
The Devil Boy crypt of souls

The devil boy, accompanied by the golden and the Crimson Order, goes to a crypt in order to obtain the forbidden books, but it is said that everyone who went did not return. But what is the devil boy's real goal and what is he hiding? What are King Asmodeus's plans?

sultan_ilpop · Horror
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23 Chs


The golden boy and the demon boy enter the corridor, and as they move through it, the walls change from rock to metal with strange engravings. Many whispers penetrate their minds, and when they finish the corridor, they find themselves in a broken and abandoned village. The smell of death fills the place, and the whispers turn into people crying for help and screaming.

The two look at each other, sensing a strange aura surrounding the place. As time passes, the place becomes hotter, as if they are in hell. The heat becomes unbearable.

A mocking voice comes from one of the dilapidated houses: "Come to me, my new prey, come closer."

Golden Boy: I sense a strong presence from that house.

Demon Boy: So do I. We need to be cautious.

They approach the house, and suddenly the house collapses, and a human-like figure emerges, holding small scythes and smiling mockingly. His hair is green, and his back is full of knives.

??: Welcome, welcome to my prey. I am Gregor, the upper demon, guardian of the catacomb of souls. I killed everyone who lived here, and now you are my prey.

Demon Boy: No thanks, we don't like playing cat and mouse.

Golden Boy: Why don't you go back to your mother and let us continue our path?

Gregor: Fools, don't you feel my terrifying aura?

Golden Boy: Yes, it is scary, but we are strong and will kill you. But first, where are the five books?

Gregor: Ah, you are looking for the books. Well, the books are in a large hall at the end of the village, but I doubt you'll make it out alive. Now, let the hunt begin.

The demon boy envelops himself in an aura of anger, and the golden boy forms a knight's shield of gold and draws his sword. The three wait for any movement to start the battle. Suddenly, creatures of darkness emerge and surround the golden boy and the demon boy.

They engage in a fierce battle against those creatures. The golden boy skillfully kills them with his sword, while the demon boy supports him from behind, delivering punches enveloped in an aura of anger. Gregor stands afar, studying all their moves.

Gregor: Yes, yes, it's been a long time since I've fought against people of such strength. Once the shadows tire them out, I will kill them.

After the two finish off the creatures, they look towards Gregor, and the three of them charge to start a bloody battle. The two strike together, but Gregor blocks all their attacks with his small scythe. They realize that Gregor is much stronger than them.

In the moment when it seems Gregor has control of the battle, the demon boy receives sharp blows, forcing him to retreat. Blood flows from his wounds. The golden boy approaches his friend and whispers, "Don't give up. Together, we are stronger."

The battle resumes with greater ferocity. The demon boy pushes through his pain, using all the strength he has left. They charge together at Gregor, who didn't expect this renewed determination. The blows are exchanged rapidly, and the ground shakes under the explosive force. The golden boy blocks Gregor's attacks with his sword, while the demon boy counters with all his remaining strength.

In a critical moment, the golden boy finds a gap in Gregor's defense and delivers a powerful blow to his chest. Gregor staggers back, shocked by the unexpected force. The demon boy, despite his wounds, seizes the opportunity and delivers a final blow, knocking Gregor to the ground. The boys stand side by side, panting but victorious.

They cautiously approach Gregor, but he quickly stands up and says, "Fools," before rushing past them at incredible speed. Before they can comprehend what happened, wounds open up on both their bodies, breaking the golden boy's shield and draining the demon boy's strength.

"Fools!" Gregor mocks as he sees the wounds open on their bodies. The golden boy's shield is broken, and the demon boy feels his strength slipping away from his injuries.

The golden boy, in pain, tries to stand again, gripping his sword with determination, refusing to give up. The demon boy, despite the severe pain, gathers what remains of his strength, his eyes glowing with the intent of revenge.

After a fierce battle, Gregor strikes the golden boy, breaking his shield. The golden boy falls to the ground, bleeding from his wounds. The demon boy tries to gather his strength, but Gregor overwhelms him with a barrage of blows, breaking his bones.

Gregor grabs the demon boy by the neck with one hand and strikes his face with the other. "Did you think you could kill me so easily? I admit I was surprised by your strength, but you have been humiliated. Look at your friend writhing on the ground in pain, dying from blood loss. I will leave him to die there, and you, with your look of revenge, will suffer humiliation, you weak, stupid loser."

In these dire moments, a new tattoo appears on the demon boy's body, changing his facial features, and a sinister energy emanates from him. In an instant, Gregor's hand is cut off, and he retreats, astonished.

The demon boy's prideful sin power has awakened, and his personality transforms as if he is a different person, ready to enter the battle against Gregor.

In the midst of the ancient ruins of the abandoned village, the demon boy stands face-to-face with Gregor. The golden boy lies on the ground, his wounds bleeding, watching with eyes full of worry and hope.

The demon boy, awakened to new and dark power, feels energy flowing through his veins. His new tattoo glows ominously, and his facial features change, now reflecting the prideful sin that has taken over him.

Gregor, with his severed hand, looks with amazement and admiration at the unexpected power. He retreats slightly but quickly regains his balance and prepares for battle. "This won't be my end," he says with a voice full of defiance.

The battle between them begins. The demon boy charges with great strength, moving swiftly and agilely, launching precise attacks. Gregor skillfully defends, using all his combat experience to block the demon boy's strikes.

The blows are exchanged with tremendous force, and the sounds of impact fill the air. The demon boy uses his new power to press on Gregor, forcing him to retreat step by step.

In a decisive moment, the demon boy manages to land a powerful blow to Gregor's chest, causing him to stagger. Gregor falls to his knees, looking at the demon boy with eyes full of respect and fear.

"You've won," Gregor says in a trembling voice. "You've proven your strength."

Demon Boy: (with a sinister laugh) Don't make me laugh. I don't need your acknowledgment, but this isn't over yet.

The demon boy forms a strange symbol with his fingers and says, "Cursed technique: Aura Amplification, Soul Severing."

The place transforms, the ground turning into blood and the sky turning red. Sharp blades of air slice Gregor into pieces. Everything returns to normal, and the demon boy looks at the golden boy lying on the ground with his red eyes. The golden boy feels like he's staring at death.

The demon boy approaches slowly.

Demon Boy: Arrogantly, "I have no intention of healing you, but as a reward for standing by my side, I will heal you."

The demon boy chants a spell, and the golden boy's wounds begin to heal.

"I have healed you, but do not follow me, or I will kill you," the demon boy says before speeding off towards the location of the books.

Demon Boy: "Now I possess the power of the sin of anger, the sin of lust, and the sin of pride. All that remains is the sin of greed, and then I will be stronger than anyone, even the sins themselves."

Golden Boy: "What was that? That wasn't the demon boy; it was someone different. I have to follow him and find out what's happening."