

William's body shook violently as Sheisha hugged him. William lifted his face and looked at Sheisha's face with a misty look, there was a change in the look in William's eyes. Look at the eyes that are so suffering.

"What's the matter with you Will? why is your face suddenly pale and your body shaking? do you feel pain Will?" Sheisha asked with a surprised look.

Sheisha felt William's gaze just like the old William. Who looked at her with love.

"Sheisha... Sheisha, finally I can see you again, dear." William said hugging Sheisha very tightly.

"What's the matter with you Will, haven't I always been with you? and every day we meet?" asked Sheisha more confused by William's attitude who had just been angry and now looked patient like the William she knew before.

"I...I feel like I just woke up from a long dream. Looks like I had a bad dream Sheisha. What happened to me Sheisha?" William asked as he observe Sheisha's face with longing eyes.

"You had an accident William, and you have amnesia. You can't recognize me at all, you don't even recognize Harry, your dear friend." Sheisha said with a serious look.

"I forgot you and Harry? not Sheisha. How could I forget you, the woman I love so much, and Harry, my brother?" William said almost choking.

"But that's the reality this week Will. Even though according to Doctor Ruth, you didn't experience anything in your head." Sheisha said with an understanding look.

Sheisha really couldn't believe William had changed back to the way he used to be.

"Em... well Sheisha, maybe in this one week I have amnesia. But now, I have remembered everything. I'm sorry, I must have scared you, right?" William said with a big question mark on his heart.

"William, did you forget something?" Sheisha asked when she remembered that William had just asked her for a kiss.

"Forget what?" William asked with a full look.

"We'll just go to your friend's EO after I kiss you," Sheisha said honestly.

"What? Did I ask you to kiss me? and why do we have to go to EO now? Isn't there an agreement if we go to EO for pre-wedding after recording your song is finished in the next two months?' William asked with a serious look.

"That's William, I'm confused with you too. You asked me to get married as soon as possible in two weeks," said Sheisha without hiding anything else telling everything about the events of the last seven days that William did.

William's eyes grew misty, unable to contain the sadness that Sheisha and Harry experienced.

"I did that to you Sheisha? how do you feel when you go through all that? you must have suffered a lot. Please forgive me Sheisha." William said guiltily.

"I've forgiven you Will, even Harry was never angry at me," Sheisha said earnestly.

"I have to call Harry and apologize to him," William said as he took his cell phone and immediately called Harry.

"Hello, Harry where are you now?" William asked with a serious face.

"I'm at the office, what's up Will? do you believe that Sheisha is sick now?" Harry said there with a worried feeling.

"What's Harry? Sheisha is sick? but Sheisha didn't say anything to me. And I'm calling you right now wanting to apologize to you. Sheisha had told me all about my attitude for the past seven days. I don't know what I've done to you two." said William regretfully for not remembering anything at all.

"William I'm just asking you, you must remember your promise to me two years ago before you get in touch with Sheisha. I don't want you to break your promise, Will." Harry said seriously.

"Of course, I will always remember Harry, and I will keep my promise to always make Sheisha happy even though you should be the one who deserves more," said William in a trembling voice ending the call.

Still vividly remembered in William's memory two years ago. Harry chose to back off and kept his feelings just for the sake of himself who also loved Sheisha. 

For the sake of friendship, Harry didn't tell Sheisha his feelings.

"William, what's wrong? is Harry mad at you?" Sheisha asked with an understanding look at William's conversation with Harry.

"It's nothing and Harry isn't mad at me either, because you know how friendly I am with him. And how much he loves us. We'd better go home now because Harry said you were sick right now. Why didn't you tell me that you were sick Sheisha?" William asked, holding Sheisha's hand.

"I told you that I was sick right now Will, but you didn't believe me and kept taking me to your friend's place for our pre-wedding event," Sheisha said with a more confused heart and mind.

"I did that to you Sheisha? I can't do that to you Sheisha. We have to go home, nothing matters to me but your health." said William with a hurt look hurting Sheisha's heart.

Sheisha couldn't help but stare at William from her place. On the way home Sheisha was only worried about William's condition.

"Will, you better go home and rest. I don't want you to feel tired." Sheisha said uncertainly thinking about William's illness.

"You're sick Sheisha, I can't let you stay at home alone. With me here I can take care of you." William said with concern.

"But Will, shouldn't you rest Will? You're still sick." Sheisha said while raising her face with many questions in her heart.

"I'm getting better even though sometimes I feel pain in my head," William said shaking his head and holding back the pain in his head.

Sheisha looked back at William's face, especially into William's eyes.

"What's the wrong Sheisha? why are you looking at me like that?" William asked approaching Sheisha who was not blinking at him.

"William, I feel there is something else about you, I don't know what it is. But I think there's a change in you. I'm afraid Will." Sheisha said with full eyes.

"What changes Sheisha? nothing has changed in me. Tell me, what is that something? what has changed in me since my accident?" William asked with great patience.