finish. "Rich." I finished her sentence and she went silent.

"Is it okay having me around?" I asked as I open my eyes and look at her shocked because she's so beautiful as the wind blows her hair.

"Why would you say that?" she asked. "Of course it is! Your the only person who accepts my imperfection!" I sat down and look at her as I smiled sadly.

"But your world is way too different from mine," I said and look above the skies. "You are living your life up there," I said as I pointed to the sky. "And I'm in the bottom," I added. "But you're here with me instead of being friends with someone at your level." she didn't say a word and just look at me as the wind went stronger and her hair waved as the scent of her conditioner hit my nostrils.

"Who said about having levels in life when the both of us are humans! I don't care about everybody else I only care about our friendship! You idiot Josaiah!" she shouted as her tears were about to fall.

"You smell so good," I said as I hugged her from her back and smelled her hair. "You idiot!" she cried and sobbed as I said my sorry.

"No matter what happens promise me that you will stay by my side!" she said and I nodded. "I want an answer Josaiah!" I stopped sniffing her hair and let her face me.